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Is There Such a Thing as a Soul Mate?


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Soul mates, I have one now for thirteen years. I think soul mate is an expression or term used to describe a deep passionate love affair that rekindles everyday the sun comes up. I wanted to get married to "A.Y." but she has always insisted we are "soul mates" and to get married always ruins a real love affair like ours.

I better stop while I'm ahead........no pun intended......LOL

I got a big laugh with Jenna's soulmate's, "painfull expression", when she discussed it with him, about being soulmates. My eyebrows always 'buckle' and me forehead 'curles up' when I "have" to listen to my soul mate.

Enjoyable thread,,,,,,,, thankyou for posting it.


If you engauge in sex with out love, you run the risk of turning your sexuality into a comodity and you can lose your ability to use it as an expression of love or passion. Love can make you feel better as a person, sex alone can make you feel better for an hour. Sex without love can also make you become orgasmicly narcaleptic. Love and passion help amplefy the sexual expirance, unfortnetly so does violence and hate.

i don`t think this soulmate thing is bout sex at all. to me it`s not.

soulmate... that means to me a very deep and clear feeling of trust also love, wich doesn`t automatically includes sex.

and i also guess, there is not only one soulmate for each of us. there are few. soooo much humen in this world... just a matter of finding them.

a friend of mine ( a real soulmate) - we know each other for 20 years. we are both 24. so as long as we live, we used to be friends. we never had any kinds of sexual whutever. n e v e r. we both are glad to know, that the other will stay by ur side, whatever u`ll do. whatever happens, there`ll be someone holding ur back.

but it doesn`t need thaaat long to become soulmates i guess.
and he`s not the only one iam proud of calling soulmate.

to find ur soulmate u must also WANT to be a soulmate ur self.

soulmate does not automatically mean that u are similar to each other. don`t expect to find ur mirrow image. ;)

In life, we’re lucky as hell if we find one person to say goodnight to much less a soul mate. Not to get on “the world is filled with so much sadness” bandwagon but I gotta. All one need do is turn on a television set to see how we randomly and quite regularly brutalize each other. For so many passionate human beings we manage to generate so little love. Truth is, I’m happy if when I’m walking down the street someone says hello back to me, so my expectations aren’t that high. Some walk around with their heads in the clouds waiting for a fanciful person to arrive in a whirlwind and sweep them off of their feet, but what they get in the end are everyday people. If they’re lucky they’ll love for a while and have a few decent memories. That’s how life is that’s how life works.

Maybe in the final summation we should tell the people in our lives or that we fall in love with that we’re thankful for the joy they give us. Life is really fucking short and we’re as brief as air, as transient as a blade of grass so it behooves to enjoy the moment because it’s rapidly fading.

So no, I don’t believe in “soul mates” just in a lot of people that need love.

“Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.”

~Author Unknown~

Stay green!


New member
We get to decide whether to allow our best to be brought out: but in any relationship both parties need to want the relationship more than they want to win. That's what it boils down to.

Basically, you have to allow other people to be who they are: to stop trying to control them. And it's surprisingly difficult to do that, as you discover ever-more-subtle forms of bullying within yourself. But it's worth it, as each experience of letting go is like a gift of fresh air to the other, who feels ever more expansive and generous towards you, as you feel towards them. A win-win situation.

Yes, there's difficulty and pain, but also a surprising amount of cameraderie and generosity, just waiting beneath the surface to be unearthed.

I think we have lots of soulmates, if we choose to see them.

(living up to my handle...)


Active member
I am more of a rationalist than I used to be, but I still place alot of importance on astrological compatability...every significant other had complimentary planetary placement in ascendant, sun , and venus....just wanted to add another perspective...later.

heard recently: every woman has the love life she wants to have.

-aeric...a boy


New member
No, there's no "perfect" soul mate in an imperfect world filled with imperfect people. Just be happy with what you can get. Isn't that the first rule of life anyway?

To me, there's nothing wrong with settling for the best we can find. We do it with everything.


yes. there is a soul mate for every body. I think there are a few soulmates to 1 person. not just one soulmate. my current lady is half a soulmate.


I found mine 7 years ago, never regreted a day since then, both good and bad times. She's my lighthouse to guide me through.

Yes their are soulmates, if you don't think so your missing out on true love and bliss


My little pony.. my little pony
For some strange reason all my soulmates taste like chicken.



My little pony.. my little pony
In about 25 years that will be me. I may or may not be in New Orleans at the time.


Soul mate, true love, bah!

Look at other species in nature they like to keep it simple most of the time and if we apes die out imagine if insects managed to become sentient.

It would be like baby your the one I've always wanted!

Now get in my belly!

So in the end I think humans have just totally ruined what was once a fairly simple and pleasurable instinct with all this talk of complicated feelings.

Hope I find a soul mate who won't eat me alive.
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Yeah...there is such a thing as a soul mate. I married him when i was only 15 years old.He died in December from cancer R/T Agent Orange.They just don't make men like him often.
:lurk: Espically if your SOULMATE has the muncheis from smoking.

Very sorry to hear about your loss Agent. At least you were lucky enough to find that kind of love. Im still looking...and with serious doubt that I will ever find it. If only flowers could snuggle :)


ICMag Donor
plantagenet said:
Yeah...there is such a thing as a soul mate. I married him when i was only 15 years old.He died in December from cancer R/T Agent Orange.They just don't make men like him often.

Sorry to hear about your loss plant, that must be so very tough, I cant even imagine, one day at a time huh? :)


Sorry about your loss, agent. We just lost a dear family friend a few months to complications from disease generated by Agent Orange. Soulmate? Pshhhh. I'm just looking for a running partner, the fucked-up Bonnie to my retarded-ass Clyde. I don't know. It would be nice to think one existed, and I'm not giving those who do any flak. 'Cause I would certainly trade this jaded empty space in my heart for some ignorant bliss......but at the same time, sometimes I far prefer being single!!! :chin:


Cannabis Creeper
krippysmoker said:
:lurk: Espically if your SOULMATE has the muncheis from smoking.

Very sorry to hear about your loss Agent. At least you were lucky enough to find that kind of love. Im still looking...and with serious doubt that I will ever find it. If only flowers could snuggle :)

hey Krippy we could go into my garden and snuggle.. roll you around in the plants and get you all sticky... :yoinks: :petting: :dance: :bow:

Keep IT Green and Stay Safe.. HE

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