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Is it normal to start flowering already ?



I notice the female hairs on my nodes

I took a pic , i hope you can make it out

Its an N.L

its only may and showing these hairs

i started it inside in feb under a 150w hps

i took it outside during the day and in at night out the cold under the hps

Anyway is this normal for plants to do this


is their a chance i got a autoflower seed mixed in with my other seeds when i ordered them ?

Click on pic to enlarge



Active member
If your under an 18/6 or 24/0 I don't believe its normal.Yes I do think seeds could get mixed up .I;m sure it wouldn't be the first time.

It could possibly start to reveg,but looking at your pic it looks at least a week into flower.My guess is yes its an A/F


If your under an 18/6 or 24/0 I don't believe its normal.Yes I do think seeds could get mixed up .I;m sure it wouldn't be the first time.

It could possibly start to reveg,but looking at your pic it looks at least a week into flower.My guess is yes its an A/F

Its been fully outdoors since april 8th

like i said though i started it in feb under hps


if you had th eplant under just the suns natural light since april then yes it is flowering. The number of hours of light/darm in early april is enough to make plants flower especially if they are good sized as you stated you started them in feb.

you can either bring it inside for 12 hours of dark so it continues flowering or just leave it outside, if you do leave it out, it may just continue to ripen till done or it may try to revert which will leave you with a gross looking plant you will want to throw away...lol good luck


if you had th eplant under just the suns natural light since april then yes it is flowering. The number of hours of light/darm in early april is enough to make plants flower especially if they are good sized as you stated you started them in feb.

you can either bring it inside for 12 hours of dark so it continues flowering or just leave it outside, if you do leave it out, it may just continue to ripen till done or it may try to revert which will leave you with a gross looking plant you will want to throw away...lol good luck

Its directly in the ground ,

i would tear the roots to hell trying to get it out wouldn't i

plus it wont fit in my cab now its to big for it

and i have other plants that went out at the same time and their just in veg mode

this is the only one doing this

So next year i need to wait a little longer before i start a grow

when would you say is a good starting time and still get big nice size plants
its very difficult to keep them from flowering when placed outside from an indoor environment. You need to have your indoor timers on a daycell timer or try to match the outdoor light cycle as closely as possible to place them outdoors...ex: around 14 hours lights on. Others say that you can gradually put them outdoor to get them used to the sun, but if you were taking them in everynight and putting them under an hps, you were counterproductive. If you had them on for 18 to 24 hours then put them outdoor in april, you will get a spring crop and they will finish.

They are not autoflowers.


its very difficult to keep them from flowering when placed outside from an indoor environment. You need to have your indoor timers on a daycell timer or try to match the outdoor light cycle as closely as possible to place them outdoors...ex: around 14 hours lights on. Others say that you can gradually put them outdoor to get them used to the sun, but if you were taking them in everynight and putting them under an hps, you were counterproductive. If you had them on for 18 to 24 hours then put them outdoor in april, you will get a spring crop and they will finish.

They are not autoflowers.

It was a 18 / 6 light cycle

Try to hit them hard with nitrogen and superthrive and you may get them to reveg.

All i have is superthrive

you say it them hard , how hard is hard

and if i gave them to much superthrive would they not get all yellow from the N ?


If they end up re veggin

How bad is that

it seems like it would just go back into veg and grow some more

then just finish flowering in the fall


Plants that are not AF remain in veg or start to flower based on the length of the night period. You have a long enough night period for this plant to flower, so let it grow out.

Start some seeds inside with 15 hours of light and plant them outside around the second week of June to get them to go long season for a fall harvest :)


Hehe, last year I had a couple plants start flowering on June first. It was nice to harvest a couple early and fill the holes back up with new plants for a second round.


You have a long enough night period for this plant to flower, so let it grow out.

Maybe long enough right now

But the days are slowly getting longer and nights shorter

Do you think it would finish flowering before the summer long days

or stop and re veg , then start to flower again in the fall ?


I notice the female hairs on my nodes

I took a pic , i hope you can make it out

Its an N.L

its only may and showing these hairs

i started it inside in feb under a 150w hps

i took it outside during the day and in at night out the cold under the hps

Anyway is this normal for plants to do this

Sorry, after looking at the pic again with the spectacles on....it's starting to flower.


it will stop flowering and start to veg again until your daylight returns to under 14 hours!
you should not put your vegging plants outdoors until you have more than 14 hours of daylight!!!
in n.c. you should not put them out until may 15th at the earliest!

putting them out in april has now set you back instead of your plants gaining anything!
for example: on april 8th in greensboro n.c. there was 12.51 hours of daylight!!
april 9th in rocky mount n.c. there was 12.53 hours of daylight!!
this is why your plant started flowering!

i put mine out today at 14.20 hrs of daylight!!!

T.C. :pimp3:

Im close to asheville

today was 13hr and 52min


Do you think it would be safe now if i left these outside ?

Click on pic to enlarge



Well i took it out the ground and replanted it in a pot so i can bring it in at night for 12hrs

and just let it finish out like one dude suggested ,

its in shock now pretty bad

Do any of you know how long they normally stay in shock for before they recover ?

its droopy looking now :(

Click to enlarge

420...bro if its an AF which it looks like it is..

It probably wont ever recover..they are not like Non- AF's when it comes to transplant or abusing a plant, they cant take it..

Good Luck either way

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