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Is Pot lawful in australia?

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So how does you feel about the new Prime minister who once wanted to be a Roman catholic priest?

Also isaih, have you ever read or looked into the kolbrin bible?


@ GeneralExecutor,
i been checking out those videos you recommended. it's all really interesting, i specially appreciate the way he dumbs it down and explains things step by step.

but after watching this one just now;


i'm confused. how does the gov of Canada become defacto? i mean where is the proof? when did Canada get taken over illegally to make this defacto government?


hi technique, i have looked into the authenticity of bible versions. but never heard of the Kolbrin bible.

The religious aspect seems to be unpopular with godless heathens, I don't know why . Its interesting history whether you believe in a spirit world or not.

So I'd say just stick to the King James version because that's the one recognised as law in court.

I've long suspected Abbot is a Jesuit. He has the neccessary qualifiers. 3 university degrees , 14 years study and so on.

But even if he isnt he is certainly controlled by a Jesuit superior,

If you look at our choice of leaders from a religious point of view, you'll see we have zero choice offered us but Roman Catholic communism.


@ GeneralExecutor,
i been checking out those videos you recommended. it's all really interesting, i specially appreciate the way he dumbs it down and explains things step by step.

but after watching this one just now;


i'm confused. how does the gov of Canada become defacto? i mean where is the proof? when did Canada get taken over illegally to make this defacto government?

Greetings gaiusmarius,

We are not certain why you are unable to access the video, but here is the link again:


We hope that is the link, if not, let us know.

His manner of verbal expression, as in most all cases, is a reflection of his upbringing; education and social environment. He is the type who can easily catch govt minions off guard by the way he speaks when they first meet him. That is in fact a strategy we often employ ourselves whenever confronted by minions who do not know us. Sun Tzu makes mention of it in his masterpiece The Art of War as a potent form of Silent Weapon to use against an enemy, i.e., let them UNDER estimate you. The greatest victories in battle in the history of mankind have occurred when an opponent was underestimated.

The takeover of govt has occurred in the same manner in every respective country, and it follows the usual way in which the elite implement any of their plans; SLOWLY. A step at a time, never in a rush, aided by its covertness. This takes advantage of one of man's biggest pitfalls; SHORT MEMORY.

How many actually know or remember that all people paid 1%, YES, that's ONE PERCENT, tax in the early 1900's? How many people know that an average laborer/housebuilder would earn the equivalent of an average size home/house for themselves, whenever they would build TEN, YES, TEN (10) houses for other people? Well that is what your average laborer/housebuilder was earning in the early part of the 1900's: FACT.

Compare that to NOW; a laborer would need to build about ONE HUNDRED (100) homes to earn enough for himself to buy ONE. WHY THE DIFFERENCE? Tax is why. And we do not mean just income tax, tax on everything which was NOT taxed in those days but is today. If you sat down and added up just how much tax you your average man pays to live today, you shall find as so many economists already have, that over 80% of our earnings goes to tax. OVER 80%. Back in the day, and not too long ago, it was about 2-4% all up depending on what you regularly bought or used your money for. For us to explain everything in detail would take PAGES AND PAGES of text, but if you do your homework, you will find what we have said is truth absolute.

This is what we mean when we say that the general public has a very short memory. Our forefathers were maimed and killed fighting so as we could enjoy the fruits of their and OUR labor, but sorry to say that we have let them and ourselves down badly, THUS FAR.

It can be seen in just what we said above that SOMETHING was occurring from BACK THEN which has now supplanted not only our freedoms but our wealth too. That is a result of what most know as the Illuminati, or the Elite, same thing, and NO, they are NOT Draconians, they simply want people to think they might be. Fear does strange things to people, and they know it.

One of the first parts of the Illuminati network that new researchers discover is the group of organisations which connect into the British-based secret society called The Round Table. These include the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome.

This network is not the most powerful expression of the Illuminati. There are many more elite groups within it's web, but these "Round Table" organisations are a key part of its day to day manipulation of politics, banking, business, the military (especially NATO), "education", and so on.

You can read about all this in great detail in my books, And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret. But briefly, the network was created to advance through the 20th century and beyond the Illuminati agenda for the centralised control of Planet Earth.

