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Internet Censorship bill in congress



Im surprised this isnt everywhere..... The above link also contains the forms to send to your congress person. This bill opens far to many doors..... even ICMAG is at risk of being prohibited in the USA

Afraid of the link?

Here are the contents...

"Reject the PROTECT IP Act
The PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) is a threatening sequel to last year's COICA Internet censorship bill that would—like its predecessor—invite Internet security risks, threaten online speech, and hamper Internet innovation. Urge your members of Congress to reject this dangerous bill!
Big media and its allies in Congress are billing the PROTECT IP Act as a new way to prevent online infringement. But innovation and free speech advocates know that PIPA is nothing more than a dangerous wish list that will compromise Internet security while doing little or nothing to encourage creative expression.
PROTECT IP = Private Rightsholders Opposed To Emerging Consumer Technologies, Innovation, and Progress
As drafted, the bill seeks to stop websites believed to be "dedicated" to "infringing activities" by granting the government the unprecedented power to attack the Internet's domain name system (DNS). The government would be able to force ISPs and search engines to redirect or dump users' attempts to reach certain websites' URLs. In response, third parties will woo average users to alternative servers that offer access to the entire Internet (not just the newly censored U.S. version), which will create new computer security vulnerabilities as the reliability and universality of the DNS evaporates.
It gets worse: the bill uses the following dangerously expansive definition of DNS server: "a server or other mechanism used to provide the Internet protocol address associated with a domain name." This loose, uncabined definition could lead to the targeting of other technologies—like operating systems, email clients, web clients, routers, and more—that are capable of providing IP addresses when given domain names like a traditional DNS server.
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has placed a hold on the Senate version of the bill, taking a principled stand against a very dangerous bill. But every Senator and Representative should be opposing the PROTECT IP Act -- contact your members of Congress today to speak out!"


Never gonna happen, we love our first amendment to much(political suicide to push this with both parties). And even if it did any judge in his right mind would set the feds strait real quick.


We are Farmers
LMAO at the acronym.

PROTECT IP = Private Rightsholders Opposed To Emerging Consumer Technologies, Innovation, and Progress

So we should halt all innovation because the old boys can't keep up and might lose some market share? Adapt or perish.

Join MAGPIE, Monks Against Gutenberg Press, It's Evil


Yeah, when you say "we" do you mean American's, because Americans value bullshit and sports stats far more than freedom. (In general, like why you see fucking sports logos on the weather reports to denote that there's a game that day but barely any words about the wars America's in)

I wish some sports star would get the spotlight after winning the big game and say something more meaningful than "I'm going to disney world"


Yeah, when you say "we" do you mean American's, because Americans value bullshit and sports stats far more than freedom. (In general, like why you see fucking sports logos on the weather reports to denote that there's a game that day but barely any words about the wars America's in)

I wish some sports star would get the spotlight after winning the big game and say something more meaningful than "I'm going to disney world"

Market decides all bro, if its what the people want fucking give it to them and charge a pretty penny for it. Maybe other countries should take notes from our media considering its the most popular in the world.
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Never gonna happen, we love our first amendment to much(political suicide to push this with both parties). And even if it did any judge in his right mind would set the feds strait real quick.

Ha! Are you kidding? Free speech? It's been dead for a long long time! How many things can't we say HERE? I've seen many people come and go on forums...why? Because they said something "inappropriate"...not politically correct.

Start talking the TRUTH and you'll be shut down in a second. EVERYONE has their agenda! EVERYONE limits your speech. There would be so much different in this country...the world...if we could just be HONEST and speak our minds.

It's part of the control they hold on us...they promote lies and then don't let people talk about it.

Market decides all bro, if its what the people want fucking give it to them and charge a pretty penny for it. Maybe other countries should take notes from our media considering its the most popular in the world.

It's NOT the market that decides what's on TV...it's the MARKETERS! We're LED by the TV towards the direction THEY want us led to! Our "media" is bought and paid for shills to big business/big government! There is NO news...NO truth...only bullshit entertainment for for idiots. I hardly EVER even turn it on.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
It's NOT the market that decides what's on TV...it's the MARKETERS! We're LED by the TV towards the direction THEY want us led to! Our "media" is bought and paid for shills to big business/big government! There is NO news...NO truth...only bullshit entertainment for for idiots. I hardly EVER even turn it on.[/quote]

Couldn't have said it better myself, we as humans have been led on a path of destruction through hypnotism on tv, and its blatently right infront of our eyes,
If they really want this bill passed itll happen regardless of if the people appose it,

The people in congress dont work for the PEOPLE as there job should be, they work for the corperates who sway every decision they make depending how they want to control the people...

