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Is civilization about to fall?


Many believe that Civilizations can only get so large or technilogically advanced before they are doomed, either to Habitat or social changes in that society.I would like to discuss these possiblities, outcomes and conspiracies that all of us harbor in the back of our minds.

We will start with the most obvious threat to human civilization, War. Humans are war-bearing beings that fight for many reasons, some include Habitat, some include political, some are what we would say Religiously induced.


The threat of loosing some part of modern-civilization is definately at stake with the current War's and fighting between nations. Wars are lasting longer, causing more civilian outcrys than ever before.

Weapons of mass distruction are available to many nations in the world, I believe 17 off the top of my head. Do we all really think the world can go another 200 years without some nation releasing a nuclear or thermo-detonated weapon device. I dont think so, and I think when that day does come, it will be like the fight after school at 3pm. Everyone is going to bring their big brother, larger nations with larger arsenals.

It will either become a stand-off or a shoot out. If you dont think that this is inevitable, you have not taken the fact that you cannot 'remove' nukes from planet earth. They cannot be dismantled, they were made to be detonated.


You would be a fool to believe we are safe in modern day society from Flu or even The Black Plague. The black plauge killed more than 40% of Europes population when it arrived in the 13th century. The most recent pandemic is our H1N1 Bird flu, and we've all seen how fast it moves.

Traveling from continent to continent has never been any quicker than modern day travel techniques. We all saw how the BirdFlu spread from Mexico, to the North-Eastern USA and then suddenly everywhere on the globe almost. With everyday comes more and more people capable of catching and spreading the BirdFlu.

The BirdFlu is not our only danger, not many people are aware but the Black Plauge still lives in the Deserts of California's death valley and mountains. It's a miracle that small populations of people havnt contracted this disease, especially near the border where its more rural.


We are all aware the seaons that come and go give us different weather patterns and they are generally consitant from year to year. Recently, some of us have noticed a spike in strange weather in our living area's. Weather it be an increase of rain, decrease or temperature fluctuations, whatever changes effects everything drastically. We all grow marijuana here mainly and we know how important Habitat is for plants and animals. The world's habitats are being changed faster than they ever have, and its not so much Mother-Earths idea. Imagine how many less fuel-immisions planet earth would have if Humans didnt exist, the weather may be completely different without us.

We've seen an increase of Hurricane and natural disasters; that could be debatable due to the connectivity of the internet and people able to share weather stories and annomilies much easier. I myself have seen a 10 degree change in the weather compared to average, its 10F lower than before 3 years ago.

The mid-western united states produces a rediculous ammount of food for the entire-world and if this cycle is disrupted, millions will die of starvation, millions already are. If the worlds climates contintue to change, we will see a large loss of food from Agriculture and Livestock.


We have all seen large social changes in the last 100 years of human civilization, let alone the change from Decade to decade, or day to day. Sometimes these changes benefit mankind for the better, and sometimes they dont, sometimes we barely notice a difference, but someone always feels the impact.

Civil wars are generally faught by all countries and all types of civilizations. Could the United states break out into another civil war over terms unforseeable?


I really am suprised we havnt seen a larger loss of human life when we look at all these things happening at the same time, contributing, effecting, and fueling the problems and issues that we have in our modern-day.

If you take Modern Wars, Political upevils, habitat and pandemic issues;mix them, you could almost not fathom anything less than the destruction of civilization or mankind entirely.


Active member
Civilization is either gonna change or fall... the choice is up to every human being on the planet to decide if they are going to self-honest and stand as one and equal beside all our brothers and sisters of the cell and realize that we have the power... not a handful of SNAKE pricks that try and program each and every one of us even before were born


Law enforcement and government officials are pushing their bounds as far as they can, and eventually the public is going to crack. Every day you see a new story about old women being beaten for not 'obeying orders' or someone's dog being killed for being a nuisance.

Unfortunately we don't have/aren't allowed to have anywhere near the weaponry that they've got, so we can't actively defend ourselves against their constant moves forward, and it's inevitable that our cultures will fall.

I don't know how it will go from there as far as people fighting back,or trying to turn the tables and taking them down from the inside, but either way we've let them take things too far.

Anybody that's looked at recorded history knows that it's the governments that take down their own people, whether it's spun that way or not...


Now is the time to prepare.. money will be worthless when this shit happens you batter have a place to hide out while the shit hits the fan. You can buy freezdryed and canned food packs that will last you 5 years or more. its not the best food but you can add wild game you hunt into the mix its not bad. You should have multiple guns for hunting and protection. Also good meds will be prob one of the most valuable things once inflation turns currency about as valuable as the paper its written on... looking right now to buy cheap land out in the woods with water source and good hunting. you can build your own log home for less than 10k and they take bullets a lot better than traditional wood framed houses and they age way better.


We all need to change, it goes without saying that if we as people remain divided along superficial boundaries each country is forced to look after its own interests which leads to war over natural resources. These wars over resources occur despite the fact that human life existed in all of these regions prior to the importation of outside goods. We must find sustainable ways to live on a regional basis, and utilize the given resources in those regions to survive. Or we can just overpopulate the globe and kill ourselves off.


We've seen the people rise up several times.

Maybe 2012 is where society as a hole decides that 'Government' and 'money' arent the way of life, a new form of 'economy' must be created

not supported by the 'work' you do, everyone should recieve an equal ammount of items/food.