The Round Table was created in London (the Illuminati's operational centre) in the latter years of the 19th century. Its first official "leader" was Cecil Rhodes, the man who mercilessly manipulated Southern Africa and took those lands from the black peoples. Although, in theory, black people are back in political control of Africa, the real decisions are still made by the European and American elites via their black puppet presidents and leaders. "Independence" is an illusion.

Rhodes played tribe against tribe until they destroyed each other in war, so allowing Rhodes and the British to take over. The same is happening today in the continuing wars in Africa, details of which you will find on this site. Rhodes said the goal of the Round Table was to create World Government controlled by Britain (the Illuminati based in Britain).

When he died in 1902, he left money in his will to fund "Rhodes Scholarships" in which overseas students had their expenses paid to study at Oxford University - the centre of the Illuminati's manipulation of "education". The ratio of these "Rhodes Scholars" who go back to their countries to enter positions of political, economic, and media power is enormous compared with the general student population. They act as Illuminati agents. The most famous Rhodes Scholar in the world today is Bill Clinton, the two-times President of the United States. But while Rhodes was the official front man for the Round Table, the real controllers and funders were, and are, the House of Rothschild, the banking dynasty which is at the heart of so much of the global conspiracy. This is not an anti-Jewish remark because the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish. The Rothschilds have manipulated Jewish people more than any other!! See Was a Hitler a Rothschild on this site.​
The inner elite of this Round Table in the US and UK were the key members of their government's war administrations before and during the First World War.. As is provable with documentation, they worked together to engineer the circumstances that led to that global conflict. Through their technique of create-the-problem-then-offer-the-solution, they wanted to destroy the global status quo with that war and therefore have the opportunity to re-draw the world in their agenda's image when the conflict was over. This is precisely what they did.

Power in the world was in far fewer hands after the war than before, and this was advanced even further when they engineered the Second World War also. This has continued to this day and, indeed, is getting quicker all the time.

In 1919, came the Versailles Peace Conference near Paris when the elite of the Round Table from Britain and the United States, people like Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House, and Bernard Baruch, were appointed to represent their countries at the meetings which decided how the world would be changed as a result of the war these same people had created. They decided to impose impossible reparations payments on Germany, so ensuring the collapse of the post-war Weimar Republic amid unbelievable ecomonic collapse and thus create the very circumstances that brought Hitler (a Rothschild, see related article) to power. It was while in Paris that these Illuminati, Round Table, members met at the Hotel Majestic to begin the process of creating the Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-Trilateral Commission network. They also decided at Versailles that they now all supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. EVERY ONE of them was either a Rothschild bloodline or was controlled by them.

The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at Versailles by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch, both Rothschild clones and leaders of the Round Table in the United States; The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee and Round Table leader, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct decendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild.

Who do you think was making the decisions here??

As a result of their secret meetings at the Hotel Majestic, The Royal Institute of International Affairs was founded in London in 1920, the Council on Foreign Relations followed in 1921, and then came the Bilderberg Group (1954), the Club of Rome (1968) and the Trilateral Commission (1973). These are dominated by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and major manipulators like Henry Kissinger, who, in turn, answer to higher powers in the Illuminati.

These organisations have among their number the top people in global politics, business, banking, military, media, "education" and so forth. These are the channels through which the same global policies are co-ordinated outside of public knowledge through apparently unconnected countries, political parties, and institutions. The upper levels of secret societies like the Freemasons, Knights of Malta, etc., connect into this Round Table web also.

The Trilateral Commission:
"...a vehicle for multinational consolidation of commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States." - Barry Goldwater
It did NOT take long for them to begin strategies worldwide after that meeting. Within less than 30years, they had created the Lieber Code (rules for war on land), they had rewritten Constitutions which at that time went against their existing Constitutions, and they gave them Royal Assent WITHOUT approval of the people NOR by the proper/true signature of the then reigning Kings/Queens. They were rushed through legislation and not even prepared or validated correctly so that no one could be held LIABLE if the people woke up. International law also began and advanced in that era, another weapon against the people, a silent one.

