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Is our medicinal marijuana helping cartels profit?

Bush Grower

What needs to happen at least for California and the other MMJ states is that the laws need to be more clearly written on how a dispensary can get its supply of marijuana. To make sure that you don't have these random people selling marijuana to them. The dispensaries should actually be allowed to grow their own and some how be regulated by the state to keep track of how much is grown and where the money is coming and going to make sure that it is not coming from illegal sources whether its just some US citizen street dealer or mexican cartel.


And Owl Mirror, I think you a being a little closed minded no offense. Just because someone doesn't have some terrible disease or whatever doesn't mean medical marijuana can't help them. Medical marijuana does not only help physical ailments, but it is also a great psychological medicine that can be used for a variety of things. I currently use marijuana for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Marijuana numbs me to all my problems, making me a much saner individual and allowing me to live my life without constantly dealing with the above. Without it, I would be a quasi zombie pumped full of pharmaceuticals orr I would probably end up harming myself or someone else.... and that's no way to live. :2cents:

Don't take offense and say I'm not compassionate, because I feel for you brother and I wish you didn't have to deal with whatever you are going through. It's just that marijuana is a plant, and it has MANYYYYYY medical uses.. I don't believe the government should be able to tell us that our condition isn't bad enough for use of it.

It should be legal right now anyways and we wouldn't be having this conversation. Hopefully soon my brother! Take Care!

Owl Mirror

Active member

And Owl Mirror, I think you a being a little closed minded no offense. Just because someone doesn't have some terrible disease or whatever doesn't mean medical marijuana can't help them. Medical marijuana does not only help physical ailments, but it is also a great psychological medicine that can be used for a variety of things. I currently use marijuana for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Marijuana numbs me to all my problems, making me a much saner individual and allowing me to live my life without constantly dealing with the above. Without it, I would be a quasi zombie pumped full of pharmaceuticals OR I would probably end up harming myself or someone else.... and that's no way to live. :2cents:

Don't take offense and say I'm not compassionate, because I feel for you brother and I wish you didn't have to deal with whatever you are going through. It's just that marijuana is a plant, and it has MANYYYYYY medical uses.. I don't believe the government should be able to tell us that our condition isn't bad enough for use of it.

It should be legal right now anyways and we wouldn't be having this conversation. Hopefully soon my brother! Take Care!

I agree it has many uses, it's just that it can't be denied there are many who simply make shit up and pay their $150 to a doctor willing to just go along with their scheme to acquire a state ID card.
It is those people who scam the system that I referred to as making my pain a mockery.
As for dispensaries, I feel it is merely a legal way for those who once grew underground to come out in the open, divert a few pounds towards a dispensary while continuing to make the bulk of their money illegally.
While doing so, they keep the price of the Medical marijuana equal to street prices and in some cases, force real patients to go without because they can't afford these steep prices.



You people need to stay on topic. Read the title of this thread. I see what you are debating but why in this thread?
check this out:


Now look I'm not saying all of these people are part of any cartel but I can bet for sure that some of these people are directly or indirectly connected and for anybody to be so naive to say other wise is blind.


I can also bet that some of those 13 people of the La Familia cartel knew (once again directly or indirectly) some of the 93 people that were arrested on September 28th gang sweep.

Blue Dot

You people need to stay on topic. Read the title of this thread. I see what you are debating but why in this thread?
check this out:


Now look I'm not saying all of these people are part of any cartel but I can bet for sure that some of these people are directly or indirectly connected and for anybody to be so naive to say other wise is blind.


I can also bet that some of those 13 people of the La Familia cartel knew (once again directly or indirectly) some of the 93 people that were arrested on September 28th gang sweep.

What does any of your post have to do with medical MJ?


New member
for anybody supporting the legalization of cannabis, do we really want the govt. or some business of some sort to start profiting from the sale of marijuana?? Like they say, it's worth more than gold in weight and it can be continually produced in mass quantity with little efforts. thats ALOT of money, everyone'll be happy but can they be trusted with such a a high new income??

Blue Dot

for anybody supporting the legalization of cannabis, do we really want the govt. or some business of some sort to start profiting from the sale of marijuana?? Like they say, it's worth more than gold in weight and it can be continually produced in mass quantity with little efforts. thats ALOT of money, everyone'll be happy but can they be trusted with such a a high new income??

It's only worth a lot because it's illegal.

Once it's legal it'll be just like the price of tomatos.

Not exactly "high new income".


We are all idealistcly realist and realisticly idealist. Everyone on this sight can agree, I hope, that the Cartels are profiting from everyone's pain, be it the patients, a frustrated government, or the persecuted toker. The rest of us are caught up in a simple disagreement. Please don't complain that "recreational" users are screwing things up for patients. Most of these users are self-medicating one way or another, albeit often ineffectively. They have been fighting for their right to do this a lot longer than you've been trying to walk a straight line. If it weren't for these law-breakers, how would the medical benefits of cannabis have been rediscovered in our lifetimes? It would be nice if everyone showed some compassion, but since we are all being f'd over by the current laws, we want someone to blame. One reason for the price of med cannabis being so high is that the government is limiting the supply as much as they possibly can without having the public turn on them. The DEA website stated a year or two ago that driving the price as high as possible was their main way of controling marijuana. Either full legalization or separate laws for medical and recreational cannabis is the only way. Ideally I would like to see the profits from expensive connoseur grade recreational marijuana subsidize cannabis purchased as medicine. Why shouldn't someone who can grow their own and doesn't actually need marijuana pay more. They are not buying the same product if it serves a different purpose and the law of supply and demand says they should not cost the same. In the future I think this divergence of recreation and medical are inevitable, but until then I would rather see recreational users' money go to the medical marijuana industry than the cartels. If there was a federal temporary trial legalization of cannabis in which anyone of age could purchase from clubs for 3 months, the cartels would soon be out of business because the black market buyers would be supplied by legal or at least more ethical growers.

