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Is Oakland like any other city or is it THAT bad?


bong ripped

everyone who has been to oakland , including me, has a bad story about it.
The streets of the O'. Beautiful from the sky:


Not so fun when they are pissed off:





Not only Crips out there!!




Hahaha!! I just dramatized it for you, it's really not THAT bad out there, but it is fucked up. All the pictures just made it look like its really hell out there, but the only pictures I could say are actually REAL are the gangster pictures. The B's and C's don't play.

They all are pretty real when you come to think about it. They're taken if you search for Oakland. But not all at the same time ya' know.

Besides, it really is the ONLY city that will burn itself down when they get really pissed off. I never understood that??


Active member
Yeson215 - Its obvious you are old and possibly white so if it makes you so uncomfortable being in Oakland - dont go! And please stop the crusade to tell everyone on IC how bad Oakland is. How many threads have you said the exact same thing as in this one. You dont know the blocks and prolly only drive by once and a while so please stop.

dude did you read a single thing i said?

not old, im 23, and NOT suburban by any means my friend, grew up in SF runnin around the mission and excelsior. lost two friends in high school to shootings, knew about a couple more from my school who got killed too.

i moved to walnut creek for 2 years and felt less free there than i did in oakland. way too many cops, yuppies, i hated that shit.

dont get me wrong i love oakland. i love drivin down the street and seeing a bunch of gang members posted up muggin. ive never been fucked with out in oakland, but its not something i want to test. but in my one year livin in the east i had three cars broken into and a neighbor had his home invaded. i like oakland because the cops are too busy with all the gangbangers so i just waltz right by and they pay me no attention.

and my dude i KNOW there are dirtier places than oakland, BUT THE THREAD IS ABOUT OAKLAND NOT MEMPHIS. ive been to tijuana, rosaritos, and the N.O in louissiana, and yes those places i felt way less safe than i would on 94th and E14th.

but east oakland is pretty bad there is not question about that.


Active member
and rainman id love to know what intersections your posting up on, saying i dont know the blocks.

Edes and Douglass, 85th and plymouth, the rollin 100s, stone city the deeep deep east.

i was livin off catron near sobronte park, like i said in the one year i lived off 105th a bunch of people were killed and i heard gunshots like 3 times.

how is that not a dangerous place lol? even growing up in SF shit never went down that often.


Active member
Yeah Oakland is that bad, but it's not like it's different from other cities, big or small. Come to the South Side of Chicago at 11 pm - 3 a.m., you'll hear gunshots all around you. I should know...Go to Memphis, you'll also see nice neighborhoods surrounded by REALLY bad ones. These "bad" places are everywhere.

its crazy how in chicago, which has the msot strictest gun laws, there are that many shootings.

goes to prove that gun control doesnt solve shit, little gangsters still get their weapons.

and chicago is HUUGGE, its like 5x the size of oakland, so a number like 500 murders is not surprising.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
you know your in a bad part of town when nobody flinches when they see cops.
blatant disrespect for the law.
there's a rough city near me where thugs pull up on streetbikes to cop cars.
smash a brick thru the windshield and they're out.
cop's in the car the whole time!
that takes a whole lotta "i dont give a fuck"

but i've seen the oakland gang doc's on discovery.
i'm cool over here, thanks.
the dirty south is no joke either.
gangs are everywhere these days.


Active member
^yup gangs are everywhere and there a hundred more dangerous places than east oakland.

but the original thread is asking about oakland, not about which city has the hardest hoods.

i think Ciudad Juarez takes the cake for most dangerous place to live in the world. either that or living in some of those crazy parts of africa where rouge militias execute and rape refugees.

i just took a cruise through the 80s and 90s today while running some errands. pretty quiet out there today, only saw three groups of loiterers and one drug deal go down. lotsa kids out running around playin hooky. overall didnt seem that dangerous.

it all depends on how risky your lifestyle is. if yuou are wearing some new Space Jams and nice clotches, posted up in front of HR liquors on E14 you WILL get robbed lol. if you are just a normal looking dude with some bummy clothes your chances of being messed with are far slimmer.