A few decades down the track, once they realized that the people fell for the initial phase, they stepped it up again. They began sweeping amendments to all sorts of Acts of Parliament, Constitutions, Banking and Monies Acts etc., and they have kept doing it since. And they always will until the people do something about it.

gaiusmarius, this rabbit hole is a lot deeper than we'd wish to believe, and it started a lot further back than most could imagine. It is our firm belief that it actually started long before the establishment of the Vatican and the birth of Jesus. It's just that in the last century and a half they have really stepped up the pace in accord of their innermost doctrines.

The best one can do is to learn as much as they can as fast as they can and pray that their inner force and God guides them to the most important material they need to cover. In law, if one's faculty of intuitiveness is not well developed or endowed from birth, preferably BOTH, then one will be in for a very disappointing and frustrating time. That's where people like that Canadian can lend a helping hand.

I heard once that ENDURANCE is more important than TRUTH.:)



Kolbrin bible, Talmud of Jmmanual, etcetera all purported NEWLY FOUND alleged sacred text are in our opinion constructs of the Jesuits intended to support their purpose/s.

Don't know about you....but I'm sticking with the godless heathens.

We also once heard that birds of a feather...:)


Greetings gaiusmarius,

We are not certain why you are unable to access the video, but here is the link again:


We hope that is the link, if not, let us know.

His manner of verbal expression, as in most all cases, is a reflection of his upbringing; education and social environment. He is the type who can easily catch govt minions off guard by the way he speaks when they first meet him. That is in fact a strategy we often employ ourselves whenever confronted by minions who do not know us. Sun Tzu makes mention of it in his masterpiece The Art of War as a potent form of Silent Weapon to use against an enemy, i.e., let them UNDER estimate you. The greatest victories in battle in the history of mankind have occurred when an opponent was underestimated.

The takeover of govt has occurred in the same manner in every respective country, and it follows the usual way in which the elite implement any of their plans; SLOWLY. A step at a time, never in a rush, aided by its covertness. This takes advantage of one of man's biggest pitfalls; SHORT MEMORY.

How many actually know or remember that all people paid 1%, YES, that's ONE PERCENT, tax in the early 1900's? How many people know that an average laborer/housebuilder would earn the equivalent of an average size home/house for themselves, whenever they would build TEN, YES, TEN (10) houses for other people? Well that is what your average laborer/housebuilder was earning in the early part of the 1900's: FACT.

Compare that to NOW; a laborer would need to build about ONE HUNDRED (100) homes to earn enough for himself to buy ONE. WHY THE DIFFERENCE? Tax is why. And we do not mean just income tax, tax on everything which was NOT taxed in those days but is today. If you sat down and added up just how much tax you your average man pays to live today, you shall find as so many economists already have, that over 80% of our earnings goes to tax. OVER 80%. Back in the day, and not too long ago, it was about 2-4% all up depending on what you regularly bought or used your money for. For us to explain everything in detail would take PAGES AND PAGES of text, but if you do your homework, you will find what we have said is truth absolute.

This is what we mean when we say that the general public has a very short memory. Our forefathers were maimed and killed fighting so as we could enjoy the fruits of their and OUR labor, but sorry to say that we have let them and ourselves down badly, THUS FAR.

It can be seen in just what we said above that SOMETHING was occurring from BACK THEN which has now supplanted not only our freedoms but our wealth too. That is a result of what most know as the Illuminati, or the Elite, same thing, and NO, they are NOT Draconians, they simply want people to think they might be. Fear does strange things to people, and they know it.

One of the first parts of the Illuminati network that new researchers discover is the group of organisations which connect into the British-based secret society called The Round Table. These include the Bilderberg Group, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Club of Rome.

This network is not the most powerful expression of the Illuminati. There are many more elite groups within it's web, but these "Round Table" organisations are a key part of its day to day manipulation of politics, banking, business, the military (especially NATO), "education", and so on.

You can read about all this in great detail in my books, And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret. But briefly, the network was created to advance through the 20th century and beyond the Illuminati agenda for the centralised control of Planet Earth.

The Round Table was created in London (the Illuminati's operational centre) in the latter years of the 19th century. Its first official "leader" was Cecil Rhodes, the man who mercilessly manipulated Southern Africa and took those lands from the black peoples. Although, in theory, black people are back in political control of Africa, the real decisions are still made by the European and American elites via their black puppet presidents and leaders. "Independence" is an illusion.