Freedom has been gone for thousands of years, get used to it or fight back, before its to late.


weed fiend
Ha! Are you kidding? Free speech? It's been dead for a long long time! How many things can't we say HERE?

This is a private enterprise, joe. Yer soapbox stops at the water's edge. This joint is based outside the US and even if your rights are natural, their naturally squelched for business and sociable reasons.

I've seen many people come and go on forums...why? Because they said something "inappropriate"...not politically correct.
In all probability, reading the TOU would answer your questions.

Start talking the TRUTH and you'll be shut down in a second.
Follow the TOU and you've got nada to worry about.

EVERYONE has their agenda! EVERYONE limits your speech. There would be so much different in this country...the world...if we could just be HONEST and speak our minds.
Dude, this joint ain't in the US. Ever traveled abroad? Speaking yer mind can get yer ass in a sling.

It's part of the control they hold on us...they promote lies and then don't let people talk about it.
You gots it all figured out. No need to talk about it.

It's NOT the market that decides what's on TV...it's the MARKETERS! We're LED by the TV towards the direction THEY want us led to! Our "media" is bought and paid for shills to big business/big government! There is NO news...NO truth...only bullshit entertainment for for idiots. I hardly EVER even turn it on.
Because ya spend all yer time on prisonplanet.
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Ha! Are you kidding? Free speech? It's been dead for a long long time! How many things can't we say HERE? I've seen many people come and go on forums...why? Because they said something "inappropriate"...not politically correct.

Start talking the TRUTH and you'll be shut down in a second. EVERYONE has their agenda! EVERYONE limits your speech. There would be so much different in this country...the world...if we could just be HONEST and speak our minds.

It's part of the control they hold on us...they promote lies and then don't let people talk about it.

It's NOT the market that decides what's on TV...it's the MARKETERS! We're LED by the TV towards the direction THEY want us led to! Our "media" is bought and paid for shills to big business/big government! There is NO news...NO truth...only bullshit entertainment for for idiots. I hardly EVER even turn it on.

Wow dude, you need a vacation, and take the tinfoil hat off. Holy shit, you are paranoid.

Just because social climate changed in this country doesn't mean they are out to control you, get a hold of yourself man, you are panicking.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Live like its free :wave:
You can use your right to free speech if you want, remember it is a right, you just need to no how to use your rights when needed.

Speak free at your own risk because you never know who is watching is listening i spose, but in general free speech is free speech.

Then again im no in the US so they could be quite harsh on how free, "free" really is.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Live like its free :wave:
You can use your right to free speech if you want, remember it is a right, you just need to no how to use your rights when needed.

Speak free at your own risk because you never know who is watching is listening i spose, but in general free speech is free speech.

Then again im no in the US so they could be quite harsh on how free, "free" really is.


weed fiend
I like Widen, seems like a principled senator. However, denial of service attacks happen with considerable frequency. Maybe the language isn't right and needs to be tweaked but the piece seems a bit short on the reasons behind the bill. If one considers DNS attacks freedom of speach, I have to wonder where we're headed

IMO, tiered access is the biggest bite we potentially face. Tied access, promoted by major ISPs would have us buying necessary hardware and access rights to get all of the internet. We'd have to buy a Ferrari and pay to drive on the interstate where everybody else gets rural road-type access. It could limit what sites you visit and how fast you get there, it you get respective access at all.


Active member
People sure do get fired up over stupid shit. "Freedom has been gone for thousands of years." Wait a minute....What? Take a chill pill dude. What the hell. USA's only ~250 years old. Magna Carta isn't thousands of years old. What are you talking about? Kinda negates/ brings into question most everything else ranted about. Oh well, not gonna happen is all anyone needs to know.

Im surprised this isnt everywhere..... The above link also contains the forms to send to your congress person. This bill opens far to many doors..... even ICMAG is at risk of being prohibited in the USA

Afraid of the link?

Here are the contents...

"Reject the PROTECT IP Act
The PROTECT IP Act (PIPA) is a threatening sequel to last year's COICA Internet censorship bill that would—like its predecessor—invite Internet security risks, threaten online speech, and hamper Internet innovation. Urge your members of Congress to reject this dangerous bill!
Big media and its allies in Congress are billing the PROTECT IP Act as a new way to prevent online infringement. But innovation and free speech advocates know that PIPA is nothing more than a dangerous wish list that will compromise Internet security while doing little or nothing to encourage creative expression.
PROTECT IP = Private Rightsholders Opposed To Emerging Consumer Technologies, Innovation, and Progress
As drafted, the bill seeks to stop websites believed to be "dedicated" to "infringing activities" by granting the government the unprecedented power to attack the Internet's domain name system (DNS). The government would be able to force ISPs and search engines to redirect or dump users' attempts to reach certain websites' URLs. In response, third parties will woo average users to alternative servers that offer access to the entire Internet (not just the newly censored U.S. version), which will create new computer security vulnerabilities as the reliability and universality of the DNS evaporates.
It gets worse: the bill uses the following dangerously expansive definition of DNS server: "a server or other mechanism used to provide the Internet protocol address associated with a domain name." This loose, uncabined definition could lead to the targeting of other technologies—like operating systems, email clients, web clients, routers, and more—that are capable of providing IP addresses when given domain names like a traditional DNS server.
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has placed a hold on the Senate version of the bill, taking a principled stand against a very dangerous bill. But every Senator and Representative should be opposing the PROTECT IP Act -- contact your members of Congress today to speak out!"

