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Is Nevilles Haze still the strongest haze?



Yea, but we had the BOEL spreadin the love all around in this neck of the woods lol... :)


Great info, CC...I'll bet it's as accurate a picture as any...Maybe I'll look Stubby up and ask him -- I'd love to hear more :)

Clackamas Coot

Active member

I've got a ton of information/links about the BOEL if you're interested. John Griggs, Nicholas Sand, Owsley 'Bear' Stanley and the rest of the cast of characters.

A documentary made by a son of one of the original 13 BOEL members is in production under the name of 'Orange Sunshine - The Story of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love' and that link will provide you with a ton of links and information by the people who were there and not the Stoner Joe Urban Legend School of cannabis history.




Thank you, very much CC. I will explore that link. That's a trove of valuable information in terms of Cannahistory since there seems to be minimal info for this important era. Much obliged :)

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Heres a post I made on another thread about the BOEL and it has several links (some that I mentioned in my original post - sorry for the repitition).
Here are some links on the BOEL...............

An article from OCWeekly - LORDS OF ACID - How the Brotherhood of Eternal Love Became OCs Hippie Mafia

The author of that article, Nick Schou, has a book that's due to be released in March titled Orange Sunshine: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love and Its Quest to Spread Peace, Love, and Acid to the World though I don't have much hope that he expanded his 'sources' from snitches and hanger-ons. The whole WPF factor - 'nuff said.

The very best source that I know of is a movie under production that was made by a son of an actual member of the original BOEL. The movie is titled Orange Sunshine | The Story of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love and that site has a ton of information and links about the BOEL.

What will be interesting once the film is finished is how much of the actual story will be told, i.e. the 2 factions that came together to form the BOEL, i.e. a group of surfers living in Newport Beach who hooked up with a band of bikers in Anaheim. What a marriage, eh?

The founder, John Griggs, would be an interesting subject for you to peruse. Sadly he died in 1969 on an overdose of psilocybin.

Another name to look into is Nick Sand who, along with Owsley Stanley, were the main chemists while they were still making LSD-25. After Owsley 'Bear' Stanley went to prison, it was Sand who started adding amphetamine and made the switch from LSD-25 to ALD-52 because ALD-52 is far more stable which made worldwide distribution possible - something that you couldn't do with LSD-25.

Good luck on your search for information.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
great info COOT!
An interesting time at the very least.

I remember the night that the feds (newly formed D.E.A.) busted Timothy Leary in 'Dodge City' (where the BOEL operated out of in Laguna Beach)

He was such a puke, asshole, pariah that many of us were out in the street cheering as Tim was presented with the proverbial 'chrome bracelets' as they hauled his ass off.

A total and complete asshole, IMHO.




Well-known member
i much rather hear the descriptions and stories of taste/aromas of all your experiences with the haze you grew up on in santa cruz/cali then hear about boel

Did the Haze Brothers live in Santa Cruz? And Sam too?

supposedly near corralitos

then there is happyhi's story which is out right intriguing he was part of the circle and claims sams wasnt

there was no brothers that created haze it was a sufer boy crossbred a punto rojo seed out came the ohaze and a guy with the green house wanted in then the haze got spread threw 3 brothers who moved all those 100's lbs around ,which i believe maybe the reason we nyers may hold the truest haze available too man .sams was not involved in creating ohaze he lived there n just happened too be gifted seeds and there for preserved/work the line HH claims he was given seeds in 80's and soo he brought them too holland as too which varietiety/s only sams knows .


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Pretty twisted web of stories. I live not far from Santa Cruz, spent my summers there 60s thru late 90s, and these stories I hear in here are all new to me. I can tell you this much tho. Some of your smalltime Santa Cruz Growers headed north up the coastline to the land of Hum.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
You know something? One of my buddies whos even older than me grew up in Freedom. He was in the thick of it in that area and most likely can provide details. That is the same person who smoked the strongest joint with me Ive ever had. I dont know what it was. I couldnt drive, but had to. I was starring in my own personal movie. It took a lifetime to make it home. And that was about 3 miles. It will take me some time, but I will contact my buddy and see what the true story really is.


Well-known member
Pretty twisted web of stories. I live not far from Santa Cruz, spent my summers there 60s thru late 90s, and these stories I hear in here are all new to me. I can tell you this much tho. Some of your smalltime Santa Cruz Growers headed north up the coastline to the land of Hum.

twisted i got cross eyed wen i first read that story

id lov to hear your description aswell as chronicfade n anyone else who might have tasted the ohaze of santa cruz im particularly interested in taste/aromas as we all react diff to effects

well this sounds new too you caz i believe HH is the only one to have given us this side of the tale ,with such indepth details the most ive seen as long as ive been on the canna boards reguarding ohaze/haze brothers haze

id love to hear wats the story in your neck of the woods?

You know something? One of my buddies whos even older than me grew up in Freedom. He was in the thick of it in that area and most likely can provide details

id very much love to hear the true story lol/wat he remembers and maybe you could ask wat it was that you smoked back then that gave you the cinema rush



Active member
Neville's Haze is the best Haze for growing under lights if you need the plants to be at least somewhat productive. Sam's Original Haze struggles to give it's best indoors under lights so for indoors, even Sam would say Neville's Haze performs better.

Tom Hill's Haze might be viable under lights in an indoor situation, I think some people have had good results with it indoors.


Active member
concise answers rule

concise answers rule

Thanks boss - input appreciated. Any thoughts on the Punta Rojo -leaning TFD ohaze? Know anyone with experience with these or other Colombians (apart from ACE seeds)? Cheers


I read this whole thread last night while smoking 4 or 5 bones of SSH. Was a great read besides all the lame arguing. Anyway, I gave all my Thunk seeds to my friend who has a greenhouse, he grew 3 plants this past season, 2 of them he took all the way until December 15th. The weed off one of them, I would say gives the Neville a little competition, no stony feeling, just a psychadelic trippy high that lasts over 3 hours. Nice unique taste too. I need to go see him and get some more of it.

Ive only smoked Nevilles Haze, Ive never grown it myself, but I bet you could find some plants that rival it in some of Sams freebies that we all have. Just need a little luck and a whole lot of patience.

Its good to know Mexican is a huge makeup of Haze, Ive grown tons of bagseeds from mexi-brick over the years and for a long time, it was all I grew. You see a lot of similarities in the plants from mexi-brick and haze. Makes me wonder if Mexican commercial farmers are/were using haze hybrids in their fields and they just don't let them finish correctly and after its finished they obviously dont treat it well. Every once in awhile, you get a batch of "schwag" that is really really strong. Lately Ive noticed the mexi-brick going around definitely has some indica in it sometimes. 10-15 years ago it was almost always like a pure sativa. I should start growing a couple schwag beans on each run like I used to and see if I can find anything. They are just usually so hard to keep under control in a small space ime.

I also wonder how much influence Colombian genetics have in Commercial mexican pot. I.e Brick, schwag, etc.

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