Rhodes played tribe against tribe until they destroyed each other in war, so allowing Rhodes and the British to take over. The same is happening today in the continuing wars in Africa, details of which you will find on this site. Rhodes said the goal of the Round Table was to create World Government controlled by Britain (the Illuminati based in Britain).

When he died in 1902, he left money in his will to fund "Rhodes Scholarships" in which overseas students had their expenses paid to study at Oxford University - the centre of the Illuminati's manipulation of "education". The ratio of these "Rhodes Scholars" who go back to their countries to enter positions of political, economic, and media power is enormous compared with the general student population. They act as Illuminati agents. The most famous Rhodes Scholar in the world today is Bill Clinton, the two-times President of the United States. But while Rhodes was the official front man for the Round Table, the real controllers and funders were, and are, the House of Rothschild, the banking dynasty which is at the heart of so much of the global conspiracy. This is not an anti-Jewish remark because the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish. The Rothschilds have manipulated Jewish people more than any other!! See Was a Hitler a Rothschild on this site.​
The inner elite of this Round Table in the US and UK were the key members of their government's war administrations before and during the First World War.. As is provable with documentation, they worked together to engineer the circumstances that led to that global conflict. Through their technique of create-the-problem-then-offer-the-solution, they wanted to destroy the global status quo with that war and therefore have the opportunity to re-draw the world in their agenda's image when the conflict was over. This is precisely what they did.

Power in the world was in far fewer hands after the war than before, and this was advanced even further when they engineered the Second World War also. This has continued to this day and, indeed, is getting quicker all the time.

In 1919, came the Versailles Peace Conference near Paris when the elite of the Round Table from Britain and the United States, people like Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House, and Bernard Baruch, were appointed to represent their countries at the meetings which decided how the world would be changed as a result of the war these same people had created. They decided to impose impossible reparations payments on Germany, so ensuring the collapse of the post-war Weimar Republic amid unbelievable ecomonic collapse and thus create the very circumstances that brought Hitler (a Rothschild, see related article) to power. It was while in Paris that these Illuminati, Round Table, members met at the Hotel Majestic to begin the process of creating the Bilderberg-CFR-RIIA-Trilateral Commission network. They also decided at Versailles that they now all supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. EVERY ONE of them was either a Rothschild bloodline or was controlled by them.

The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at Versailles by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch, both Rothschild clones and leaders of the Round Table in the United States; The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee and Round Table leader, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct decendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild.

Who do you think was making the decisions here??

As a result of their secret meetings at the Hotel Majestic, The Royal Institute of International Affairs was founded in London in 1920, the Council on Foreign Relations followed in 1921, and then came the Bilderberg Group (1954), the Club of Rome (1968) and the Trilateral Commission (1973). These are dominated by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and major manipulators like Henry Kissinger, who, in turn, answer to higher powers in the Illuminati.

These organisations have among their number the top people in global politics, business, banking, military, media, "education" and so forth. These are the channels through which the same global policies are co-ordinated outside of public knowledge through apparently unconnected countries, political parties, and institutions. The upper levels of secret societies like the Freemasons, Knights of Malta, etc., connect into this Round Table web also.

It did NOT take long for them to begin strategies worldwide after that meeting. Within less than 30years, they had created the Lieber Code (rules for war on land), they had rewritten Constitutions which at that time went against their existing Constitutions, and they gave them Royal Assent WITHOUT approval of the people NOR by the proper/true signature of the then reigning Kings/Queens. They were rushed through legislation and not even prepared or validated correctly so that no one could be held LIABLE if the people woke up. International law also began and advanced in that era, another weapon against the people, a silent one.

A few decades down the track, once they realized that the people fell for the initial phase, they stepped it up again. They began sweeping amendments to all sorts of Acts of Parliament, Constitutions, Banking and Monies Acts etc., and they have kept doing it since. And they always will until the people do something about it.

gaiusmarius, this rabbit hole is a lot deeper than we'd wish to believe, and it started a lot further back than most could imagine. It is our firm belief that it actually started long before the establishment of the Vatican and the birth of Jesus. It's just that in the last century and a half they have really stepped up the pace in accord of their innermost doctrines.