as long as we have proxy servers they wont be able to ban anything . u may have to browse the net from another websites browser in another country . its not real hard to hide a ip or bounce off another ip . proxy4free is a prime example of this . go choose a proxy and browse from inside the window when u choose a proxy its that simple . all u doubters go look at ip before and after at ipchicken


This is a private enterprise, joe. Yer soapbox stops at the water's edge. This joint is based outside the US and even if your rights natural their naturally squelched for business reasons.

In all probability, reading the TOU would answer your questions.

Follow the TOU and you've got nada to worry about.

Dude, this joint ain't in the US. Ever traveled abroad? Speaking yer mind can get yer ass in a sling.

You gots it all figured out. No need to talk about it.

Because ya spend all yer time on prisonplanet.

Yup...EVERYTHING is private...with RULES...got ya! I know what kind of place YOU want to live in. What was that song about rules and signs everywhere? Can't do this...can't do that...can't say this or that...it's "hurtful". Well guess what...some people NEED to be told the truth.

So because overseas is WORSE as far as free speech goes...I should be grateful?

How do you learn anything when one side doesn't get a voice?

Unlike you...I only have a few things figured out. Unfortunately, you don't seem to have anything figured out. Utopia doesn't exist...it never will...you're tilting at windmills.

You put others down like their idiots...you act like others are ALWAYS wrong...yet YOU are the enlightened one. The National Enquirer is seen as a joke...yet SOMETIMES they're the ONLY ones reporting the truth.

Get your head out of your ass...or the sand...whichever is the case. The truth can be found wherever it happens to be. Sometimes it's found in the most unlikely of places.

You seem to be very "law and order", follow the rules, the government has your best interests at heart kind of guy...WHY are you here? You know, the government says that MJ is BAD for you...why don't you believe THAT part of what they say? You seem to believe most of what they say...why not that?

As I said...free speech doesn't exist...and there are RULES everywhere to make sure it stays that way. Can't have people making their OWN decisions, their OWN opinions. No...rules and propaganda...it's the ONLY way to "rule" a planet.

Only a FOOL believes EVERYTHING or NOTHING. The truth is out there...but it's hard to find because it's actively hidden by TPTB.

Good luck!


weed fiend
Yup...EVERYTHING is private...with RULES...got ya! I know what kind of place YOU want to live in. What was that song about rules and signs everywhere? Can't do this...can't do that...can't say this or that...it's "hurtful". Well guess what...some people NEED to be told the truth.

So because overseas is WORSE as far as free speech goes...I should be grateful?

How do you learn anything when one side doesn't get a voice?

Unlike you...I only have a few things figured out. Unfortunately, you don't seem to have anything figured out. Utopia doesn't exist...it never will...you're tilting at windmills.

You put others down like their idiots...you act like others are ALWAYS wrong...yet YOU are the enlightened one. The National Enquirer is seen as a joke...yet SOMETIMES they're the ONLY ones reporting the truth.

Get your head out of your ass...or the sand...whichever is the case. The truth can be found wherever it happens to be. Sometimes it's found in the most unlikely of places.

You seem to be very "law and order", follow the rules, the government has your best interests at heart kind of guy...WHY are you here? You know, the government says that MJ is BAD for you...why don't you believe THAT part of what they say? You seem to believe most of what they say...why not that?

As I said...free speech doesn't exist...and there are RULES everywhere to make sure it stays that way. Can't have people making their OWN decisions, their OWN opinions. No...rules and propaganda...it's the ONLY way to "rule" a planet.

Only a FOOL believes EVERYTHING or NOTHING. The truth is out there...but it's hard to find because it's actively hidden by TPTB.

Good luck!

Ahh... youth. I remember 13
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I think for the most part people may go along with censoring the internet because people are tired of child porn & creeps that go after young girls & boys on the internet to hook up with them saying they are teens also, so if people think that is what they are trying to change people will be hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:

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