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Interesting Possible Loophole to avoid intent to distribute


Well-known member
Yeah my main point was they really wouldn't have anything to go by to say otherwise if you said it was for personal use. It's just the equivalent to buying the economy deals at Sam's Club lol.


Tropical Outcast
I want to see this baggie that holds 8 pounds in it :joint:

This is how I travel with mine.




Active member
It's true about the baggies. They can charge you for them, but damn, I have baggies in my house and really use them for sandwiches, etc. Now if you have those tiny little "baggies" that people sell nickels or dimes or rocks, that is a problem.
Also true about the prosecutor. He has all the power and weapons, including the power to offer you a deal and let you go. That's what happened in my case decades ago. Prosecutor offered me to walk and go back to my previous lifestyle without serving any time during a meeting with about 20 federal agents present. Of course they would be monitoring everything and looking to bust more people. He told me "you are going to jump through hoops for me", at which point I stood up and said, "the hell I am".
As the veins bulged in his neck and his face turned red, he said "get him out of here".
And they did.
Guns and cash together with drugs definitely a "no no".....
I remember reading somewhere that the way they get people with intent to distribute is when it's packaged in multiple bags and or cash present at the scene as well. So theoretically, if you had one bag containing say 8lbs you could get off the intent charge and claim it is your personal stash as long as you don't have cash with you too.

Am I correct in this thinking (as long as the state doesn't have a prima facie amount for intent to distribute)

lol no. When I got busted with 2 pounds about 4.5 years ago it was all in 1 giant trashbag, with no scales. First time offender and I got a year. The only possible "loophole" is getting a medical card. And even still you need to know your state laws and the proper amount you are allowed to carry on you. The multiple sandwich bags, and scales theories being the reason why someone got busted are myths.

Like I said I did a year for 1 bag of weed with no scale. A couple years later I got pulled over with 2 friends while we were hot-boxing the car and my boy had a scale and multiple bags. There was no other weed in the car besides the roach and no one even got a ticket.

1 bag + no scale = year
multiple baggies plus a scale = walk

The only thing that matters is what the scale reads when you slap the ganja on it.


Oh I forgot to mention mandatory minimums, my state has them for cannabis with a first time probation clause. Generally having over an ounce is enough to CHARGE you with distribution.


smoothkriminal its true, if u get busted with weed u will get in trouble no matter what, but my point is you would be in a lot more trouble if u got busted with weed AND multiple baggies/scale... it pretty much depends on what state u live in, if you live in nj u can go to jail just for having baggies and a scale on you !!!


Well-known member
lol no. When I got busted with 2 pounds about 4.5 years ago it was all in 1 giant trashbag, with no scales. First time offender and I got a year. The only possible "loophole" is getting a medical card. And even still you need to know your state laws and the proper amount you are allowed to carry on you. The multiple sandwich bags, and scales theories being the reason why someone got busted are myths.

Like I said I did a year for 1 bag of weed with no scale. A couple years later I got pulled over with 2 friends while we were hot-boxing the car and my boy had a scale and multiple bags. There was no other weed in the car besides the roach and no one even got a ticket.

1 bag + no scale = year
multiple baggies plus a scale = walk

The only thing that matters is what the scale reads when you slap the ganja on it.

Wow, may I ask what state you live in that got you a year for weed on a first offense? That's crazy, I've always hear probation is typically the go-to for people who had clean records. I know of two guys who got busted with a QP and were only gonna get probation but they lied to the cops about their source and there was a raid and the dude wasn't home, he was in another state (he was on bail) and even though the house was clean they sent federal marshals on a plane to get him and it was one big mess. So they got into some shit.

Guest 224837

one bag 2 bag 3 bag it's all the same once you hit a certain amount then you're fucked. that amount may very from state to state or country to country so check your local laws.

an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cured
smoothkriminal its true, if u get busted with weed u will get in trouble no matter what, but my point is you would be in a lot more trouble if u got busted with weed AND multiple baggies/scale... it pretty much depends on what state u live in, if you live in nj u can go to jail just for having baggies and a scale on you !!!