The best one can do is to learn as much as they can as fast as they can and pray that their inner force and God guides them to the most important material they need to cover. In law, if one's faculty of intuitiveness is not well developed or endowed from birth, preferably BOTH, then one will be in for a very disappointing and frustrating time. That's where people like that Canadian can lend a helping hand.

I heard once that ENDURANCE is more important than TRUTH.:)

don't get me wrong, i like the way he explains things. he has natural teaching abilities. when hearing things for the first time it's exactly the way you need to hear it, specially when every word is so important. was not being judgmental with the comment about dumbing it down for people.

anyway i have read much of the history you reviewed above, but my question is about the action, time and place which one could point to in court to say that at this point the gov stopped being legit (dejour) and started being defacto. when was the moment when it changed?

surely a court woldn't put up with a history lesson without some clear agreed upon historic event that makes it relevant.

because it seems they have been too clever for us, by doing it step by small step, they have each time not been countered and left to take the next step. it would be very difficult to convince most people today that all those small steps were illegitimate.

basically what do you answer when the judge says; no sir, i am not a defacto judge i am indeed a dejour judge in a de jour court.


would you trust that guy to give him a donation tho? we know that 500$ is prob not that much for what he is doing but since its a donation would he have to do anything? he seems very trust worthy but can u trust anyone now a days?

also if one did go down this path would one have to no use anything from bank accounts, to health card, and drivers licence? what would happen if you became free?


don't get me wrong, i like the way he explains things. he has natural teaching abilities. when hearing things for the first time it's exactly the way you need to hear it, specially when every word is so important. was not being judgmental with the comment about dumbing it down for people.

anyway i have read much of the history you reviewed above, but my question is about the action, time and place which one could point to in court to say that at this point the gov stopped being legit (dejour) and started being defacto. when was the moment when it changed?

surely a court woldn't put up with a history lesson without some clear agreed upon historic event that makes it relevant.

because it seems they have been too clever for us, by doing it step by small step, they have each time not been countered and left to take the next step. it would be very difficult to convince most people today that all those small steps were illegitimate.

basically what do you answer when the judge says; no sir, i am not a defacto judge i am indeed a dejour judge in a de jour court.

They would NEVER answer you with that, they would simply not say anything, they would ignore it.

We did not think you were belittling the Canadian bloke, just making comment about the way he talks. Yes, he is a good teacher for those starting out in this field, he has the ability to present things as though the listener doesn't know anything or much. He's good value.

Many feel that the dejure govt was taken over in 1998 with the Australia Act of that year, but that was one of the last pieces to the jigsaw, which is why everyone who tries to use that as an argument in Court usually ends up exhibiting incompetence before the judge or mag.

The REAL culprit here in Australia occurred in TWO main phases, though many others have also acted to compliment/enforce their illusionary stronghold.

First, and this one established their stronghold in a very covert manner, was the Lands Acquisition Act 1906, wherein it states/declares:

"For the purposes of this Act the Commonwealth shall be a corporation by the name of "The Commonwealth of Australia" with power to acquire and hold land."
Now there is MORE to those words than meets the eye. YOUR body, is by definition of the Books of Authority, LAND. You are a nation of ONE, made of earth and water, BORNE OF THE LAND, and they have created a document of title for THAT land, it's called a Birth Certificate. They in fact keep the original, which is in LONG FORM, and they classify it as a DEED, which they then use under and in accord with the Torrents Act to Acquire and HOLD the PROPERTY it pertains to, which is, YOUR BODY, which is also part of YOUR ESTATE. They then have the right to USE that land for THEIR benefit under usufruct rules (remember us mentioning the Lieber Codes?), and also under Estate Law by declaring YOU the TENANT of your own body instead of what you really are, the Beneficiary and Executor of that Estate property.

Secondly, he who controls the money is in control, comes now the Commonwealth Bank Act 1911, which was used from 1911 to 1924 to allow the Commonwealth Bank Notes Printing Department to print Australian Notes against the public credit! And of course, WITHOUT the consent of the people.

