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iphone: worth it?


Lune TNS

By the way I hope this is a joke. I hope you never kill anyone with your "Yea ttyl c u @ tha mall" bullshit.
Sorry but this bothers me

With my "see you at the mall" bullshit? WOW.

9/10 people on the road at night are legally drunk and you care about me texting? Pfft, save your breath buddy... I don't need the judgment of some idiot on the internet when it comes to what I do in stop and go traffic.

Sorry, but that bothers me.


I love mine except for the keyboard... hard to text while driving and autocorrect is a BITCH!!!!

Yea cause that's what everyone needs to do is text and drive.... people like you are why insurance is so damn high.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
cell phones suck, don't do it

if you need one, get the pay as you go phone as it will be so much cheaper if you dont use them much..


Get your iphone from Best Buy. They have a $14 insurance plan that makes it worth it. If you fuck up and drop your iphone in water or lose it they will replace it as many times as needed.


It's a cool phone if you don't mind getting raped every month for data. I bought one, jail broke it, had lots of fun with it. But after finding out "unlimited" data isn't really unlimited (ask AT&T about tethering) I said fuck paying 50+ a month for a cellphone. Now I'm back to my old school nokia, paying 10 bucks a month, with my iPhone sitting in a box.

Huggie bear

Active member
With my "see you at the mall" bullshit? WOW.

9/10 people on the road at night are legally drunk and you care about me texting? Pfft, save your breath buddy... I don't need the judgment of some idiot on the internet when it comes to what I do in stop and go traffic.

Sorry, but that bothers me.

Perhaps it is your choice of words that is idiotic if you had choosen while sitting in traffic while texting its a pain you might not have been scolded. AS you did not I would have been rite there with him as I was the victum of some jackass texting his girlfriend that he was on his way to see anyways! ruined my SCion TC!!!!
Anyways back to OP:
My lady and I had had our for over a year and love them to death all the goofy apps they have are fun and they have thousands! I give it two thumbs up..


Devil's Advocate
I don't need the judgment of some idiot on the internet when it comes to what I do in stop and go traffic.

Sorry, but that bothers me.

Boo hoo someone criticized you. If it bothers you, fine.

Fact is, the stop and go thing was surely a cover up because if you were doing it during stops, you wouldn't have said "it's too hard to text while driving" in the earlier post. Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes.

Your argument that just because I'm some random person on the internet and therefore my opinion matters not to you is totally destroyed by the fact that you are on an internet forum in the first place. Must be something to it.
Just can't criticize your perfection, eh? Hey I know it when I do dumb shit. Please call me out, maybe I'll become a better person because of it.
And just because there are other hazards on the road (drunks at night) doesn't mean I need you fucking texting, too. Bad argument.
I have enough to worry about.
So sorry bud no justification is going to work here. I don't care if my "judgment" (or obviously others', too, because what 3 others have commented) doesn't matter to you. I'm going to say it because maybe one day it will sink in.

BTW sorry OP. Given consideration for one of my favorite activities, I had to throw in my :2cents:


got it. took 45 mins for at&t to clear the credit check, slow asses!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I use to have another older smart phone and I never used any of the other shit in it aside from making calls. I broke down and bought an iPhone and I have to say it's badass. It will do almost anything, but give you a blow job. I heard apple was working on the application.

Amstel Light

att are ripoff artist, be careful they will ruin your credit. record every conversation with them keep all records. yea these fucking drivers who text are really starting to get to me.....had serious road rage lil worm took my plate numbers and then called the cops.. wtf is the deal with texting anyway??? its like listening to am/fm radio when there is plasma satelite tv:abduct:


cant stop wont stop
Obama Bans Texting While Driving (for Federal Staff)

They're having trouble regulating laws cuz - when is it ok and when is it not?
i was watching some political debate, forget who was hosting it but this matter came up and some ass hole said 'leave it up to the police, trust the police.' haaaaha ahhh man its people like this who have influence in our countries - 'leave it to the police'!!! YOU MAKE ME SICK!!

anyways back on track i was thinkin bout gettin the enV touch.. pretty sweet phone IMO.. if verizon offered the iphone i would most likely grab that one..

mandatory media plans are bull shit tho. why the fuck should i pay a mandatory 10-20 bucks even if i choose not to use the web. or for fuck sakes what about wifi?? what a buncha money grubbin crooks.. (that is to say they weren't already)

Lune TNS

Boo hoo someone criticized you. If it bothers you, fine.

Fact is, the stop and go thing was surely a cover up because if you were doing it during stops, you wouldn't have said "it's too hard to text while driving" in the earlier post. Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes.

Your argument that just because I'm some random person on the internet and therefore my opinion matters not to you is totally destroyed by the fact that you are on an internet forum in the first place. Must be something to it.
Just can't criticize your perfection, eh? Hey I know it when I do dumb shit. Please call me out, maybe I'll become a better person because of it.
And just because there are other hazards on the road (drunks at night) doesn't mean I need you fucking texting, too. Bad argument.
I have enough to worry about.
So sorry bud no justification is going to work here. I don't care if my "judgment" (or obviously others', too, because what 3 others have commented) doesn't matter to you. I'm going to say it because maybe one day it will sink in.

BTW sorry OP. Given consideration for one of my favorite activities, I had to throw in my :2cents:

I don't know about where you live, but in certain areas around here cops can and will pull you over for having a cell phone up to your ear while driving. So what would you do: risk getting pulled for a quick message to a friend, pull over to the side of the road and park while calling (yeah right), or fire off a quick text?

Now my point was the iphone keyboard is horrible for this, because you need to be looking at the screen seeing as there are no physical buttons. On a blackberry I can type all day while looking at the road, just like how I can type right now while only looking at the screen. Get it?

Now please, let it go.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
It is not worth it. NVidia is doing the program for a phone that will make the Iphone look like a peice of shit. Just wait less than a year. this is coming from someone I know who works for apple.

Amstel Light

Obama Bans Texting While Driving (for Federal Staff)

They're having trouble regulating laws cuz - when is it ok and when is it not?
i was watching some political debate, forget who was hosting it but this matter came up and some ass hole said 'leave it up to the police, trust the police.' haaaaha ahhh man its people like this who have influence in our countries - 'leave it to the police'!!! YOU MAKE ME SICK!!


that was pat buchanan on the mclaughlin group yea funny chit! as long as they can tell that they were texting when they run into me i'm fine...

It is not worth it. NVidia is doing the program for a phone that will make the Iphone look like a peice of shit. Just wait less than a year. this is coming from someone I know who works for apple.

do tell! i thought the palm pre was better than iphone? i am wating 6 or so more months, but i will never do business with att...what will be so great about new phone zepp?

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