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Is is me or do some growers in Cali actually not want pot legalised??


Overkill is under-rated.
I honestly don't remember where I saw it, it was last week on some SoCal newspaper site if I recall. Google "TC2010 support %" for current figures.


Active member
A member on here posted after seeing one of Lee's 100K light (yes 100,000 1000W lights) and Lee mentioned he was in the middle of building a 200K light op in the LA area.

That would be 100 thousand watt lights...could you imagine though 100,000 of them, that would be 100,000,000 watts..crazy!


Active member
Remember People, Lee is no Superman. He doesn't have some kind of immunity that you or I don't have. If he can setup a warehouse with 100 lights..good for him...you could too.


Overkill is under-rated.
As long as you have millions of dollars to grease the palms of your city council like he does, then great, go for it!

Screw the old growers that have been doing this for decades, they should just shoot their families so they don't have to watch them starve!



Game Bred
lol instead of attacking other peoples ideas maybe you come up with some of your own and substance most of. all the pro people. in this thread just attack the otherside without fact. if you don't wanna atleast give some helpful feeedback or atleast another point of vew but that's because you know dick about the subject so you just flame other peoples idea way to go..

here ya go sport i did it for you >>>> https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=171074&do=filter&fid=848<<<<<<

now if you choose not to read it it is your own fault you remain ignorant.
all of my insightful and well reasoned responses to prohibitionists fear mongering from this thread filtered for you in one link. as from your responses i easily deduce you have not taken the .5 seconds it takes to filter the thread and see if i defined my position or engaged it infantile hyperbole as you accuse.


Active member
hm... maybe I'm not being insightful enough... :D

what i'm saying is that when you call your own comments "insightful" it just comes off as egotistical. whether or not your comments contain valuable "insight" is a judgment to be made by others, based on whether or not they find it to do so...

now... if you were to gain insight from this post, you might choose to consider it insightful.


Active member
For all those who do not wish to see weed legalized in California...

Why don't you just move to Oregon, Washington, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, or one of the other 49 states that isn't trying to legalize it.

I'm sure you could still make a killing growing out of your house over there.


Overkill is under-rated.
For all those who do not wish to see weed legalized in California...

Why don't you just move to Oregon, Washington, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, or one of the other 49 states that isn't trying to legalize it.

I'm sure you could still make a killing growing out of your house over there.

Ugh, I thought about doing just that, but no:

Oregon = RAIN and nobody has any money.
Washington = MORE rain and too cold.
Nevada = Hot Desert, no med laws, too hot, and I don't want to support areas where life is artificial from piped-in water.
NM/Arizona: No hablamos Espanol and too hot.

Besides, I've lived in Cali my entire life, and though I understand what you're saying, would YOU be so eager to ditch your job, pull up your wife and kids and just move to some big unknown, away from everything and everyone you know? I doubt it!


I have not read the proposed law...
But hear I go… Mono-crops… Monsanto… MASS production… Shared genetics and diseases and lifeboat tactics by the real profiteers (think Marlboro greens on extra special hormones to save a homogenously f-ed up crop)

This is just a throw-up cause I have got to sign out but all I am saying is impending legalization at this time in the United States history is sketchier then ever, when sovereign and practical action is socially inhibited

Would it kill thriving areas and communities to make dents in goliath’s pocket book through degradation of goods?

By the way why are the growing communities (organics/breeders) not more intensively involved then I’ve noticed in fighting the Agricultural and FDA factions? Although that area gets into a great deal of politics and economics etc, I am talking about some of the more intelligent people of a realm mirroring this... Morally I'd say you are responsible to at least avoid partaking in some of these things where you can

(Walmart representing a complex issue)

I know I am uniformed but diamonds, farming, Catholicism… supply and demand… F-That


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Ugh, I thought about doing just that, but no:

Oregon = RAIN and nobody has any money.
Washington = MORE rain and too cold.
Nevada = Hot Desert, no med laws, too hot, and I don't want to support areas where life is artificial from piped-in water.
NM/Arizona: No hablamos Espanol and too hot.

Besides, I've lived in Cali my entire life, and though I understand what you're saying, would YOU be so eager to ditch your job, pull up your wife and kids and just move to some big unknown, away from everything and everyone you know? I doubt it!

holy shit, this describes exactly how i feel.....

may end up in Oregon, gets sun 20 days a year........


Active member
So instead of removing the "gamble your freedom" part of the deal, you'd rather risk your livelihood to make a few extra bucks... and not learn or adapt to something new. That's pretty much as backwards as it gets. You're like weed Nazis who don't care how you get rich, don't mind the foul smell in the air.


Active member
, would YOU be so eager to ditch your job, pull up your wife and kids and just move to some big unknown, away from everything and everyone you know? I doubt it!

fuck yeah. i do this every five years or so. letting go of attachments and starting fresh isn;t for everybody, but I find it to be incredibly rewarding.

now...i don;t want to be forcedinto such a move... but it was circumstances like this (a failing economy) that prompted me to make the move to Cali in the first place.


"Get a real job!!" LOl Fuck You!! This as real of a job as you can get. We actually provide a product that people want. Basiclly saying you need to be as miserable as the rest of us mindless fucks on the freeways in bumper to bumper traffic hating your lives.


Active member
As long as you have millions of dollars to grease the palms of your city council like he does, then great, go for it!

Screw the old growers that have been doing this for decades, they should just shoot their families so they don't have to watch them starve!


if you can grow herb, you can grow food for your family. :D


"Get a real job!!" LOl Fuck You!! This as real of a job as you can get. We actually provide a product that people want. Basiclly saying you need to be as miserable as the rest of us mindless fucks on the freeways in bumper to bumper traffic hating your lives.

real job, this includes paying taxes and providing a product that is taxable. and remember no one is requiring nobody to sit in bumper to bumper traffic.

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