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Is this ready?



whats up Gat, welcome to it!

I would say no, a little more time, maybe a couple weeks or so. See how green that plant is?
40's and 50's at night are really ok, the plant could probably withstand a couple of light first frosts as well.
I would also say that purple is temp related, just from the way it's showing on the leaves.


Active member
Get a 40X cheap scope at Radio Shack and look at the trichomes (crystals as some call them), look at the color...Clear isn't done...cloudy is...as it ages, more and more amber will appear...the more amber...the more "stoney", like in stuck to the couch. The more clear...the more speedy...but short duration of a high. I prefer just a hint of amber.

I'd take at least a bud from each and give it a try...see how you like the "head". If it's too weak or too racy...give it more time. It may be just the way you like it. EVERY plant is a little different in the high. That's why people clone...they find "the one" and keep her forever.

Good luck!


Green is Gold
From the first set of pics you posted Gatman I was gonna say give them some more time but from the second set you just put up, they look about done to me. They MIGHT get a little more weight to them but it looks like they're about ready to come down whenever you feel like doing it IMO


The purple one needs more time though

headband 707

Plant whisperer
First did you say what type of strain this was? You need to dial into your specific type of plant each plant needs somthing different. Some like 1/4 amber some like no amber you need to know which one needs what or more important what you like when the plant turns a certain way. You have a two week window between the plant turning cloudy and two weeks then turning amber. If you let it go too long in the amber stage you will have a sleepy type cannabis that is degrading and you will not like it.Mat thunderfuck doesn't even turn amber so you need to know your strains. If you see that the trichomes are turning a soilid color this is too long and the pot will be very sleepy /narcotic type cannabis. Unless you got a narcotic type cannabis lol.. 30times loupe should help peace out Headband707


Green is Gold
And yes the green ones definitely look ready, purple still has white hairs though so it probably needs more time


Green is Gold
cut the big fan leaves off first then do the medium sized and smaller sugar leaves next, cut at the base and you're ready for a hangin. If I was you I would keep the fan leaves and sugar leaves (stems too) and make some hash with that as well, get all you can from your harvest!
Sounds like you probably already chopped but this is a good visual representation. On cutting leaves, the more you leave on the slower it dries. There is a sweet spot on slowing it down for a better end product while still avoiding mold. I've noticed a lot of old timers do not trim at all. I just remove the fan leaves because I like to smoke the sugar leaves rather than bother with hash.
i had plants that had that same purple on them. it started in the tops like yours and gradually became more purple. it is a sort of mold that will kill your plants. i thought it was some sort of PH deficiency but i was wrong, took me til this yr to suppress it. goodluck with it.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah i actually don't know either of the plants strains. I've been collecting seeds off the bud that I've bought overtime and just happened to pull these two out of the bunch. I guess it would go along way knowing the strain for the next project.

Well then that one is kinda of easy you still have your two week window. I like to pick when the plant smells the most or I will pick a small bud and try it and see if this is when I like this bud.. If it's clear trichs then the THC hasn't matured yet and it's too early .. it's inbetween the smoky and amber lol good luck peace out Headband707:tiphat:
i used SAFER BRAND FUNGICIDE off the purple parts. but if it takes over your kinda screwed, last yr when it happened i lost like 5 plants and when i did try to harvest them they basically crumbled in my hands like charcoal

headband 707

Plant whisperer
i used SAFER BRAND FUNGICIDE off the purple parts. but if it takes over your kinda screwed, last yr when it happened i lost like 5 plants and when i did try to harvest them they basically crumbled in my hands like charcoal

Yeah once the plant has gone into flower it is a very very bad idea to try and use any type of fungicide or safers as it's too later to try to deal with any bug or fungus problem. It's funny because it's the smell that brings the bug/animals etc. to the plant. I guess it's how it would spred in the wild. Seaweed is one way of stopping these problems before they start. peace out Headband707:dance013: