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Is Nevilles Haze still the strongest haze?


Active member
Barney's pic of their G13Haze:


No idea what the lineage is, I expect it has the G13Haze male in it, possibly one of Freaky's crosses. Looks like some phenos of SSH to me. Anyone grown Barney's G13Haze?

Seedsman sell a G13Haze too, but the pic makes it look pretty indica:


Dampkring sell a G13 x Amnesia Haze which is probably Amnesia Haze x G13Haze male. They also have Ocean's 12 Haze, god knows what that it, probably another freaky G13Haze cross. Then there is Barney's Utopia Haze and Kiwi's Mako Haze, god knows what that one is. It all gets so confusing! Wouldn't surprise me if some of those strains are the same, just seeds bought in from the same breeder and given a name.

I suppose the reason why all these new Hazes don't appeal to me all that much is i suspect one pack of mr Nice SSH would be more rewarding to explore for keepers!

EDIT: I just noticed the bit in your last post where freaky explains the Barney's G13 Haze and Dampkring Amnesia Haze x G13 Haze are selections from the Amnesia Haze x G13Haze cross he made. Amnesia Haze x G13Haze is almost certainly 75% G13Haze genes and like we said, only Soma knows what the male was. Sad to say, they only have so many cuts in Holland they breed with, almost no-one bothers to start new seeds to find new breeding plants, they are still using the selections Neville made 20 years ago which is sad.


Hi All

well read most of the thread and got to mention a few things that bother me.

First Neville offered the G13 originally and it was never copied ...only a decade later when Soma and Reeferman bought some old hybrid seeds from Nevil through third parties did it appear again in other companies. The original G13 mother died and only seed existed from the early 90s onwards. No one including Arjan ever had access to Nevil and my library of mothers and fathers...just what was on the greenhouse list pre 98...but considering no one kept things alive they were forced to use F1 seed to gain back things...but even then there was no access to G13 in any pure form.

So now that Medical seeds are offering G13 as a feminised seed or other companies are offering G13 hybrids...well they are only names with distant relation to the originals. People renamed things and use a common name to piggy back their new seed on to the market. Why would I tell the growers that G13 mother died if I was only interested in making money from other people's dreams of owning something pure? It is not my or Nevilles way so it is not the truth that so many of these G13 strains survived so well through time.

Since I re-released G13 skunk and G13 widow some years back the piggy backers took off again...and the legend was rekindled. Whatever you all believe I find it most difficult to believe there is a pure G13 alive. The best that could be expected would be an old F1 seed or even F2 seed...but most of the time it is a new breeder using an old name to sell his wares.It does not help anyone except that breeder and it would be best for them to rename it with affiliated origins attached to G13 in some way. I am really afraid that all these ways of new companies do not help clarify an urban myth but propagate it to the maximum.Those who believe what is written rather than research perpetuate the myth and so it goes on and on and on...just like this G13 myth. I am sorry to all of those who really educate themselves but the facts are so evident , if it were not for money makers in this industry maybe people who start their own seed companies would name their own seeds with original names and stop confusing the masses.

All the best Sb

all the best,

Soma's G13xHaze male, which he found out of 3 seeds given to him by Ed Rosenthal apparently.


Life is one big grow........
and as u can read he also said he selected the Dampkring G13/Amnesia.....and Barneys
G13Haze witch are both phenos from Amnesia Haze x g13Haze .....If the Ibo cut or Somas AH was used is not knowen.....but its very interesting to know that the G13Haze from Barneys witch also won a cup i guess is a AmnesiaHazeXG13 Pheon prob. on da indica side


Active member
So hard to know what is what when it comes to Amnesia Hazes, it doesn't help that the original Amnesia Haze cut Soma had was amazing and he lost it and replaced it with another one that was more indica but not as good. Apparently someone still has Soma's original cut but has fallen out with Soma and won't give it back to him.

Nothing is clear with anything to do with Haze it seems and if you think of what the word Haze actually means, it's highly ironic!


Life is one big grow........
I have grow out a 5 pack of G13 HAze from Barneys....and i have growen out sogouda in the same run!!! Sogauda is Chesse x Blueberry x g13Haze...i guess it the BlueChesse cut from BigBUddah crossed to the G13:) I found 3 heavy G13Haze pheons with a massiv strech and flowering time from up to 13-14weeks one even 15-16weeks in somas gauda....

I also had one heavy G13Haze pheon from Barney flowtime 13-14weeks( not one was under 10 weeks from seed )....

and i have to say that the g13haze was very dominant in taste and smell in both the sogauda and the g13 of course more in the g13haze phenos!!! Also the typicall(like my friends and i said) G13 Head spinning High was there!!!
Both the longest sogauda and G13Haze were very similar!!
The gouda 13hazePheno is still here in my mother room:dance013:
but i should keep the G13Haze also dam it was super duper smoke and a high fielder...super high


Life is one big grow........
So hard to know what is what when it comes to Amnesia Hazes, it doesn't help that the original Amnesia Haze cut Soma had was amazing and he lost it and replaced it with another one that was more indica but not as good. Apparently someone still has Soma's original cut but has fallen out with Soma and won't give it back to him.

Nothing is clear with anything to do with Haze it seems and if you think of what the word Haze actually means, it's highly ironic!

as i understood freakys post he had the AH from soma selected 98(hell 12 years) witch won the cup ...but ist def. not sure may he mean also the ah ibo cut


Active member
It was the original soma cut of Amnesia Haze which Soma selected from his own cross.

Interesting about the G13Haze. Ojd has said before that it always passes on the Hazy taste and your experiences point to the same thing.

I'm tempted to try a G13Haze cross in the near future. Then again, I just gave half a pack of Mr Nice SSH to a friend to start so I might wait and see what he finds from those. I want a big yielding but hazy keeper. I already have a super tasty Jack Herer cut but it doesn't yield that huge and isn't that potent although the yield thing could be grower error, I don't see it yielding like some phenos of SSH do.


Life is one big grow........
yehh get them a try....i also found Dampkring Mexican Haze witch contains also the G13haze was a real great super strong haze...as the ocean12 Haze but i find the Mex stronger if not the strongest haze i ever bought in a shop and the taste was super great oldschool spicy haze!! I saw a growreport from the mex and hell was that a bigfielding pheno...2 massiv plants with leg like colas!!


Active member
The mexican Haze they used to sell in the Dampkring was a fave of mine, originally someone crossed a Mexican male to a NL5Haze (the A5 cut i think) and that is what the mexican Haze cut was. The seedline will be that cut crossed to the G13Haze male and I would love to try the seeds but sadly they are out of my price range.


Life is one big grow........
I have a pack of somas HazeHEaven(Northern Lights 5 - Haze - Afghani Hawaiian) x G13Haze…this would be killer also…cant wait to pop them!!


Active member
With those parents it should be very interesting. The Afghan/Hawaiian is very good in the NYCD cross, has a strong tropical fruit taste and I imagine that tropical fruit with added hazyness will be rather nice, good luck with those!

I've heard of a new Ammnesia Haze hybrid called Insomnia Haze but I think I need some sleep before I can remember the lineage! lol


Nice to see people with NH F1 from Neville... I have mine too, will get next the NH F1 from Shanti.



High end performers by whos standards?....Oh and Hawaiin Snow isn't a Haze variety.
High end performers by my standards and those of a few close friends, which frankly is all I care about. I have smoked AH#2, AUH#2, and Hawaiian Snow and found the high right up there with the very best, and I have been smoking since 1977. While HS is not a haze variety, it is a sativa dominant cultivar and has a very strong sativa high. I have not smoked AH#1 and AUH#1, but I am currently growing both (my first GHS grow) and so far I am extremely pleased. Like anything else, selection is vital. I started with fifteen seeds, kept five plants, and would say thus far that I have three keeper phenos. Look, I realize you have a personal disdain for GHS, as evidenced by your chiming in with negative comments anytime someone posts even a hint of praise for their gear. However, my evaluation of a breeders product is unclouded by any brand loyalties. The final product must stand on its own merit, regardless of the breeder's history. There is no question that the MNS crew are the premier breeders in the business. This does not mean that other outfits do not have some outstanding offerings, including the much reviled GHS.


ICMag Donor
1. like u said the Amnesia was there befor the Amnesia HAze from Soma was released!!!

Amnesia was originally from Zwiep at Hy-Pro Seeds

We only just discovered this was a N. Haze cross... LGA rate the sativa clone as a keeper,, and Karma Genetics also won ICMag cup with a "Bubblegum" type.. :canabis:

Hy-Pro seeds...



The plants and clones...




Hope this helps...


Active member
Yeah, Hypro do a version of Amnesia. The cutting was around before that though I'm told and no-one is really sure what it is. It's very nice though, or at least samples I've tried were very nice.


ignore sativa grows

ignore sativa grows

High end performers by my standards and those of a few close friends, which frankly is all I care about. I have smoked AH#2, AUH#2, and Hawaiian Snow and found the high right up there with the very best, and I have been smoking since 1977. While HS is not a haze variety, it is a sativa dominant cultivar and has a very strong sativa high. I have not smoked AH#1 and AUH#1, but I am currently growing both (my first GHS grow) and so far I am extremely pleased. Like anything else, selection is vital. I started with fifteen seeds, kept five plants, and would say thus far that I have three keeper phenos. Look, I realize you have a personal disdain for GHS, as evidenced by your chiming in with negative comments anytime someone posts even a hint of praise for their gear. However, my evaluation of a breeders product is unclouded by any brand loyalties. The final product must stand on its own merit, regardless of the breeder's history. There is no question that the MNS crew are the premier breeders in the business. This does not mean that other outfits do not have some outstanding offerings, including the much reviled GHS.

i suggest you ignore sativa grows, he enjoys lurking and reminding everyone when they make a statement that doesn't meet his criteria of fact. He probably works for the government.

i have yet to see him add anything except criticism. your observations are imo right on.


Than perhaps you shouldn't go around saying GHS sativa's are in the top 20% like you've gone around and done a survey...:booked:

maybe you should find something productive to do and add something interesting instead of your bullshit criticism.

you are what we are trying to get away from when we burn it.
get a life:smokeit:


Hypro Amnesia is supposed to be much more indica...

This is the thread that just keeps on giving :) Who says we can't have a civil and informative haze discussion without all hell breaking loose?

"...Dampkring sell a G13 x Amnesia Haze which is probably Amnesia Haze x G13Haze male. They also have Ocean's 12 Haze, god knows what that it, probably another freaky G13Haze cross. Then there is Barney's Utopia Haze and Kiwi's Mako Haze, god knows what that one is. It all gets so confusing! Wouldn't surprise me if some of those strains are the same, just seeds bought in from the same breeder and given a name..."

Barneys g13 haze and Utopia, DNA's C13, Oceans 12, etc...I picked up all of these to be able to hunt the best G13 haze pheno -- guess I could of saved some money lol... I'm sure I'd be able to isolate something close...Maybe I'll start with the Barney's if it's 75% pheno G13 haze (it's a real plus if it contains Soma's vaunted Amnesia cut).

Also picked up the Mako haze-- according to Tim:

"...We had a plant in the north that we grew very successfully that every year would produce consistently top quality, sticky, golden nuggets, which is what we were after in those days. So we named this plant ‘Mako’, and when we came to Holland we decided to bring it over. We brought it over as a clone and here we crossed it with the Haze and the crossing was just perfect. It became a very manageable plant, not super tall, huge yield and its got that lovely taste, and so that was the Mako Haze..."

-Notice how Tim refers to "it" as "the haze" lol

Having trouble finding something close to the Mexican haze in seed form: No Mercy Supply?

LOL below :)

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