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TIOCFAIDH AR LÁ!!!and i mean our day will come when cannabis will finally be seen for its medical purposes and not as a criminal offence!Any of you ever see the old stoner granny from u.k?haha some crim she is imagine meetin her on a dark alley haha I mean its bullshit there wouldnt even be poxy soapbar if it was legal..Dont smoke grit and dont smoke soap...DEMAND BETTER!!i started and now will go without if i cant get clean weed...I no im preaching to the converted here so tell your friends and tell your friends friends..Something has to be done!p.s the reason i stopped was because i was smoking grit weed flat out and i got a lump at the back of my throat that stayed for about 2weeks...it scared the shit out of me haha not really funny though...Come on Ireland we need to stand strong and unite...look at englands scene!!J day was a joke barely even a 1000 people showed up!Fuck the crooked laws they will never work anyway haha
im going for a bong b4 i get to worked up haha
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Awesome lookin op there dr,what strains you runnin?

. . 1st of all nice photos you put up, 2nd, my grow was 'AK 47', 'CHEESE', 'SKUNK NO 11'. i've done loads of grows since then, i'm about to do an other soon with 'CHOCOLOPE', G 13 HAZE + CHEM DOG', & 'SILVER MIST' . .



Nice one dr,lovely selection.
What is the silvermist you speak of?
Love the chemd,I run it 4-5 year ago,wow.Lost her now:mad::mad:
Have to try the chocolope soon too,quality head stash.

some dry sift from af x sk1.
Nice one dr,lovely selection.
What is the silvermist you speak of?
Love the chemd,I run it 4-5 year ago,wow.Lost her now:mad::mad:
Have to try the chocolope soon too,quality head stash.

some dry sift from af x sk1.

. . silvermist is by all star genetics, it's a bit like ak 47, a nice yield too, i've got to do a nice grow soon, i'll get you a few cuts off the chem dog when their up & running ok, no probs a tall . . nice photos you got up ok . .


hi, i'm dannyboy, i'm from just outside dublin, i'm delighted to be on board, look forwasrd to seeing your grows & getting help if thats ok.


Alf from Kildare - not currently growing due to a recent switch in countries and lack of a decent income at the mo but used to grow in soil under a single 600w and I'll be getting back to it a.s.a-fucking-P!!! I haven't had a smoke since Halloween night and it's completely knocking the shit out of me whenever I do manage to get a little :D lol It's fukn great! I miss growing a LOT more than I miss smoking though and I really can't wait to get back at it. Next time I get stuck in I'm going hydro with an ebb & flow system.

Oh yeah and while I did know quite a few growers back home I gotta say the vast majority of them are waaayyyyyyyy too paranoid to be posting online and probably rightly so considering how pally-pally Eircom is with the state. I used to work for it (for a contractor actually) and I remember one time in the Rochestown exchange in Dublin I got a bit nosey with this suspicious looking 'device' that was hooked up to the frame. As I got closer to it and began hovering around it one of the Eircom techs came down and told me not to touch it that it was police property. He was quite happy to answer my questions though - he thought it was cool. It was a recording device they were using to monitor some drug dealers landline. Cops bring in the box, tech hooks it up to the nodes where yermans landline is connected to the frame, cops set up the device and then lock it and leave it - it's kinda like a briefcase but fatter. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, according to the exchange tech - they didn't show no warrant either :) Just so you guys know, eh? ;) Cheap mobiles, lots o sim cards and regular replacements of them all is the way to go.


You've made some para now,lol.
This is an old un.
Sure is an old one. Was talking to a guard who came into my shop recently wrt something totally unrelated and he told me one of their main objectives atm is shutting down grow houses. Not good news!!! Nevertheless we shall grow on to evade the shite been peddled up and down the country at atrocious prices.


Sure is an old one. Was talking to a guard who came into my shop recently wrt something totally unrelated and he told me one of their main objectives atm is shutting down grow houses. Not good news!!! Nevertheless we shall grow on to evade the shite been peddled up and down the country at atrocious prices.

Was the guard talking about the large scale op's or the little hobby growers or do they even differentiate?


Was the guard talking about the large scale op's or the little hobby growers or do they even differentiate?

I think he was talking about large scale ops as this http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2011/0131/1224288606288.html had just gone down around the corner from where, he was telling me they are easy to find now thanks to their new equipment on the gardai helicopters. Honestly I got shook after hearing this and living in the city center where the helicopter frequently passes overhead.

Thank god Summer is starting too and our green houses can be filled a plenty without fear of infrared cameras spying on us.


New member


Have 9 little girls going at the moment under 600w lumatek in 1.2 x 1.2 homebox, 2 weeks into flower.. all looking great. cant wait to get stuck into these babies.. e.t.a. 2nd week June! had some headband in Spain last year, serious stuff.
P.s. this is the original Headband not one of those pretenders out there, beans sourced from a very well respected grower in Amsterdam..

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