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Iolite Portable Vaporizer


yup, comes on regularly, see orange glow. and am using freshly ground meds. puff and puff and nothing. :-(


Active member
I sure wish I could help, man. It's no doubt not going to replace the amazing SSV, but I can't take an SSV outside.

I'd be very curious what the mfg says. Did you contact Dublin or the re-seller?


sent mfg. an email on friday and have not heard anything back yet. emailed reseller this AM and still waiting on reply there also.


MDBudz --

The guy I bought mine from a couple weeks ago delayed shipment because there was a new shipment coming in with the color I wanted. He said that this model had some enhancements. Frankly, I did not understand the changes he described but it was def something in the herb chamber area.

I have barely seen anything visible when I exhale using since Friday. The times I did, I was high and I am not really sure I saw anything. Like you, I get very little taste. But it does manage to get me high.

I wonder if we have a newer model that just isn't quite the same as the ones everyone else seems to have.


New member
Bluemonk, the new enhancements involve the pin chamber. The shape of the chamber was modified for easier cleaning.


check out the Launch Box. its a portable vape. i think you'll like it.


I checked out the Launch vape on youtube....it looks like it was made in a garage by a hippie hobbyist, It needs to be redesigned with better style and produced professionally.

I think we are seeing just the beginning stages of development of vapes with portability....I'm sure we will see lots of new and improved vapes coming out in the next few years from lots of different producers

I read on the magic flight site (Launch vape) that the battery lasts for just one fill of herb..that's not nearly good enough. Perhaps they should develop a model that can be used all day without the need for recharging, why not have a 4 battery model instead of a single?..or use more powerful batteries?

portable vapes need to have a drop in chamber(s) thats prefilled at home with herb that the user can carry around, so they don't have to muck around emptying, grinding and filling every hour or so when on the go...when one is finished, click it out and slot in another...


MDBudz........your posts are an echo of my experience with the Iolite.

since we've proven it's not the herb's fault (as the same herb works fine in other vapes and we've tried every which way to no avail) it has to be that some Iolites leave the factory with a thermostat that's set at a slightly too low temp. This is why all vapes need to have adjustable temp controls or are temperature tested prior to shipping.


hi Chamba, I think you are right as to the thermostat. I found some suggestions on another site to improve the airflow (slightly), and gave that a try. Although airflow is improved a little, still getting no vapor at all. Still waiting for a reply from the manufacturer.


Active member
MD what airflow tips did you pick up? Removing screens?

I read this contact from another website: Ciaran Oglesby, **[email protected]** Maybe this is the guy you're already communicating with.


put a retaining ring underneath the 7-hole screen (one ring above, one below), and to also remove the screen in the unit (at the pin). not same guy... tips were on a vape website called fuckcombustiondotcom, and guys screen name was shotgunwilly. An iolite rep had some activity on that forum, but hasn't responded to me. Still waiting for any contact from anyone at iolite.


ok, just received email from i-olite asking for my ph#. Fingers crossed that they'll make this right.


Active member
Please consider telling them there are active forums discussing these issues so all eyes are on this.


certainly will! I already mentioned in my reply to him that I have found others w/same issue on some forums.


My iolite got back to me today. fixed. superb :)

Since it arrived and i got going, before I knew it I had been staring at a wall for who knows how long. feels good to be back. lol


Active member
Original, I'm so sorry for asking as I'm sure you've already discussed this, but what was the problem with the unit? You sent it back with MJ residue?

EDIT: Re-read your old posts in this thread. You were having trouble actually igniting it?


After and before



tried another brand of butane (colibri) and it made no difference on my i-olite...still no vapor. Will be packaged up and sent back to Ireland this week for repair/replacement.


Active member
Sorry to hear about the troubles MDB. Hopefully they won't take long with the replacement.

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