Then in 1929 they enacted an amendment to the Act, namely "Commonwealth Bank Act No. 31", wherein s7B (1) it states:

"Where the Treasurer is satisfied that it is expedient for the protection of the currency, or of the public credit of the Commonwealth, to obtain particulars of gold coin and bullion held by persons in Australia, or to require the exchange of any gold so held for Australian notes, he may, by notice in writing, authorise
the Board-

(a) to require persons to furnish particulars of the gold coin and bullion held by them; and

(b) to require persons to exchange for Australian notes any gold coin or bullion held by them."
So in other words, they are forcing people to hand in their gold or real PUBLIC money (notes backed in Gold, redeemable at the treasury) for PRIVATE money which is NOT BACKED by any form of substance, which means it CANNOT settle any debt in REAL VALUE, which are in fact an IOU without any cure date, or as they are properly termed, "Promissory Notes", ie, the Notes we use to this day. Each dollar on any Fed Reserve Note represents a dollar of DEBT, NOT CREDIT. Therefore every time you or anyone else uses it to purportedly pay a debt, you are in FACT INCREASING the National Debt of the public of Australia/US/Canada/UK/etc-all, by THAT EXACT AMOUNT. Now do you see why it is IMPOSSIBLE to LOWER the national DEBT? It is a SCAM, A WORT, and above all, it is a heinous crime against the people of Australia and every other nation on earth because all such private tender comes from the SAME SOURCE, the International Monetary Fund (IMF). So it is a crime against humanity, not just Australians. We are in this all together, it is the FIRE in which we all burn, without even knowing it (well, most don't).

Keep in mind, that in the same era, the American govt released executive Order HJR 192 which did EXACTLY the same thing there.

And people are talking in fear of a New World Order possibly coming into being? HAH! We have had it long before anyone on this forum was born, and long before any of your entire family tree of ancestors were born. It can be suggested that the NWO has been in effect for thousand of years, since the inception of the Egyptian Sun Cult in fact. What they really mean when the elite say it is time for a NWO is that it is time for it to take TOTAL AND COMPLETE stronghold everywhere, not that it is just time to start one.



takeover was 1973 with whitlam and barnards 2 man parliament
Royal styles and names act or some such
I explained that originally
Australia act was bob hawke 1986 or thereabouts not 1998
This guy is misleading you fellas intentionally
be careful of anything he says that doesnt make sense or sounds pompous or unprincipled.

he is confusing the simple recourse of the treason defence
Hiding it in a mountain of useless information
And pulling facts out of his arsehole.
You dont have to prove the treason, the courts know it.
I've used it for several different issues myself, aswell in helping other people.
No court or what have you has denied it as yet. Or asked for proof.
Its just a matter of memorising
"i cannot knowingly submit to defacto government without committing treason"

And that's all you have to remember


takeover was 1973 with whitlam and barnards 2 man parliament
Royal styles and names act or some such
I explained that originally
Australia act was bob hawke 1986 or thereabouts not 1998
This guy is misleading you fellas intentionally
be careful of anything he says that doesnt make sense or sounds pompous or unprincipled.
Our typo error on 1998. 1986 it is, as we have already stated in our previous posts if you had cared to look, without the hate. Don't know where all this hate comes from towards us from you and ONLY you in here, but either way, it matters not. Brother isaih, it seems you are quick to judge those who have not erred but who simply take a different stand to yours in an effort to achieve a similar outcome but with more cooperation of all parties involved.

Hate is not new to us isaih, we have known it since childhood as we did NOT need to wait for the internet to awaken us to what is truly happening in the world today. We have spent a lifetime talking about the world to others, and in decades gone past, it was much harder than it is today.

John 15:19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
Matthew 7:1-4

Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?
We pass no judgement upon you isiah, for we know you are our brother, and we know that you do not know us properly for who we truly are. We know that if you did you would not hate the way you do.

Back to it:

The takeover was given full force and effect in 1986, but gaiusmarius asked "at which point the gov stopped being legit (dejour)", and unless we are mistaken, a CORPORATE govt is NOT a De Jure govt, which was implemented around 1906. We were being very specific as to the exact era of time which this all began.

he is confusing the simple recourse of the treason defense
Hiding it in a mountain of useless information
Again, we are not confusing nor supplanting your claim to fame isaih, we are simply offering alternatives, nothing more.


question for isaih about the treason act did you call heabus corpus into play when you were convicted??

also question for all who may know the answer when I was born my parents got 2 different birth certificates with 2 different registration numbers and issued on 2 different days 4 day apart from each other would this be good news or bad news for me? in law what does this mean *from the same province as well*


wierd situation greebeans. I have 2 taxfile numbers.