Active member
Oakland has some insanity, welcome to the bay. There are nasty pockets all over. Check the EPA, parts of San Mateo, south and east San Jose. Oakland just has more cred.

All my friends that live in oaktown love it...they just know not to respond to the lil thug at the Bart station late at night asking what time it is.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ahhaaaaaha!

ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ahhaaaaaha!

i heard gunshots like 3 times.
how is that not a dangerous place lol? even growing up in SF shit never went down that often.
try every other night.:whistling:
what's that sound?
it's just fireworks, honey. go to bed.
when u crunch the numbers, richmond is worse per capita.


I guess I always had a certain sense of nostalgia for Oakland, a certain longing to see for myself. It's such an interesting city, located next to the most expensive city in the country chalk full of intellectuals(psuedo and otherwise) and new-age progression, and yet Oakland seems like a world all it's own. This is of course just from a distance, but it seems like a city on the hustle; very bohemian. Very cool in this way.

Maybe I'm wrong. I still would never want to live anywhere in the bay, because to me to demand that high a price there needs to be some bad ass beaches involved.

Appreciate everyone stopping by. I might have to go check this place out. Anybody want to give me a tour and hold my hand? I'll bring the bud? loll


Downtown Oakland is nice, great food, fun bars, crazy shit happening to keep you entertained.

Oakland hills are unreal, rich upper class mini mansions yet minutes away from downtown action.

East and West Oakland is rough. Stay on the main streets, don't stray into the neighborhoods. I have good friends who live right off 98th street; there oldest son was just killed last year at a sideshow... very sad. A lot of kids get killed. They are sent to the corners to make a living at a young age, then shot off the corner at a young age. I knew a grower who had his throat slit and died as well. Best way to cut off the supply is to kill the grower, the kids dealing are a dime a dozen.

Got to love Oakland though they have done a lot for the mj and mmj industry. Can't really say that about all those other cities. Some of the best herb in the world is hiding in the streets of Oakland, the clubs have ok stuff sometimes, but the black market is the best.



Mourning the loss of my dog......
When driving south on 880 going to a A's game, I got off the freeway too early, and ended up in the flatlands, it is a stark difference from your typical Bay area neighborhood. I just stayed on the first major street going south, and ended up at the ball park A OK, my mom and I just got to take a tour......


Active member
the original question is oakland that bad?

if you go out and look for it, yes you can find trouble in oakland, pretty bad trouble.

having been born here back in the day, then leaving with my uncle sam to see other places, i have to say, i've seen way worst than oakland overall.

but having said that, that's because i know most places that i have no business going into, and can tell when i have rolled up into something or someplace i have no business being into, and get the F out quick.

being of color really doesn't help when you're in those situations, a victim is a victim to those that simply look for weakness and then take advantage of the situation.

one last thing, been shot twice, once in the 504 the other in some shitty TX town, shot at several times over the years...its dirty in them southern states, really i forget what ward that was in 504, but i swear, it was the darkest shit i've seen outside of some really weird shit in Korea.

none of which happened in oakland, if that means anything.


ICMag Donor
Managed to get out of that situation. Lots of f'ed up places in the world. Anyone up for a trip to Bogota?

Been their 4 times ,walked all over the city by myself ,not at night though.It has its poor shanty's and dumps.But its nothing like you hear from the state department(im sure some americans get kiddnapped).People were friendly and very nice.The locals like to meet and party with you and go out.Not at all what i expected from watching the news.

In Bogota and Cali as well ,saw guards sitting outside banks ,open or closed with ak-47's 24 hrs a day.They love americans ,lots of ass at the drop of hat .And of course a few areas i went would have only been ok since i was with one of them.


"It's just a flesh wound"
Anywhere between High St. and 238 is a "no go" zone after dark if you're white.

the Rock

Active member
love this thread=I worked in Oaktown for 10 years and I learned the hard way about being white in certain parts of the city(beaten with a tire iron at 5am for being in the wrong intersection at the wrong time) I think crack use was more relevant back then(90s) so there were some desperate people wandering the streets.


Active member
i love king of thai in san fran because its open until 2am.

but the best tasting thai food i had was in berkeley, cant remember the place, its near a donut shop off telegraph ave.

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