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Is it common to have no friends?


Active member
i couldn't let this one go since i have a friend going through the weirdest friggin thing, and i never would have thought he would have done what he is being accused of.

for me as far as friends being there for you through thick and thin, it really does depend on what you do and the morality behind it, and how it affects everyone else in the long run. this friend of mine lied to all of "us" and it seems only to get our approval or assistance to do somethign he knew damned well we wouldn't have condoned him doing.

his mother asked if some of us could write a letter of character referance for him to be read during his trial, but for what hes being accused of. . . . :badday: . . . i just dont know and am still trying to figure out where to start. many others have told me to just write the letter about him b4 all this, but i find that to be the hardest part of all, because the "-----" i know wouldn't have been caught dead in the place that the incident occured in
much less being accused of the things he is being accused of.

This is a little off topic.
Did your friend happen to have a chance encounter with

Chris Hansen?
Pick up a sport like frisbee golf and bring a joint with you, ask some stoner lookin' folk for a lighter and then offer to share they'll likely ask if you want to play in with them.

Exactly what I was thinking. It may not be an appealing sport to some, but I have met some of the friendliest people out at the course. Even if your only meeting up to play a round, thats like 2 hours of hanging out. Plus it is the most marijuana friendly sport out there.

I'm lucky enough to have a solid group of friends from high school I still hang out with. With out them I would be friendless. I am fairly shy and introverted. I have begun to realize that if I ever move away I will be apart of this club, and yes that does get to me a good bit.


Active member
I'm a bit of a hermit and sometimes feel depressed about my lack of determination in social situations. I have one or two friends I can go to see, and they live in another city. In fact I got... not a single friend I could go for a coffee in this city. Since starting to use cannabis I've gotten a few new friends though, but we have nothing in common except smoking weed. It's a circle with benefits, more than often a good fun though...

I doubt thinking too much about it improves your chances. After a couple of visits to the psychologist, I came to the conclusion that "who gives a fuck what people think about me" -attitude is the right one to overcome social phobias. Together with serious physical excercise, I'm regaining my confidence and I'm much better at seeing what is really important and what goes to the wgaf -category.

This could become a long rant that pushes its tentacles all the way to my childhood and certain traumatic experiences, but screw that. :) I know that there are many people out there that think about this very same issue, it's just a matter of getting in contact with them. Good luck y'all.
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Rollin Face

Damn ZEEBA, i totally agree with your first post....as ive witnessed it first hand my whole life, its always what they can get or how they can benefit from you. I dont speak for anyones accounts except for my own, and that is true stuff.

However Norcal Chron, i agree with you on the matter that, marijuana affects everyone differently, and pre 2 years ago when i didnt smoke i was a way more outgoing, in your face kind of guy. it was sometimes annoying bc i thought it was ADHD, but herb mellowed that and myself out.

Im in my early 20's and i as well have not had more real friends that i can count on one hand. And the ones that were tired banging my girl, both of them. so it always shows in the end. I am not judgemental of people but i sum them up logically pretty quickly and never see any REAL potential in people.
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Active member
I'm still curious what kinds of things interest you medbreeder. I think we'd be able to come up with some cool shit for you to go out and do just to set up the potential for making some friends. Worst case you'd make no new friends but you'd be getting out and doing something you enjoy, which sounds good to me. Also I know several people have mentioned working out (myself included), do you? I think working out is as good for me mentally as it is physically. When I work out regularly and with purpose I find that I work harder at all things in life.
hey med breeder theres a good book u should pick up its called "the game" the authors last name is strauss dont remember his first name.hes this geeky dude that writes books and was gonna do a book about pick up artist so he starts doin research and starts meeting with these pick up artist .eventually these guys teach him all the tricks of the trade and he becomes a master pick up artist.and its not just about picking up women its also about making friends socializing and making yourself more attractive to people its a good read .most of these pick up artist are average joes ,some overweight some skinny some just goofy looking.heres a good tip from the book that i used before i read the book its called negging meaning instead of complimenting a girl u give her a semi negative compliment .for instance say theres a girl u like at the office. instead of saying wow your hair looks great u say something like thats a funky hairdo or i liked your hair the other way .also when socializing with a group of coworkers make sure you ignore her and make it a little obviuos your ignoring her.start going to the gym give yourself a little makeover and the rest will follow .oh yeah its a true story all though i think some of it seems overdone.
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Registered Med User
If a tree falls in the woods and nobodys around does it make a sound?
Does a gost know its a ghost?

