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Is civilization about to fall?

only because people who dont agree with the topic decide their opinions must be heard, even if they have no infomation to back up claims at all.

Hahaha dude, what an Oxymoron that is. But then again, you did say information, and not "factual evidence" so your ability to relay information might be there but it doesn't make it true or right in any way.


Hahaha dude, what an Oxymoron that is. But then again, you did say information, and not "factual evidence" so your ability to relay information might be there but it doesn't make it true or right in any way.

when the goverment achkowlages that these situations actually are occouring, but wont go into any detail to what it is, thats when you look and find:yeahthats
when the goverment achkowlages that these situations actually are occouring, but wont go into any detail to what it is, thats when you look and find:yeahthats


Mr. Alkaline

Your Changable Self is Constantly Becoming a Refle
ICMag Donor
This is the Question of ALL Questions.....

This is the Question of ALL Questions.....

My question is were do we go from here, when the general populous seems happy to turn a blind eye !?
I'm not gonna answer it though, because I'm not in your personal life.
THOUGH, I will tll you my crude thoughts as they come to me over 5 minutes of streaming thought.

First, be aware that I have lived in the DJ Short forum for three years because I felt that I could hide there and create some real quality threads....which has happened with dedication and presense.

My best thread was called 'the floral creation and character', and in those 20 pages I found enlightment. It all started when I asked if cannabis affected humans like smelling flowers in a market! then...are there humans who have character that creates like itself...iow...FLORAL character.

So, a long story-short,....I finished the thread and looked outside for many months....looking at the world.
-I knida began asking if there were any threats in-line with our Floral Heritage,...and if so, would they impeed Floral evolution of Cannabis, which, is what drives me to create threads.

Well, I have been away from the DJ forum for like 1 month now, because I realized that my tremendous focus...as great as it was....could very well be crippling my outward prognosis on my security in the US.
...of course, I am truthful to my inner self ...and vice versa....so BAMMM....I've landed into 3 wierd threads this month until I find some real closure over the issue.

Folks, I don't want to die. And, I also don't want to assume that someone else is protecting me from death either.

NO ONE, is coming to the rescue.

Sure, situations can change in our semi-permanent favor....BUT, what I am discovering is the disturbing notion that people have come and gone many times over, on their death bed, to solidify concrete varibles which can usher in a new world order, that bottlenecks an ancient point of view, which is now obsolete(to us), but eternally exciting(to them).

For example,...when kevin trudeaux wrote the book entitled, 'Natural Cures, They Don't Want You To Know About'. Kevin had described a secret group (transnational), which had aliens he saw himself at area 51. The group collects members through IQ tests, and then bribery). The secret society has a profit agenda that grossly detests following the golden rules of brotherhood. A group that does not recognize you as a person, but...a number, an account$, an opportunity to make a sustainable profit.

Kevin reports that they put ingredients in the food to make you fat.
AND, they filter the internet content availability, format and structures.
...that this sociey has lied to the public regarding available disease treatments. They have payed doctors to write books which fiinish up as an advert for a synthetic drug or treatment.

This society has had an internet for at least a decade sooner than we have.
...and they operate as a virus to exploit whatever valuable, or potentially viable resources that we may have, create or work towards.
This society helped us to get online, to make sure that we stay off-line.
-This is a religion that's very unique and disturbing. And it is all-encompassing, and requires members who are resolute all the way til death, to push the religion's agenda....which doesn't change....it is changeless.
AND THEY KNOW, that good people come and go...and that flame in grandpa/ma, which ceases to become passed down...ceases to be a factorial, or detriment to their progressive agenda.
.......are you telling me that They want grandma to finish dying in front of the tv, watching soap operas...instead of passing down the virtues of her legacy????....YES!...that's what is happening.
Take a break, stretch your legs

Around 1930, this resolute religion, began to filter your inheritances, coonsisting of mankinds gretest blueprints for prosperity and indvidual achievements.
**Napoleon Hill, worked at the White House for free.........and he care about the man who had nothing...the man who thought of hisself as nothing!

Mr. Hill educated our government, in 1933, on the priciples of morphic resonace and invisible thought fields, webs and matrixes.
His life was devoted to the service of mankind, when he was stricken with tuberculosis. His father actually knelt into the woods and prayed to the Maker to spare Napoleons life, in exchange for Service. -And this is exactly as his life was spent. Napoleon wrote the book enmtitled, 'The Laws of Success',...in 1928. Mr. Hill was personal friends with T. Edison and the Wright Bros....along with over 500 others of prominence and public, as well as-intellectual stature.

