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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??


Game Bred
then why make up the 5x5 limit?? WHATS THE PURPOSE OF THIS LIMIT? the answer is...richard lee put it in there so that he would have LESS COMPETITION...how the hell are most clubs gonna be able to compete with richard lee when they can only grow 5x5 per patient?? 5x5 cant supply SHIT...its a bullshit sq footage number.

it basically means that if you get raided for any reason, they will measure your grows sq ft instead of numbers...which they do now.

they put those limits in there in case it goes to court so they can stick you with extra penalties....

just like with medical grows now...and the plant numbers limit..yeah no ones registering shit but once the DEA knocks they start counting numbers.

we have it better now..because we can skirt the numbers rule by growing bigger plants, less numbers.

however there is no way to get by the sq footage rule, and they know that.

this bill brings more regulation than we have now

WOW you dont care or realize that its people like YOU that give ammo to the drug warriors to prevent more states from passing medical laws.
they site liars like you who "fudge" the system to make a profit.
you and your ilk have kept medicine out of the hands of THOUSANDS of REAL patients by your greed.
you are the worst type of person and the sad fucking fact is you wont see it.
you will come up with all the rationalizations and justifications for your actions. but in the end you have misused the medical system for recreational use and profit. probably allowed your product to fall into the hands of minors and even shipped product out of state.



Active member
....but your not in cali so i understand...

lol...I've been in Cali for over 40 years.

we have it better because even though the limit is 6 flowering for example..you can run 6 big ass plants that take up a whole room. how are you gonna get by the 5x5 limit?

Your talking about medical cannabis again.....what does it take to get you to understand that this has nothing to do with medical?

in california..most recreational users have their cards and are considered medical

Now your just making stuff up. That statement couldn't be more false. No way.

in california..most recreational users have their cards and are considered medical...and usually get it as soon as they turn 18....now they gotta wait till their 21 or they go to jail for smoking..something they could have done legally prior to this legislation.

You really are mixing things up....THIS IS NOT MEDICAL CANNABIS...so if an 18 year old has a medical excuse to use cannabis...that's great he/she can get a rec. Not sure what your saying there.


Active member
Forgot this one

so what are you saying...MMJ and recreational will have different limits?

Yes...were taking about 2 totally different laws here. If your a recreational user, you will be restricted to 5x5, If your medical, then this law has nothing to do with you and just keep what you are doing.


Tropical Outcast
Forgot this one

Yes...were taking about 2 totally different laws here. If your a recreational user, you will be restricted to 5x5, If your medical, then this law has nothing to do with you and just keep what you are doing.

I can imagine the majority not knowing that.


Active member
Oh, I know...

Lets make fruits and vegetables ILLEGAL so we can take them back from corporate!


Don't be a dumbass. All these fruits and veggies you are throwing around in your post have ALL been inspected by the Fed and State government. You can go to jail for selling simple produce that have not been properly inspected by the government.

Most proponents don't understand what they are asking for.


Just Call me Urkle!!
But whats the point of Medical Marijuana if it's legalized??? You see medicinal alcohol anywhere??? Are MMJ Dispensaries still going to be around??? Why bother if you can go to the liquor store and get it??? It's all fucked up to me...


Active member
Don't be a dumbass. All these fruits and veggies you are throwing around in your post have ALL been inspected by the Fed and State government. You can go to jail for selling simple produce that have not been properly inspected by the government.

Most proponents don't understand what they are asking for.

Are you smoking crack or some other serious drug besides marijuana?

Are you telling me all the Oranges sold on the streets... that these immigrants and being thrown in jail for selling uninspected ORANGES!?

How about Farmers' Markets? I don't see some government badge wearing official inspecting shit there.

My friends have gardens with tomatos, cucumbers, lemons, oranges, sugar cane, thyme, rosemary... GUESS WHAT?


So please, tell me what's in your pipe, cause its some funked up ish


Active member
But whats the point of Medical Marijuana if it's legalized??? You see medicinal alcohol anywhere??? Are MMJ Dispensaries still going to be around??? Why bother if you can go to the liquor store and get it??? It's all fucked up to me...

Exactly, you wont have to bother to go to a med shop because you can get it elsewhere. so now you don't have to pay $100 to a doctor unless you want to grow your own within your legal limits. If you want to grow your 12 plants in a 5x5 or a 10x10 or more it wont matter unless you aren't medical in which case you can grow as much as you can fit in a 5x5

Nunya Biz

Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??

I didn't know there were so many facists on here who would rather see people in jail just so they can turn a profit, they are lower than the pigs and politicians... Disgusting.