Its only a matter of time before the world is split into Halves, two 'Countries'

Super nations will swallow smaller nations and whole continents, until two totally diverse factions are left behind.

lost in a sea

the problem they had 250+ years ago, was they had absolutely no comprehension of bacteria. here in the u.k where the plague did some of its best work! people used to chuck their shit and piss into the road sometimes all over other people!

so you know we, as individuals, are a bit more advanced than the peasants that lived in europe the 1300's. one thing i will say though is somewhere there are labs full to the brim with man made bacteria and viruses. a virus is like a sports car, there are only about 4 factors that matter to its killing efficiency (driving performance), if you take genes from the cream of the viral world you can make yourself a formula 1 car with a human gobbling mower underneath! (or nascar if you enjoy big oval race courses) ahh a good metaphoar with a spliff

unless the two halves are china and russia!! ......i dont think it will happen, because they will never be told what to do, so were looking at 4 or 5 superstates, maybe 6 with the upcoming moon settlement! BUT,

i see where your coming from man, the e.u was only suposably set up to help international commerce, but it is now, well on its way to becoming a mason controlled superstate,

ultimately this is a slow game of chess, to destroy certain cultures, and start the decent of man, out of, and into a new cycle, either we will make it easy for them, or hard, but its gotta give in the 50.

just dont feed the energy vampire! its fat enough god dammit


The world is fukt, sometimes at work I daydream of tribal times. The world must have been a much different place when humans actually gave a shit about their fellow man. People nowadays (in the US atleast) are so consumed with themselves and their pocessions.

I think the end will come from a swift kick from mother nature, we push harder and harder every year, she is bound to push back in a bad way sooner or later.


Theres too many men. Too many people. Making too many problems. And not much love to go round. Cant you see. This is a land of confusion,


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
at least we have one little island of ?sanity here.civilizations fall is inevitable when politeness and manners go by the wayside.
We've seen the people rise up several times.

Maybe 2012 is where society as a hole decides that 'Government' and 'money' arent the way of life, a new form of 'economy' must be created

not supported by the 'work' you do, everyone should recieve an equal ammount of items/food.

If the work you do does not support you, why would anyone have incentive to work at all?? If everyone receives an equal amount of items/food that means there must be some AUTHORITY (see government) that decides who gets how much of what. I myself would be very scared of such a powerful authority. If they have the power to give you everything then they have the power to take everything.

2012 may not be the "apocalypse", whatever that means, but an extreme shift in consciousness of human beings. A new "something" is going to be created because it is indisputable that humanity as a whole cannot continue the course it is currently on.


Active member
"you have not taken the fact that you cannot 'remove' nukes from planet earth. They cannot be dismantled, they were made to be detonated."

Wrong! You can dismantle. They dismantle bombs all the time and use the nuclular contents for many different applications. Some as common as your Exit signs in commercial building that have to run on battery power.

"The most recent pandemic is our H1N1 Bird flu, and we've all seen how fast it moves."

Are you talking about H1N1 "Swine Flu" for the Bird Flu? Do you even know the difference????

"I myself have seen a 10 degree change in the weather compared to average, its 10F lower than before 3 years ago."

Yea, sure. What area do you live in so I can check hard facts. Stop making shit up!!!

Maybe you need to stop being so paranoid and get with reality. The world isn't ending, just like it didn't end in 2000 and the thousand of other times in history people for told. I hate ignorant people!!!!


Active member
Read: Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Tom Hartmann

The oil civilization is indeed in severe decline. War will be a part of it, but if we are talking about a rise and fall of civilizations as stated by the OP, then I don't think that the global realignment spoken of in this thread is "the end" itself, but rather just a part of it.

Historically, civilizations fall when they have expended their fuel supply. The book I mentioned above talks about this in depth.

ICMag Book Group anyone?


I think the "apocalypse" will happen gradually if it happens. It won't be all book of revelations whup ass, that shit is just silly. And remember humans can solve problems as well as make them. Medicine can protect against sickness and new medicines and technology is being invented every day. Diplomacy can overcome war. Environmentalism can overcome degradation. Democracy can impose social change. There is hope. But survival is not a sure thing. There is no such thing as destiny, only what we create.


Nuculear weapons are like matches and children, only a matter of time before someone dicks around and burns the house down.

Madrus Rose

post 69
6-7billion of us humans on one planet ?
With plastic bags & aluminum cans the basis of our civilization ?

something's got a give ...

buy gold & silver if u r really worried .

lost in a sea



its like, would you like to live in a natural way? .......or,

would you like to live in a wunderfull world of fantasy, dependancy and deminished responsibility?

i know which id choose but you (we) dont get that choice in this sycophantic, obsessive compulsive, greed rewarding modern societies.

try living in nature more often ?? its soul cleansing, and makes you feel self dependant.


"you have not taken the fact that you cannot 'remove' nukes from planet earth. They cannot be dismantled, they were made to be detonated."

Wrong! You can dismantle. They dismantle bombs all the time and use the nuclular contents for many different applications. Some as common as your Exit signs in commercial building that have to run on battery power.

"The most recent pandemic is our H1N1 Bird flu, and we've all seen how fast it moves."

Are you talking about H1N1 "Swine Flu" for the Bird Flu? Do you even know the difference????

"I myself have seen a 10 degree change in the weather compared to average, its 10F lower than before 3 years ago."

Yea, sure. What area do you live in so I can check hard facts. Stop making shit up!!!

Maybe you need to stop being so paranoid and get with reality. The world isn't ending, just like it didn't end in 2000 and the thousand of other times in history people for told. I hate ignorant people!!!!

1. There are missing nukes from countries arsenal's, even if all current weapons were safely disassembled,these remain, like the Un-detonated claymores, bombs and artillery shells left in the soil of our recent wars in Asia and Middle East.

2. Pandemic is a pandemic, bird, pig, still evolving and spreading.

3. Not a yearly 10degree drop, but Summer and Winter has been statistically 10F cooler in my location compared to seasons before. The Santa-Ana winds barely existed this year in California.

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