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new to indo .:Help:.


Ive been growing all organic outdoors for about 5 years now, so i know my way around a plant. I have some nice plants budding outdoors right now but i wanna start some indoor plants to be done around the begining of the new year. I live in a basement condo that in the summer stays nice and cool. I have electric heat with individual contollers for each room. So i figure if im doing this in the winter the temps shouldnt be as big a problem as in the summer.

This is my Closet i am working with. I have a 2 bdrm and this spare bedroom has nothing in it cept some work out equipment.

^^^This is how i figure ill keep the closet when the lights are on.

I will be using a 400w hps and growing 3-4 plants scrog. I wont be using one of those air-cooled hoods so im wondering if i have a honeywell turbo fan outside the doors pointing in and another fan inside halfway between the tops of plants and the light will this be enough for ventillation?

Like i said im in the basement level and im assuming since i wont be putting the heat on in this room it should stay pretty cool.

Any help would be apreciated. I know how to grow plants but i dont know much about all this high tech indoor talk.


^^Some outdoor organic white rhino


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ICMag Donor
Your first problem is finding a place for the air to go. If you cannot use a cooled hood, whether you use one or not, you probably will not keep your enviro where you need it.
Not with what you suggesting to do. A full on grow like that is going to need more air flow than a fan blowing in.

Maybe get by with taking air from the room (expensive), but you will need an exhaust to outside to be successful. And if you can get air out, you can probably get air in.


well, first off i definatly cant go running exhuast outlets outside being in the BASEMENT floor. and second i see tons of micro grows with simple fans in dressers and closets without exhuast outlets. i would leave the doors completly open but i feel like i would be loosing alot of consitrated light. how is a whole 12 x 12 room with 2 high powered fans not enough ventilation?

i would be leaving the doors open about 8in like in my picture which is enough to get my fan blowing up and under the screen canopy and i figured if i cant air cool the light the next best thing would to be have a fan blowing jus above the plant tops or towards the light. My closet room is about 2.5' x 6' x 8'. Will be guted out to utilized any and all space needed.

what is my biggest problem with running this set-up? like i said im only going with a 400w light.

Also i was wondering if any1 knows about putting yeast and water together in bowl to make co2? I thought i heard years ago that by doing something like that it makes low levels of co2


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ICMag Donor
what is my biggest problem with running this set-up?
Getting busted with a closet full of stinky flowers, would top my list.

I suggest looking into a grow tent that will fit your space.
in the basement floor ... what's above you ? if it's not more of your own living space then you'll be busted for sure. venting a 400W light will take the equivalent to one of those fans in your bathroom to exhaust the air, and shut the bathroom door and listen for it... easy to hear, eh? even the 200$ quietest ones on the market will be heard.

about the yeast thing, i don't know how efficient it is, but it DOES produce co2. you want HIGH levels of co2, not low, and plants don't breathe oxygen, they breathe c02 and spit back out oxygen. the other idea is vinager and baking soda on a drip system.

or better yet, a co2 cannister from your paintball store, with a tiiiiny leak, like barely opened.

i've never used co2, but accd to a lot of people the results are amazing


i looked into the grow tents and i figure that would be my best bet.

i live in a nice building in a richie neighborhood and the building is constructed pretty well. i cant hear anyone above me. The walls are like dry wall with insulation and the celling is like stucco and completely sealed.

i was thinking of building one of those tuppermaid enclosures for the fan to make it a little quieter. i figure i dont need a big fan for only a 400w in a 4 x 4 x 6 tent. and maybe a silencer if the out air is too loud.

i will also be putting this tent in the closet i already have and isulating above the tent to the top of the closet.


Active member
ICMag Donor
OK, now you are on track.
When you talk about the room being "sealed" you must know that it isn't. What I mean is, no matter how well things look put together, you are not going to stop the waft of a MJ plant with walls alone. And would take me about 2 mins to zero in on who's apartment was throwing out the funk if I were to catch a whiff of someones grow. So I'm sure other less friendlies could do the same.
Your security is numero uno, and to protect your security you must have stealth.

Sight, sound, and smell...all must be addressed in the stealthiest of manners when doing things in a cohabitational setting like that. Lax with any of the three and risk the bad door prize.
IMO...and this is just me...folks who live in apartments should not grow. But, that's just me. Too many things can hapen way beyond our control that can get us busted in an apartment. Say Richard Cranium above you starts a fire...just what exactly are you gonna do if the FD finds your grow in the ashes? Go to jail, unless its a good fire.

Or maybe ole Rich overfills his oscars tanks into your bedroom...
But, I digress...

With the tent, think in terms of bigger fan, not smaller. Don;t give yourself all the worries that will only be fixed down the road by...a bigger fan.
I would consider building a sound box to put the fan in. There are some tutorials around here for that I think. But it is an easy concept that can be done on the cheap. I am a cheapo DIY kinda guy, and I am having great luck with the Stanley blowers. @ $40 a crack, they are hard to beat.

Carbon scrubber...no cheap BS gimmick...you need a GOOD properly sized carbon scrubber. I build my own and find they are much better than I could buy for the money, but get one of quality and the right size no matter what.

I love HID's..but T5 banks are very successful for lots of people.
econolights has some great deals on these T5 banks. Worth looking into.
I do know that they run cool, and some of the most impressive displays when the finished product is shown off. The right scrogmaster should be able to rock a t5 bank.


i appreciate all the advice you are giving me. i found a grow tent already. and i found a 6in duct fan that is rated at 250cfm. http://www.smarthome.com/3011.html

im planning on building one of those diy boxes for the fan.

the thing is i smoke in my apartment EVERYday for months. ive talked to my neighbors and told them any problems call my phone. no calls.

i will be getting a nice scrubber, i want to make one but i saw how someone else built one and it seems kinda complicated.

now i was thinking of nailing a board right above my tent and stuffing the gap between the board and my closet sealing with some type of insulation.

can also add a couple of those automatic lysol air fresheners in the room.


hey hoosierdaddy i found those t5 bulbs, 20k lumens with 4 bulbs. i like that idea alot better but how will this help me besides a lower electricity bill?