Owl Mirror

Active member
If there was a federal temporary trial legalization of cannabis in which anyone of age could purchase from clubs for 3 months, the cartels would soon be out of business because the black market buyers would be supplied by legal or at least more ethical growers.

If the profit margins remained the same, why wouldn't these cartels simply continue being in the business of supplying the demand? I don't think they are tied to only activities which are illegal, just money-making.

If as you said, "there was a federal temporary trial legalization of cannabis", would the price of the finished product dramatically drop or would it remain the same ?

The only way forward are growing seminars which teach the individual how best to grow their own, especially how to do so on a meager budget.
I would rather pay $30 for a 3-day seminar conducted by experts who could offer hands on training to individuals growing, both indoors and outdoors.
A professional-class grower network who captures the market, sets the prices and keeps the individuals held hostage to their demands has done nothing for patients.

Unless high profits and greed are eliminated, everyone loses except those making the money, hand over fist.


Owl Mirror, I definitely like the idea of educating people to supply themselves. Maybe not let it get so commercial as to rely on seminars. It would be cool if IC was a social networking sight for legal growers. Then members could outsupply the cartels in no time.
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New member
I think there are many people who never grew but always want to getting into growing now that Michigan has Medical. Finally being able to help grow medication for someone in need. Drug Dealers need to get a profit, once profit is remove and/or supply is available what need is there for Crime and Thugs? They will move on to something else then Marijuana. Back to hardcore porn and coke. You can see someone trying to help who charges $200/oz compared $450. Which is the dealer and which is the compassionate caregiver. Just my 2 cents,
Natural Meds
Well, I've been wanting to grow my own weed even before Michigan became a MMJ state, but for one reason or another I just haven't been able too yet,( I'm not a MMJ patient, I do have a lot of pain due to my job, and I probably could get a card, but I have no insurance so there ya go) I guess I have to sympathize with Owl, because for whatever reason, and he need not explain it to any of us here, the purchase of his medicine or providing it himself is a burden financially, and I don't think he needs to take a bunch of shit over it.
Yes Owl, there will be those who take advantage of the MMJ laws without a doubt, and I hope it doesn't become so much of a problem that it sets marijuana legalization back. It seems to me that MMJ laws are a step in the right direction to get marijuana legalized eventually. I would imagine that Uncle Sam will somehow find a way to make a pile of money from the small time grower.
Does anyone have any real idea how much it costs to grow an ounce of marijuana? I mean a caregiver should be able to get some cash for his efforts, at least enough to cover cost, but what is fair? A lot of people here might not agree with me, but I think marijuana should be legal...100%


New member
I think marijuana should be legal...100%

I agree with you brother. :joint::joint: Become a patient if you can and/or become a caregiver. Have someone setup a hydroponic system so you can just turn on and off pumps and flush systems all from without lifting anything! I am trying to get there myself lots of work but once you have it all in place no work. Many will help people who simple cannot set it up for free out of the kindness of their heart.
Thanks NaturalMeds..I can do it myself as soon as I get another place. Just not growing now out of respect for my brothers wishes. We both smoke, but are renting a family members home... so it's out of the question..and even if I did have my card most of my family wouldn't support growing here. But anyway,I'm putting my gear together and I will be growing soon. Take care

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Cartels are not the major suppliers of dispensaries.

In LA who would buy mexi when there are a million Kush's available.

They don't grow indoor Kush in mexico, Hello?

HOLY SHIT BATMAN!!! did blue dot really just make sense????

...hell maybe they WERE right about the end of the world coming.:nanana:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
I agree it has many uses, it's just that it can't be denied there are many who simply make shit up and pay their $150 to a doctor willing to just go along with their scheme to acquire a state ID card.
It is those people who scam the system that I referred to as making my pain a mockery.
As for dispensaries, I feel it is merely a legal way for those who once grew underground to come out in the open, divert a few pounds towards a dispensary while continuing to make the bulk of their money illegally.
While doing so, they keep the price of the Medical marijuana equal to street prices and in some cases, force real patients to go without because they can't afford these steep prices.


....so these people who you believe are "undeserved" of your precious medical marijuana should goto jail because you cant afford to purchase large quantites of the best medicine possible? I dont understand how someone can get a medical marijuana liscnese and start demanding things that are completly unrealistic. You are asking someone to risk their life, their family, their belongings all so that you can partake in your medicine, then have the audacity to criticize and fingerpoint the ones who take the risk for you? Thats a pretty low blow in my opinion....

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