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Iranian Indica


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Storm, looks like a great finish.

therevverend, I for one, would love to hear that story :)

Backyard Farmer

Active member
have you thought about using the new e Pap lights in the high cube containers with custom 6' wide trays on the floor with a 1' aisle on each side and the tray on casters so you could make a 2' aisle when you need to work and getting more usable square feet?


Just Say Grow
have you thought about using the new e Pap lights in the high cube containers with custom 6' wide trays on the floor with a 1' aisle on each side and the tray on casters so you could make a 2' aisle when you need to work and getting more usable square feet?

no need for the high cube if you run DE adjusta-wings(not that it wouldn't make it a bit easier), and have trays on the floor...inside width is closer to 7'6" once the corregations are taken into account.

my container build is just about done. I'll make a new thread or something once I get a bit closer.

nice work SS.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Thank you everyone for the words of encouragement!

Im not sold on new light tech yet... I also love having space in my work area... its key for me

My bro who does a similar set up does 10 lights in his cubes and used 5ft of width ... where Im using 8 lights and 4 feet of width...

I only work for like 2 hours every other day... easy as it gets ... they aren't a true 8ft either
7ft 6in is exactly what it is...

Drying in these containers is insane! Cant smell a damn thing .... I cant wait to add more of these containers

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
first pic day 27 container #2 and the rest Container #1 day 1 Flowering





Storm Shadow

Well-known member
outdoors went well... found some very unique phenos and took clones off of them

Motivated to get a Greenhouse next year


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
There's a term for this..


what is it...

Oh yeah


Feck I love those containers. Nice, clean, tidy and pond-liner-y.


Well-known member
Alright, for anyone that hasn't read the book Hashish by Robert Connell Clark, or can't read medieval Persian, the Sheik Haidar story quoted straight out of Clark's book. The legend was preserved by a guy named Maqrizi(1364-1442) from the lost 'Treatise on Hemp' by Hassan Mohammed ibn-Chirazi written in AD 1260.
'How Hashish was discovered written by Hassan Mohammed ibn-Chirazi:
"In the year AD 1260 I asked Jafar Chirazi, monk of the order of Haidar, on what occasion they had discovered the herb of the devotees, and how, after being adopted by the devotees in particular, it had afterwards come into general usage. Here is what he told me:
(shortened and edited by the revverend)
Haidar, chief of all the sheiks, practiced many exercises of devotion and mortification; he hardly ate. He was detached from all worldly things and was of extraordinary piety. He was born in Nishapur which was then in Khorasan and he lived on a mountain near by.
There he established a convent and a great number of devotees gathered around him. He lived in a corner alone spending 10 years hardly going out and not seeing anyone except his servant.
On a very hot day, at the hottest time of day he walked alone to the countryside and when he returned we saw on his face an expression of gaiety very different from what we were accustomed to.
He was humanized and talking familiarly with everyone. After going so long without communication with men we asked him the cause of this surprising effect.
When he was alone on the countryside he noticed all the plants were in a state of perfect calm not experiencing the least agitation because of the extreme heat and lack of wind. But a certain plant covered with foliage was moving from side to side with a soft light movement like a man dizzied by the fumes of wine. He gathered some leaves and ate them and they produced the gaiety. So he took the devotees to show them the plant.
They realized it was hemp and on his orders they ate some and everyone experienced the same gay, joyous disposition he was unable to hide.
When the sheik saw them in that state he charged them to keep the secret the discovery of the plant's virtues and made them swear an oath never to reveal it to ordinary men and never to hide it from religious men(He was very wise. Through prohibition to the present day I have followed the same rules).
Sheik Haidar ordered the plants sown around his tomb after his death and it was cultivated at his convent. The sheik lived ten years after that day and not a day went by when he did not use the leaf, and he recommended that his disciples take little food but the herb instead.
Haidar died on the mountain in 1221. A chapel was built over his tomb and people from all over the country came there on pilgrimage.
Before his death he told his disciples to tell their secret to the most distinguished people of the province, instructing them on the virtues of the plant.
Hashish thus spread to Iraq by 1231. From there it was spread to the gulf states, Syria, Turkey, and Egypt.'
That's probably why even though cannabis grows all over Iran you have to know some sufi dervishes to get seeds of the hashplant. And they go on pilgrimages all over central Asia and the Middle East to the tombs of different saints, to get high and swap seeds. I heard about a tomb in Pakistan where there is a cop on duty 24 hours a day, but he's cool with everyone getting high there because it's a sacred spot.
Hindus have a very similar story about the god Shiva, Afghanis have a saint called Baba Ku.
I believe the 'Haidar discovery' Was when hashish was discovered by the muslim world, aided by his piety and god-fearing nature. I believe cannabis was discovered and spread by the Aryan race on their travels through Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Iran and the Indian subcontinent. And any of those places could be the origin site.
The mysterious part, you have to cook cannabis to eat it and get high. Connell thinks Haidar rubbed the plants and made hand rubbed charas a far more psychoactive form. This is much more likely but Iran does not have a tradition of hand rubbed hash, that I know of. Can't think of any other way it would of got him high.


Well-known member
And I'm glad you took clones of those outdoor plants. You should make seeds too. The characteristics I see in those plants, I know outdoor breeders who have spent their lives breeding for some of the traits I see those plants showing.


Well-known member
You don't know how much you hate trimming til you fuck with Cali outdoor.. I'm just turning the last half of my shit into oil, can't trust anyone to trim for me and I'm done doing it myself. I feel your pain SS.


Active member

Me too, thats why i GROW weed. my trimmers are waaaaaay better and waaaaay faster than me at trimming. id fire my sorry ass in five minutes. plus if i went and trimmed with the crew theyd all resign. i have a personality disorder that makes me really obnoxious to trim with.


Well-known member
outdoors went well... found some very unique phenos and took clones off of them

Motivated to get a Greenhouse next year

Shit All those Keepers seemed unique ,if these recent find imprssed you id love to hear/see more

Those beautiful pics of your OD looked like you popped quite a few seeds

Any pics or reports of the Keepers Favs ? Id love to see some Dry nugs of a Dark cologne type



Active member
a quality trim crew is worth so much. after 3 years I finally found a bad ass crew that knocks out 10-12 per day. not a perfect job but good enough that no one complains.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
I trimmed everything by myself... I wish I could just trust someone to do my trimming...but you all know that can go when we are talking Weight LBS

day 19




