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Internet Censorship bill in congress


I think for the most part people may go along with censoring the internet because people are tired of child porn & creeps that go after young girls & boys on the internet to hook up with them saying they are teens also, so if people think that is what they are trying to change people will be hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:

So we're supposed to restrict EVERYONE because 5 or 6 sicko's want to look at nude babies? WTF??? What has HAPPENED to us???!!!

Child porn is as much of a public problem to society as you or I smoking a joint.

If you're worried about your daughter...get involved in her life...KNOW who she's with and WHERE she is. Know WHO she's chatting with.

You like many others want GOVERNMENT to make the world safe and take care of your every need! No...that's NOT their job.

There is no free speech because IF there was...all the lies would be exposed. And there are a LOT of lies!


May your race always be in your favor
It's not about breaking laws, or looking at weird shit. It's about the government is afraid of the internet, and most of them have no idea how it works. Remember the" it's a series of tubes " remark, that shows the speaker hasn't the slightest idea how things work. Also reflecting on the recent uprisings of the Arab spring, and the way the net and social networking organized protests and events against their respective governments. So I figure that the gov. wants and believes they need the power to turn off the net, and baring that the ability, to take down domain names which is just about the same thing. I doubt its a partisan thing with Pols. They all are afraid of the instant exposure the web brings. Thats way the Gov feels the need to control the web. I already have signed the petition. My opinion.


weed fiend
Didn't the late grate Ronald Reagan say the purpose of government is to protect us from each other?

I agree with paying attention to your kids. Otherwise, one never knows who else might be.


It's not about breaking laws, or looking at weird shit. It's about the government is afraid of the internet, and most of them have no idea how it works. Remember the" it's a series of tubes " remark, that shows the speaker hasn't the slightest idea how things work. Also reflecting on the recent uprisings of the Arab spring, and the way the net and social networking organized protests and events against their respective governments. So I figure that the gov. wants and believes they need the power to turn off the net, and baring that the ability, to take down domain names which is just about the same thing. I doubt its a partisan thing with Pols. They all are afraid of the instant exposure the web brings. Thats way the Gov feels the need to control the web. I already have signed the petition. My opinion.

Governments control the mass media...with the internet, they lose that control...it's really that simple. Listen to all the pundits like Bill O'reilly, they ALL want more and more control over EVERYTHING, they HATE the internet, the "bloggers". THEY want to be the ONLY way we get information...the information THEY think we should have.

Notice how the MSM doesn't talk about Japan and the radiation any more...though it's still spewing out like it did the first day. It's FUCKED UP NEWS...it SHOULD be causing a panic in Japan...but nobody is told how bad it is.

Our representatives don't know anything but how to talk and convince people what THEY want is best for us. They were probably best at "recess" at school...socializing is their specialty. Lobbyists tell them how to vote. Lobbyists are their experts. Lobbyists are ALSO there to get their contributors agenda passed.

Control is their game...remember that. They want quiet, obedient, slave workers.

Didn't the late grate Ronald Reagan say the purpose of government is to protect us from each other?

I agree with paying attention to your kids. Otherwise, one never knows who else might be.

Your liberal bias is showing...actually, he said the opposite...government IS the problem. We need protecting FROM the government. But then HE grew it too...just like ALL the rest!

You should be biased towards BOTH parties...in fact, THAT should be our rallying cry...eliminate the two party system. Too many sheep blindly vote along party lines.

Yes, WE are responsibly for OUR kids...let's start acting like it!


weed fiend
Your liberal bias is showing...actually, he said the opposite...government IS the problem. We need protecting FROM the government. But then HE grew it too...just like ALL the rest!

another comment entirely - if you get bias from a direct quote, god help ya.

You should be biased towards BOTH parties

you actually do need help

[...in fact, THAT should be our rallying cry...eliminate the two party system. Too many sheep blindly vote along party lines.

Yes, WE are responsibly for OUR kids...let's start acting like it!

no problem joe. my kids won't be around you to even worry 'bout it.


People sure do get fired up over stupid shit. "Freedom has been gone for thousands of years." Wait a minute....What? Take a chill pill dude. What the hell. USA's only ~250 years old. Magna Carta isn't thousands of years old. What are you talking about? Kinda negates/ brings into question most everything else ranted about. Oh well, not gonna happen is all anyone needs to know.

Just hold out your hands and hope they don't put on the chains too tight eh?

What a LOSER comment to make...you've already given up!

another comment entirely - if you get bias from a direct quote, god help ya.

you actually do need help

no problem joe. my kids won't be around you to even worry 'bout it.

Here's a quote for both of you...

"Those who are most hopelessly enslaved are those who erroneously believe they are free"

Your kids would be better off without their governmental conditioning Disco...I bet you don't let them get "spoiled" by contrasting opinions eh? Anything else is blasphemy!


So we're supposed to restrict EVERYONE because 5 or 6 sicko's want to look at nude babies? WTF??? What has HAPPENED to us???!!!

Child porn is as much of a public problem to society as you or I smoking a joint.

If you're worried about your daughter...get involved in her life...KNOW who she's with and WHERE she is. Know WHO she's chatting with.

You like many others want GOVERNMENT to make the world safe and take care of your every need! No...that's NOT their job.

There is no free speech because IF there was...all the lies would be exposed. And there are a LOT of lies!

No not me I don't want censorship you mis- understood me I wouldn't even sign up for the only other internet provider even though they were better than what was provideded because they sensored the internet & no they shouldn't change the internet it's just the way the knee jerk bullshit goes!!! :wave::plant grow:


Active member
And he calls me names and argues on an open forum on the internet? Really running hard for that gold in the Special Olympics aren't you. Hey you might WIN! But you're still retarded. Insert another quarter and play again brainiac.


What a fucking joke! Internet censorship here, while we develop small portable wireless networks in suitcases for use in repressive countries . SO , lets restrict our populations access , while we try to give other countries broader access ...... FU USA!!!:dance013:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Never gonna happen, we love our first amendment to much(political suicide to push this with both parties). And even if it did any judge in his right mind would set the feds strait real quick.

Bro it already happens EVERY DAMN DAY !!! LOL

How much underground music do you listen to on the radio? I have not actually listen to the radio for 10 years because #1 the music really SUCKS! and #2 they have so much censorship it's too much.
As far as the net I can only get the links 1/2 the time not sure what that is.. To find answers you need to do some deep searches on the web.Nothing should be that hard lol. I believe it was 2003 they stopped the ban on the radio's but I think it's still pretty tight as it's not main stream and lets face it the underground music is far better then the main stream .. Just like cannabis lol peace out Headband707:)


Bro it already happens EVERY DAMN DAY !!! LOL

How much underground music do you listen to on the radio? I have not actually listen to the radio for 10 years because #1 the music really SUCKS! and #2 they have so much censorship it's too much.
As far as the net I can only get the links 1/2 the time not sure what that is.. To find answers you need to do some deep searches on the web.Nothing should be that hard lol. I believe it was 2003 they stopped the ban on the radio's but I think it's still pretty tight as it's not main stream and lets face it the underground music is far better then the main stream .. Just like cannabis lol peace out Headband707:)

Bro your opinion and mine are subjective when it comes to all movies, art, music etc....."main stream" means that more people are involved in the media and more people are MAKING MORE MONEY. No one is gonna produce music or anything else that isn't gonna make them MONEY. If enough people felt the way you do your music would be "main stream" and be making the producers MONEY. Then they would try to increase revenue by advertising to make more MONEY.
Our opinions don't mean shit just how much we are willing to spend. "underground" = not profitable, the government doesn't control what we listen to or watch WE DO. This world runs for profit, don't get paranoid.