I am here to inform you today, that the rogue society/religion has hijacked every facet of us gov, as an all-powerful and pervaisive pawn, to fix their places, indelibly into the stars. And in some perverted ways, anything besides a tree, can be an agent of the secret sect.

Make Triple Certain that you can sustain your family for 4 weeks in a tent, if the worst does happen.
I have realized that this costs around 500 usd to accomplish.

If there is a threat, it would likely subside just after the starvation threshold.
Do create contacts with 2 families in your city, aswell as 2 contacts outside your state.
....I'm sure there is more preparedness info, but this is all i can think up at the moment.
What I do know, is that a crisis comes in a wave type format....once every month or so...
BE WELL and best wishes!!!


weed fiend
I don't believe civilization will fall. I believe more countries and governments will fall victim to financial and imperialistic errors on a large enough scale to tank their respective economies.

Depending on the degree of collapse will determine whether these entities rise from the ashes or are totally exploited by others. The Soviet Union didn't die, their communistic philosophy did. They were able to defend themselves militarily but had to embrace capitalism as a way out of economic collapse.

Future collapses wont be so lucky. If the communist Soviet Union's demise had been timed with the explosion of derivatives and other financial weapons of mass destruction, things would be a whole lot worse in Russia than they are now.

Greed will only hasten financial bubbles as the world's top 1% of earners struggle to synthesize profits out of thin air. The weaker an economy gets, the more desperate governments will get to find solutions. Maybe we won't see it in our lifetime but greed and exploitation are the biggest enemies civilization has to fear. They're also something we as a society can manipulate to avoid disaster.


weed fiend
Good link, cork144. McKenna is intelligent and inspiring. I don't agree with his take that culture is not our friend. It's the exploitation of culture, ie, religion, marketing, advertising, consumption, etc. that turns us into something we don't recognize in ourselves. His idea of combating dominance through art is telling. Art IS culture. Yet the title of his presentation is "Culture is not your friend."
Maybe we won't see it in our lifetime but greed and exploitation are the biggest enemies civilization has to fear. They're also something we as a society can manipulate to avoid disaster.

I agree man. the majority of reasons posted, as to how or why the "world" is going to end, is rooted in greed.


i dont think hes talking as in a whole, hes talking about the current culture that people get used to sitting in,

watch the whole talk, thats just a clipping from it, it broadens your understanding of that 3minute exert

daddy fingaz

Active member
So as a UK citizen what are you doing/gonna do Cork144?!?

Mr Alkaline's best advice so far pretty much seems to be to prepare to live in a tent for 4 weeks?!:woohoo: i like camping !


im going to do my best to put in all hours i have researching (which i have been for several months (if not years if i include 9/11 to it all))

im going to do my best to awaken my family and friends to all of this, which i have managed to do with some, but some are still against clear infomation and insight provided to them, but its their choice at the end of the day.

the fall in a scence to me means the fall of freedoms and the intergration of everyday ignorence to what is happening within politics, so that is what i wish to try and prevent, but it isnt a single person thing, its US as a WHOLE that can stop this evil and corrupt society.

we have the money and the ability to feed all on earth and to educate all on earth, why havnt they? One obvious awnswer is that our leaders are not compassionate.

daddy fingaz

Active member
You can educate people as much as u like, wether they will act on it or take the easy option and ignore it is a different matter!? I think its past the point
of being able to do much perhaps anway, maybe just try and focus on what good there is still left in society!??


You can educate people as much as u like, wether they will act on it or take the easy option and ignore it is a different matter!? I think its past the point
of being able to do much perhaps anway, maybe just try and focus on what good there is still left in society!??

no because if you get the message out there, when their plans go into action, people will know its bad and will act.

somtimes peoples lifes have to depend on a situation for them to see the situation itself.

daddy fingaz

Active member
no because if you get the message out there, when their plans go into action, people will know its bad and will act.

somtimes peoples lifes have to depend on a situation for them to see the situation itself.

hmmm i was under the impression that their 'plans' are already well in action too well established!? How will people act? looking at all the fema stuff in america it seems 'they' are one step ahead!?

...i dont think that second statement really makes sense cork!?

is it already not at the point were people will either follow blindly or be marginalized within society and labelled insane, terrorist, tree hugging hippie or whatever!?

Madrus Rose

post 69


its like, would you like to live in a natural way? .......or,

would you like to live in a wunderfull world of fantasy, dependancy and deminished responsibility?

i know which id choose but you (we) dont get that choice in this sycophantic, obsessive compulsive, greed rewarding modern societies.

try living in nature more often ?? its soul cleansing, and makes you feel self dependant.

Back to Nature for sure....

just can't live without a cellphone & laptop tho! :)