That's a myth bro, that's what I'm trying to explain. It doesn't matter if you have 5 pounds in one big bag or five pounds in multiple bags + 100 sandwich bags + 3 scales. It doesn't matter, you get the exact same charges in each case. When I went to court during my case and while I would sit there and listen/watch other drug cases the judge/lawyers never once brought up anything about bag/scales in any case I've witnessed. It doesn't matter, it doesn't add any additional charges. The only thing that determines what you get charged with is the weight of the drugs that you got caught with.

Wow, may I ask what state you live in that got you a year for weed on a first offense? That's crazy, I've always hear probation is typically the go-to for people who had clean records. I know of two guys who got busted with a QP and were only gonna get probation but they lied to the cops about their source and there was a raid and the dude wasn't home, he was in another state (he was on bail) and even though the house was clean they sent federal marshals on a plane to get him and it was one big mess. So they got into some shit.

Your friends are snitches. I don't snitch. Snitching in general makes me sick but snitching over a QP, that's fuckin low grimey bitch-made status. You probably wouldn't even get a felony for a QP let alone any jailtime, you could easily say that's personal. I probably could have snitched on my supplier and walked that day, never serve a day, no felonies, no probation. But I'm not a bitch, I knew what I signed up for I knew the consequences and I'm a man.

Anyway I live in Las Vegas but got popped in California, Riverside County. The only reason I accepted a year was because they cut me a "deal" saying if I did the year and finished up 3 years of probation after my release, stayed out of trouble and didn't pick up any new drug cases I could possibly get the felony reduced. The DA offered my 3 years probation + no jail but I had to cop to a lifetime felony of trafficking a controlled substance which I did not want to do. I thought it was ludicrous that I would be labeled as a lifetime felon because I got caught with a bag of grass when I was 19 so I asked my lawyer to do whatever he had to do to make sure I didn't have to cop to a lifetime felony, and 1 year + probation was the best deal the DA was offering so I took it. Just finished probation about a year ago and finally got the felony removed about 3 months ago. So it all worked out. The past 4+ years of my life were hell though.

EDIT: I was charged with 3 lifetime felonies so the fact that I'm sitting here today as a non-felon is a win for me.
one bag 2 bag 3 bag it's all the same once you hit a certain amount then you're fucked. that amount may very from state to state or country to country so check your local laws.

/\ THIS!

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder

These bags will do it.

I've been questioned about having multiple jars. I explained that it was different varieties. After which they seemed to lose interest.

You're only quasi-legal. Even in California, it really depends on the way the stars align on that day. If there's a chance for them to make some money, I'm pretty sure they'll go after it.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
smoothkriminal its true, if u get busted with weed u will get in trouble no matter what, but my point is you would be in a lot more trouble if u got busted with weed AND multiple baggies/scale... it pretty much depends on what state u live in, if you live in nj u can go to jail just for having baggies and a scale on you !!!

That's a myth bro, that's what I'm trying to explain. It doesn't matter if you have 5 pounds in one big bag or five pounds in multiple bags + 100 sandwich bags + 3 scales. It doesn't matter, you get the exact same charges in each case. When I went to court during my case and while I would sit there and listen/watch other drug cases the judge/lawyers never once brought up anything about bag/scales in any case I've witnessed. It doesn't matter, it doesn't add any additional charges. The only thing that determines what you get charged with is the weight of the drugs that you got caught with.

every state is different. "packaging materials" can easily carry an additional paraphenalia charge, but those usually get dropped by the time court rolls around in the wheeling and dealing w prosecutors.

let's not forget tommy chong went to prison over a fucking bong(no weed)

weed plus baggies=obvious selling.

a couple pounds of weed=obvious selling as well

but for arguements sake, if you got popped with a half oz in an unfriendly state, you might could claim personal use, but when its a half oz and a sleeve of baggies and nice new digi, thats not gonna happen.