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Iolite Portable Vaporizer


Reading this whole thread I went from absolutely having to have one of these to having some second thoughts. I sure don't want to waste $250 on something that may be tricky to use. Let's face it, it is kind of hard to screw up a bong which I have always loved.

I hear that vapes are healthier but not sure what other benefits should push me to order one.

Still thinking....


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Reading this whole thread I went from absolutely having to have one of these to having some second thoughts. I sure don't want to waste $250 on something that may be tricky to use. Let's face it, it is kind of hard to screw up a bong which I have always loved.

I hear that vapes are healthier but not sure what other benefits should push me to order one.

Still thinking....

It's pretty easy to screw up a bong load and hit if you're a newb, no different here. Once you use it a few times, you'll get the hang of it and begin using it like a pro in no time.


Active member
The thing us stupid simple to use. Almost 9 months of use and going strong here.
yea i was going to get a iolite for my portable vaping but i read alot of neg reviews on f*ckcombustion..aparently alot of people have been complaining about how the mouthpiece has a defect in the plastic that causes breaks or something.i guess its the most recent batch. plus some people were saying that it doesnt work to well in high altitude environments and how the barometic pressure of the day effects how efficient it clicks on.to much hassle. i just got a vaporgenie and gotta say i love it..vaporgenie with beeline= win... im sure iolite is a good unit , just wouldnt be to effective in my area from what ive been reading.


Just wanted to add my thoughts on the iOlite.

I bought mine in June 09 from Vapefiend.com for $210 USD (free shipping too!)

The day it arrived my wife called me at work and I quickly ran to the store to get some butane (basic Ronson cheap butane, works fine!) and went home on lunch to try my new device.

I had some trouble getting it lit at first, but that was because i filled it with gas then tried to immediately light it. Let it sit for a few minutes and i've had ZERO problems since. After that it hit great and the high came on like a surprise thunderstorm.

I've been using it everyday since and it's amazing.

I use it in public all the time, but i don't think it's really all that stealth.
Sure, it doesn't look like a vape or smoking device...but how curious does it look to put this thing in your mouth then exhale a cloud of vapor? That makes me nervous sometimes. Regardless, I love sitting in the park on my lunch hitting the iolite. It makes the work day 1000x better.

I find it best used as a solo device. When i'm the only one hitting it, it hits like a champ and i get totally stoned off of 3-4 good hits. When we pass it around the circle, it doesn't seem to perform as well. I'm not sure why, perhaps the iOlite and I have a special relationship and it treats me best.

Anyways...the best thing i've bought in a long time. Everyone should get one, no worries!



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
I find it best used as a solo device. When i'm the only one hitting it, it hits like a champ and i get totally stoned off of 3-4 good hits. When we pass it around the circle, it doesn't seem to perform as well. I'm not sure why, perhaps the iOlite and I have a special relationship and it treats me best.

Agreed. It's really a better personal device than a sharing device.

Glad you're enjoying it. splurge a few bucks on some premium butane, your vape will love you for it.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
What is a premium Butane and why is that a good thing?

It's a more highly refined butane. Not sure why it matters, other than that's what the manufacturer of the Iolite suggests (kind of like BMW's that take only high octane fuel...they perform better with it).


Ok KJ, I went back and forth and finally ordered one on Tuesday. The damn thing won't get here until Monday. So I missed having it for the weekend but I am excited for Monday night. And I have the premium butane that you recommend.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Ok KJ, I went back and forth and finally ordered one on Tuesday. The damn thing won't get here until Monday. So I missed having it for the weekend but I am excited for Monday night. And I have the premium butane that you recommend.

Nice, I hope you enjoy it. Report back and let us know.

As for the butane, remember, it's the manufacturer that recommends it. I'm just recommending their recommendation. It's worked well for me so far.

Just wanted to add that I went out of town this weekend and took the Iolite. I didn't get much of a chance to use it, but the one time I did I had a hell of a time getting it lit. I hadn't used it for a week or so, but the butane was full.

I was at about 8k feet, so the altitude was the likely culprit. But once lit (which took about 20 clicks), it worked like a charm. I wonder why it acts strange at altitude (or after significant altitude change)?


I wonder why it acts strange at altitude (or after significant altitude change)?

Well. The butane is a compressed gas, is it not? Certainly different elevations effect gas compression. That's why helium balloons expand and burst when they get high enough. I'm sure there is some effect on the iOlite as well.

Just a thought.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Well. The butane is a compressed gas, is it not? Certainly different elevations effect gas compression. That's why helium balloons expand and burst when they get high enough. I'm sure there is some effect on the iOlite as well.

Just a thought.

I live at a fairly high altitude, so my question is why does a change of 1-2k feet affect it so? The gas still sounds like it's flowing normally, it just won't ignite until you've clicked it a dozen times or more. There's gotta be a more specific Iolite explanation, no?


Active member
KJ, Does this happen each time, or just when you re-fill? I have speculated that some air gets in the line when filling so I wait 10-15 minutes. Then it sparks up fine. Before the 10 minute wait, you will hear gas being released, but unable to light.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
KJ, Does this happen each time, or just when you re-fill? I have speculated that some air gets in the line when filling so I wait 10-15 minutes. Then it sparks up fine. Before the 10 minute wait, you will hear gas being released, but unable to light.

It's only happened twice, and both times I was at or above 8k feet, and neither time had I just refilled (there was at least a few hours between filling and trying to light). Other than those two incidents, my Iolite sparks up within the first 1-2 clicks.


Active member
Interesting. That doesn't seem to be too high an altitude. Might be the reduced air pressure at that altitude is allowing gas to flow too fast and it blows itself out. Just guessing.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Interesting. That doesn't seem to be too high an altitude. Might be the reduced air pressure at that altitude is allowing gas to flow too fast and it blows itself out. Just guessing.

Sounds reasonable. I think I'll try this next time: empty it before leaving, fill it up after arriving, let sit, use. I'll report back if it makes a difference.

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