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Is this ready?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
safer barnd claims its fine to use theyre product til a few days before harvest bc its 100% organic...http://www.saferbrand.com/store/garden-care/5462

Yeah like most manufacturers they are FULL OF SHIT!! lol.. I don't know if you have ever tasted bud that has been sprayed with safers or any type of soap or pesticide or funguscide but it sucks and it's not meant for smoking..Bud should be flushed,, They would sell you their mom if they thought it would line their pockets make no mistake about that one.. Another big mistake ppl make is using WAY TOO MUCH fertilizers indoors.. You need far less indoors then what is recommended on the labels folks as this is your indoor grow and not the most optimal conditions for the plant . They test in the most optimal conditions and most ppl don't have this. USE LESS!! lol.. A plant will only take what it can and discard the rest so your just wasting your money here. Water will be just as effective for your bugs at this stage as anything else ,, After your grow is finished that is when you need to clean your grow right out with bleach this is really the hard part folks as every pot and wall needs to be cleaned and all excess soil needs to be vacuumed peace out Headband707

headband 707

Plant whisperer
whats up Gat, welcome to it!

I would say no, a little more time, maybe a couple weeks or so. See how green that plant is?
40's and 50's at night are really ok, the plant could probably withstand a couple of light first frosts as well.
I would also say that purple is temp related, just from the way it's showing on the leaves.

Bro cannabis can't stand any frost light or otherwise lol .. they will die die die at the first sign of frost....... and they will be no good to smoke.. TRUST ME I KNOW >>>LOL LOL... :tiphat:peace out Headband707
plants can live through frost based on strains. i have heard of a strain i grew that went into November and he shook the snow off the buds. but most strains cant handle frosts


headband, I don't think you understand the difference between a light frost and a freeze.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
perhaps lol I have had ppl bring plants to me that were a kinda of mush lol from the first frost and ask if it could be saved LOL.. it turns into a kind of MUSH.. Then I have had my own light frost that has killed my own plants and left a frost bit on the leaf which puts a watery type penitration to the leaf. Then I have had a complete death by frost where the whole plant is like a solid block of ice lol.. too funny but not really.. So if you have any plants that can withstand the cold do tell?? I would love to hear it as I'm in BC and our cold is really not that cold so perhaps I'm missing somthing here lol... Or you could be in a different region and your cold is not my cold lol peace out Headband707


Now in technicolor
See the Zeus link in my sig. Though I also recommend getting a 100x microscope ($10) and checking trichomes.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
See the Zeus link in my sig. Though I also recommend getting a 100x microscope ($10) and checking trichomes.

Bro I paid $40.00 for my 30x loupe lol where do you get the 100x for $10.00??????!!!!! lol..peace out Headband707:thank you:
it was a Jamaican blue haze crossed with the original maui. i didnt grow it outside but my friends uncle did. its a pretty dank strain, just goes extra long.
have you ever used that fungicide? i have NEVER had an issue with it bringing any sort of animals to my garden, but that may also be bc i use liquid fence deer repellent. and im not sure that it is really bad to spray before harvest, ive done so with other products and have never seen any sort or bad side effects to it

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Seen it HB.

I can grab better macros with my droid.

More overpriced crap for the macolytes.

Really I thought it looked pretty sweet but hey I need glasses now and I'm sick of my loupes they are too small .. I agree about the price though too high but if I had the cash I would probably pick it up to save time..Hard to beat 400x's lol you could see the microscopic bugs on your on own body with that thing LOL freak out your friends lol peace out Headband707:)

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