Does a bear shit in the woods and wipe its ass with a fluffy white rabit?
.....wait, wut the fuck am I talking about?
Rollin Face said:
Damn ZEEBA, i totally agree with your first post....as ive witnessed it first hand my whole life, its always what they can get or how they can benefit from you. I dont speak for anyones accounts except for my own, and that is true stuff.

However Norcal Chron, i agree with you on the matter that, marijuana affects everyone differently, and pre 2 years ago when i didnt smoke i was a way more outgoing, in your face kind of guy. it was sometimes annoying bc i thought it was ADHD, but herb mellowed that and myself out.

Im in my early 20's and i as well have not had more real friends that i can count on one hand. And the ones that were tired banging my girl, both of them. so it always shows in the end. I am not judgemental of people but i sum them up logically pretty quickly and never see any REAL potential in people.

This thread has had great messages in it, like from you and many other people. I think loneliness is a condition that affects the whole human race, not just tokers by any means. It's just that ganja opens one up to pondering the human condition.

I don't feel lonely, just amiss, in that I'd prefer to have a good network of friends, rather than just one friend. I think my happiest periods in life were when I had 3-4 good buddies on my phone, that were up for going out on the town anytime, any day. I'm talking about good friends, that know you through and through. But you know, with age comes a lot of changes, and one of them is that people as they get older tend to get much more selfish and calculating, as well as creatures of habit, and less spontaneous.

In my experience the top 5 things that destroy a friendship -

1. SEX. They want *you*, your partner ...or, vice versa...
2. Money. One of you is poorer than the other, and that breeds envy and distrust.
3. The Final Offense. So-and-so gets angry at you for some slight, real or imagined, and cuts you off forever. Or vice versa...you get angry at them
4. Distrust. They form a negative opinion of you, and decide secretly not to be your friend anymore. You won't find out until the betrayal, which is scheduled to happen a few days, weeks or months later.
5. Annoying habit. This is where a friend has an annoying habit (or maybe you do?) that seems unchangable and too severe to tolerate. I'm thinking of the friend with the heavy Korean accent who is always nagging. Or the friend who had a nasal problem where snot was running continuously. Anyone who gropes their crotch during a normal conversation can no longer be a friend, unless (and that's a big IF) they are so attractive they can get away with it. There was this one fat middle-aged guy at work that I swear to God, would adjust his penis while he was talking. What amused me is I was not the only one to notice. The conservative religious right old man working next to me...he noticed too.

Rollin Face

^^ Absolutley, im on the same page bro...

Where as before i may have been more socially active, it was when i didnt smoke and to be honest after ganja, i have been opened up more and more accepting of life and its quandries, and realizing certain things that maybe i was oblivious to before...for me anyway it was kind of a give or take....ignorance and being sober, or understanding and being alone....i analyze things to a T and at times i think i sum ppl up and become instantly bored, because i know too much, what kind of personality they are, their baggage, and what drama theyve encountered. Or just see no potential and i hate associating with numb skulls, which most people are.

I also hate talking with guys my own age because i always feel its like some male dominant competition that i dont care to be apart of, instead of puffing my chest out at a party or w/e i sum you up intellectually instead of how gay i can look in this shirt that WAY too small for me. fags.
Rollin Face said:
^^ Absolutley, im on the same page bro...

Where as before i may have been more socially active, it was when i didnt smoke and to be honest after ganja, i have been opened up more and more accepting of life and its quandries, and realizing certain things that maybe i was oblivious to before...for me anyway it was kind of a give or take....ignorance and being sober, or understanding and being alone....i analyze things to a T and at times i think i sum ppl up and become instantly bored, because i know too much, what kind of personality they are, their baggage, and what drama theyve encountered. Or just see no potential and i hate associating with numb skulls, which most people are.

If you analyze things a great deal then you're probably like me to a certain extent. I'm not afraid of detail and can get immersed in puzzles.

