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Is There Such a Thing as a Soul Mate?



Is there only one right person for each of us? The one person who is our perfect match in mind, body, and spirit?

Many couples live their lives as soul mates -- they absolutely believe that they have found "the one" who suits each of them on a deep level. Other people believe more in time and circumstance. Meaning, if you meet the right person at the right time and place, you'll end up together. What do you think? Post your convictions in the comments section below.

After much observation and research into relationship development, I do believe that some people are more suited to each other than others. However, I don't subscribe to the theory that there is just one person who is destined to be your perfect match. I do believe in time and circumstance -- for instance, you may meet your soul mate or ideal partner, but he's married. If you had met six years earlier, before he got married, or (cynically) seven years later, after he was divorced, he might have been "the one" for you.

If you're single, what's more important than searching for your soul mate is finding someone who is thinking the same way you are. For instance, if you're interested in dating many people and having fun, find others who only want to date and not get serious. If you're ready to get married and have kids, date people who are willing to get married and have kids in the near future, not people who are focused on furthering their career or playing the field socially. Right time, right place, right mindset -- love can strike most any two people!

:chin: I tend to think it's what ya make of it... and that common interests help a bunch...

What do ya'll think? :smile:

link to story


The Tri Guy
I would say yes, but, that the ideal soul mate(s) are constantly changing as they and the individual concerned change with age and circumstance. Psychologists claim that interpersonal attraction is dependant upon 3 things: Similarity, familiarity and proximity. Similarity in attractiveness, social status, financial backgrounds, beliefs, hobbies, Familiarity with each other, and the distance from each other they are, ie. it is more likely that I'll meet someone in the UK than say in China that is suitable for me as it's where all my time is spent, we would not be familiar with each other and we would not be very similar.


well, I would have to say that'makes total sense on my account... Lived and traveled several states for years to end up back home and marry a guy who I went to the same school with, knew the same people, but Never hung out with each other....
:bigeye: we have lots' of "things" like that between us....
Similarity, familiarity and proximity.
yep... makes sense... but I am sure there has to be those rare occasions of "how in the world did we end up together" stories, lol... any of ya'll have a story like that?? :D


Active member
good question.....in the end everybody is everybody else's soul mate.....i wish more living people and governments would get this......i would go into how i know this is true but i think it will come to be understood......-gp


I have always said no. That we can love many people in our lives and how far you let them in determines whether you let them be a soul mate.

I loved what you said, GMT, about your soulmate changing with time and circumstance. I believe that, well put.


Basement Garden Gnome
Nice Idea but....

Nice Idea but....

I doubt it.
The Bible says in Heaven there is No Giving and Taking in Marriage. Other passages suggest Souls are neither Male nor Female. Some say Both.

Males and Females are needed to procreate. ( Thats Changing by the way soon Just Females hmmmmmmmm )
Interesting new thereorys on love and sex say: Love is JUST DNAs Way of replicating it's self. Another says that Female DNA is programed to kill off Male DNA. Male DNA seems to be deteriorating over time.

Of course that associates Love with Sex.
I always felt Love was in the Heart and not so much the Body. Sex would be just one way to express that Love........ in Human terms. DNA could careless.

Sin :yoinks:


within a 'christian framework', maybe not; however, if one believes in reincarnation, the idea becomes totally plausable...
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I want so badly to believe there is soulmates, I thought I found mine and she hers, but for some reason, I believe I lost her i lost her in all the confusion of life. maybe next time around :petting:


The Tri Guy
Sin, maybe they wont need us to procreate in the future, but they'll still need us to park the car :)
I tend to think that love is just the result of a history of caring and a prediction of being cared about in the future.


but they'll still need us to park the car :)
also important is for them to open a jar of pickles for us, pick up heavy things, and to stand in command of the remote control!!... really, we need men for a lot more than just procreation, :chin: although that may be the best and most fun reason... :biglaugh:

I tend to think that love is just the result of a history of caring and a prediction of being cared about in the future.
I love that GMT :smile:
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I tend to think that love is just the result of a history of caring and a prediction of being cared about in the future.

But that kills all the fun.



1 soul and 2 bodys, I think it can be done and living life to the fullest may be the key to finding a soulmate.....but then again its what you believe in


Ms.Grat3ful said:
also important is for them to open a jar of pickles for us, pick up heavy things, and to stand in command of the remote control!!... really, we need men for a lot more than just procreation, :chin: although that may be the best and most fun reason... :biglaugh:

I love that GMT :smile:

and handle the garbage and mow the lawn :yummy:


Well-known member
the sole of my right foot is the mate to the sole of my left foot,sooooo when my soles wear out i just get new ones ,soles not feet


Active member
Oh my gawd Ms. G. I clicked on that link and ended up reading posts on soul mates till dawn! I thought it was only fair to sit dano down and tell him I wanted to talk about our relationship and share with him all I have learned in the undying love/fate/soulmate subject. (He just loves that!) No indica allowed to dull the senses!:yoinks:

I don't know whether I came to any conclusions but it was GREAT fun seeing the pained expression on his face! :wink:


Jenna said:
Oh my gawd Ms. G. I clicked on that link and ended up reading posts on soul mates till dawn! I thought it was only fair to sit dano down and tell him I wanted to talk about our relationship and share with him all I have learned in the undying love/fate/soulmate subject. (He just loves that!) No indica allowed to dull the senses!:yoinks:

I don't know whether I came to any conclusions but it was GREAT fun seeing the pained expression on his face! :wink:
LMAO!! you always crack me up girl... :biglaugh:


We knew we were meant for each other almost instantly and proclaimed ourselves Soul Mates and proceeded to live life together then. Only a few second thoughts...daily.

However, after 19 years and a lot of mileage and wear we have decided we are now "Cell Mates" and don't fight the situation anymore...much.

For what it is worth... Grandad (97 now) says the war between the sexes will never be decided because there is just too much fraternizing with the enemy going on.


I don't believe that everybody has a soulmate... that there is just ONE person out there for everybody. It's impossible considering that in the world, there is statically more women than men... leaving some women left out, unless you consider a soulmate can be bi-sexual. :nono: :nono: Somehow that doesn't sit easy with me. :nono: :nono: (of course... to each their own)
I do believe though, that yes, finding an ideal mate does depend on your environment and location. I also believe that when you do connect with someone for the first time, (although there may an instant physical attraction) that from there you learn from each other and you compromise with each other and you learn how to love each other. And then, only then, (if all goes well) it may constitute that you have in deed found your soulmate/ideal mate, but not until you get know that person. You will never walk up to a stranger and say... "Hey you, I don't know you, but you're my soulmate". :eek: :eek:
I also believe, with life ever changing, and so do we, someone we considered our soulmate ie. when we're young, may not be the ONE later on in life. :yoinks:

Just my 2 cents.... :2cents:
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If you engauge in sex with out love, you run the risk of turning your sexuality into a comodity and you can lose your ability to use it as an expression of love or passion. Love can make you feel better as a person, sex alone can make you feel better for an hour. Sex without love can also make you become orgasmicly narcaleptic. Love and passion help amplefy the sexual expirance, unfortnetly so does violence and hate.