I am yet to be convicited.

I walked out of court twice on the issue, and another time with that issue floating around.

I'd bet my left nut every single man on this website who has ever been convicted of drug prohibition agreed to it.
Bent over and said yep give it to me, but be gentle.


regarding the right to tavel...

regarding the right to tavel...

check this guy out, if you are interested in this stuff.


he seems to know all the answers.



Carl takes the Constitutional/Common law path. He has been in the game for a couple of decades that we know of. His path differs to ours of Estate/Trust law, but one thing we have in common is the multi-layered blisters we spoke about. We covered Constitution and Common law here in our very early days, back then Constitution had more weight in Court's than it does today, the judiciary would allow matters to enter that jurisdiction far easier than they do today. We saw the writing on the wall clearly telling us that the day of being able to easily invoke and enforce a Chapter III court were numbered, which is why we pursued other avenues. Given what was occurring then, we looked for an avenue which would NOT succumb to privatized Courts in time, IOW, a more timeless jurisdiction per ce; hence where we are today.

Carl also proves what we said, in that there is more than one way of skinning "the" cat. Though his method has certain limitations when higher level matters arise, ie., he is conducting himself in the capacity of a govt-employee/ statutory-entity/BAR-member, and all such entities MUST abide by all statutes, which means to do it effectively and to your benefit you need to LEARN the remedies therein and how to properly apply them - BUT, he is in essence committing fraud, because he is NOT a govt-employee/ statutory-entity/BAR-member, but the judge will conveniently overlook it so long as the stakes are low... none the less, it is a start to obtaining what many seek in a manner that establishes more cooperation between all parties involved than some other way.


About the BCs... this is recording: do your due diligence. What you ask is EVERYWHERE on the net if you care to search a little and read.

In short, they are the instruments of either your total enslavement, or your ticket to Heaven on Earth, depending on your competence of law. One more hint: Each of those evidences Estate property, ie, MONEY, and we mean A LOT OF IT.


i know that we could use the bc's as a way to show that we are free and by being free they must still oblige to the laws that are above there jurisdiction, which would be international law, the magna carta, and the chatle? of I forget the name if someone could please help me out so I can print off the whole law that would be amazing.
but since human rights have been documented in international law could you than go into court and declare that you are a human being and that slavery is not the way of life I would like to live, which states this in the universal rights and freedoms,

also another thing I found very interesting is in the Canadian rights and freedom the first line in there say

"Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of
God and the rule of law"

that means that god is the true power of us and this charter states that god is our only master? this correct?
or Canada is founded upon principles (unwritten law) that recognize that the supremacy (meaning: "The state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status") and the rule of law....
so does that mean god is the only one who can make laws which would be the biblical texts? which you guys have said our law was founded on? I think it says it right there. and since human beings are not god we have no right to make laws unless we are all equal and we all come together in courts and government to make laws for the greater good of man kind.? this correct to?


i love his method cause he seems to be backing the judges in to a corrner by using the words of previous judges. combined with the constitution to cut off all avenues of attack swiftly and completely, he is showing the judge a level of competence that he has to respect, even if he is representing him self, in fact he provides proof that the judge is bound by the constitution and if he doesn't adhere to it's principles he is in fact guilty of a federal crime accroding to the constitution. when it say all acts and regulations shall be null and void if they go against constitutional rights, it makes it pretty clear. he is not using history, he is using actual previous judgments by the supreme court regarding the situation.

as for committing fraud, that seems to be equally unconstitutional, he is a flesh and blood man and can contract his work out to anyone. but specially for his own defense it would seem.

anyway i'm watching a seminar by this guy someone put on to youtube, it's fascinating and very thorough. one thing i don't like so much is the way he portrays himself to be the joker of the court some times. ie. there was laughter etc. either he is romanticizing the situation, or he was quite lucky not to get hit with contempt of the court or some bogus way to penalize him for infringing the majesty of the court, lol.

edited to add: was asked for a link to the seminar i mentioned, here is part 1 of 3, search you tube for the other parts.

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