I wouldn't say ganja has led me to any profound realization, but neither has alcohol for that matter... but ganja does eliminate anxiety and worry, the two enemies of the analytic mind that is constantly trying to fix problems.

Analytic minds are the worse for social occasions. If somebody's acting fake and putting on a show, I see the wheels turning. I remember so many people from work that would try to put on an act to make me think this, that or the other. Especially in competitive environments, like the workplace, people are always up to something, always playing a little game to get one over on someone else, because humans are great game players. It was rare anybody really said what they really thought, unless it was a sadistic joke, and in that case you could expect honesty.

Just gotta listen to that little voice inside your head, which is intuition, or some people call it instinct. Most of the time when a smile does not agree with the look in somebody's eye then something is wrong and it's time to keep your guard up. One thing that pleases me a great deal is I've had forewarning of people that let me down. Sort of like a sixth sense, but it really just involves reading the way a person is looking at you. They will lie for the fun of it and maybe make you half-way believe their lie, but their body can't lie and gives up the game every time. If you're not surprised, then the disappointment is less. I just remind myself, "so-and-so is *NOT* your friend," but sometimes I have to remind myself of that many times, almost like a mantra, to avoid getting lulled into trusting a snake.

Rollin Face said:
I also hate talking with guys my own age because i always feel its like some male dominant competition that i dont care to be apart of, instead of puffing my chest out at a party or w/e i sum you up intellectually instead of how gay i can look in this shirt that WAY too small for me. fags.

yeah that bores me, too, these guys that always have to out-macho you just because you're both male. Guys that try to act too tough for their own good. Yeah whatever. Save it for the boxing ring, Bruno.
GET MO said:
If a tree falls in the woods and nobodys around does it make a sound?
Does a gost know its a ghost?

Does a bear shit in the woods and wipe its ass with a fluffy white rabit?
.....wait, wut the fuck am I talking about?



If I fell in the woods would anyone pick me up?

I don't know if it's common to have no friends, but I know it sucks. I do not have 1 person that I trust. I have people around me, but the moment I open my mouth I get the "I don't care, shutup" look. I just try and keep to myself as much as possible.

I wanna friend but not sure if it's worth the trouble. I always end up getting screwed in the end. Think I'll go smoke and fatty and ponder this some more. ALONE.


It's not uncommon at all.

It's one of the things that inspired me NOT to get married. I noticed when I was younger there was a huge difference when people were around mid thirties. All I had to ask is "So what do you like to do? What are you into?"

The question visually takes aback many married men. The brief memory when there was something different. Family takes alot away from you. Many married men have NO life other than work and home. They may have a "3rd place" like a bar they go to because they have nowhere else to go and don't wanna go home. So they wait an hour with a beer with other guys doing the same.

Alot of guys that never got married felt like they missed out on things, but they were quick to say what they were into. Music, fishing, this or that. They didn't lose everything. Guys that got divorced seemed keenly aware of what they lost and being forced to discover it again.

Long story short, No. You're not alone. Many people on many different paths feel alone. Some are surrounded by people. Only thing I can say is don't way for people to invite you. Invite them. The fact is most people are pretty damn boring, and they aren't doing anything more interesting than you are, and it never occurred to invite you to watch CSI.

Get something planned, invite people you like and you'd be surprised not only how many show up but start looking to you as "whats happening this weekend?"

I remember in highschool I always wanted to go to the killer parties. Never really got invited. I realized there simply weren't that many killer parties like in movies about highschool. So I started throwing them. I had keggers at movie theatres, roof tops, live music. You'd be surprised how people are really looking for a leader. ie: waiting for someone to call them rather then calling people. People know you for what you do and if you don't do anything interesting they aren't going to know you.

What a golden motherfucking post of priceless wisdom. Thumbs up!


Active member
hey friend

do some volunteer work

youll be around cool, good hearted people, plus youll feel good about yourself

about not being in shape, go the gym, its good for you, and you will feel good about yourself with that too

it's common to not have a lot of friends

some people get betrayed or harassed, some tend to turn inward

from what I learned in school, the older you grow, the less friends you have


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
sane? your fine if you social and don't want friends and don't have any

bad? if you want to have friends and don't have any

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