Active member
Forgot this one

Yes...were taking about 2 totally different laws here. If your a recreational user, you will be restricted to 5x5, If your medical, then this law has nothing to do with you and just keep what you are doing.

really?? this is not being emphasized then...if this law only applies to recreational users than i learned something new. i got my card and im definately not gonna abide by the 5x5 limit.

i thought you were an east coaster with the VTA screenname assumed you were from vermont.....also maybe in socal smokers dont have cards....but up here in norcal almost every smoker i know has a cannabis card. and its not to get into the clubs...most still buy on the street they just use the card for protection against police.

but all circles are different...most of my friends got their cards as soon as they turned 18. and i do know a couple kids without their paperwork...but its like 80% has cards...and 20 does not.

no hard feelings on the debate...we all friends here for the most part lol.

also one last thing...i live in the bay area, the shining example of progressive government over spending. the last thing the city of SF or oakland needs is more of my tax money so that some lowlife in east oakland gets free rent and can sit around all day. They already tax us way too much, they are looking to tax everything from tanning saloons to raising parking fines..enough is enough.
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Active member
I didn't know there were so many facists on here who would rather see people in jail just so they can turn a profit, they are lower than the pigs and politicians... Disgusting.

prohibition will always be an oppurtunity for profit..no risk no revenue. if you arent willing to risk your ass than join the masses and pay up for that bud. dont sit around and expect freebies. nobody wants to see people in jail, thats blowing it out of porportion, but businessmen see a business oppurtunity. YES IT SUCKS THAT PEOPLE ARE IN JAIL FOR GROWING AND SMOKING. its retarded, but those people in jail took the risks. if anything happens to me i cant be mad about it, its all part of the game. the fact is marijuana does have some dangerous effects, mostly mentally, and while some praise it as medicine its still reasonably addicting and dangerous to mental health, and thats coming from a daily smoker for almost ten years who knows many smokers and i see negative effects in maybe 20-30% of the daily smokers i know (social paranoia, lack of motivation, schizophrenia, etc)...most states will never change their laws on marijuana, and especially certain countries. right now i am in Japan where weed is 70 a gram for beastesr and controlled by the Yakuza and is highly illegal, the laws are messed up but cant do nothing about it. Im being forced to NOT smoke and honestly im happy about it...for once my mind is clear and im not chasing my morning high all afternoon with bong hits of kush..its doing wonders for my brain to NOT be smoking right now. Most would tell me to exercise control and just stop smoking, but when you got seven jars of different strains and the bong is sitting there, its hard not to indulge.

at the same time...prohibition is the reason why im not living on the street. i have a criminal record and sent out 11 employment applications and didnt even get responses. i have worked backbreaking jobs and never wish it on anybody. i wish everyone could grow and pay their bills too, this is a website primarily for growers, many of which who do so for profit, if you want to be with the masses join grasscity and complain about your 50 an 8th. i see that you are a grower, and if i was in your shoes risking 7 years i would move, let the sober fundamntalists have their super strict state and come join us in california wheres theres relatively less risk. if it werent for growing/selling i would be living at moms like a bum, caught up in the rat race of society, working at a bullshit wage to make someone else wealthy, but instead im my own CEO and things are better at the moment and i can afford to pay my bills, and i would not trade this counterculture lifestyle for anything. this situation is replicated thousands of times all across the country. the risks entail that some can make a living where they previously could not in regular society.
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Active member
You really are mixing things up....THIS IS NOT MEDICAL CANNABIS...so if an 18 year old has a medical excuse to use cannabis...that's great he/she can get a rec. Not sure what your saying there.

i still dont see how this works..if the new law says you have to be 21 to smoke, then how is an 18 year old going to get a medical rec?

i dont really care that much since im over 21, but its still messed up because when me and my friends turned 18 we all got our cards.

how is going to be seperate? can you cite something in the law where it says so?


Active member
i still dont see how this works..if the new law says you have to be 21 to smoke, then how is an 18 year old going to get a medical rec?

i dont really care that much since im over 21, but its still messed up because when me and my friends turned 18 we all got our cards.

how is going to be seperate? can you cite something in the law where it says so?

Well there is no age limit for someone to get a medical recommendation for cannabis. So if your 18 and have say, a sore foot, then you can get a rec and you are now under the guise of Prop215. If you get popped for something and go to court, you would be using Prop215 as your defense. The 21 and over is for recreational use only and a separate law altogether.


Active member
can you cite something in the law where it says so?

Heres the thing...The voter initiated law [prop215] can only be changed by a voter challenge. This new law is separate. To change 215...someone would have to write a new initiative whose sole purpose is to change or repeal that law, specifically. You cannot create a totally different law and at the same time change a separate voter initiated law.


Active member
Yes4Prop215... dude, you are lame. You don't want to pay taxes because they will go to some low life in the east Bay who sits on their ass all day?

What about your tax dollars going to the mother of three children who can't pay all her bills and feed her 3 kids with the two jobs she has because her children's father is locked up in prison for WEED.

By not legalizing this shit, you are PAYING MORE for something which is RUINING LIVES.

How do you not see that?


Active member
Not to mention the felon would never have been arrested so he could still go out and get a job. Won't have to explain to anybody about probation or parole.

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