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Interesting letter from "Breeder steve"

Red Fang

Active member
well never met Breeder Steve but loved his political posts while most didn't, he thought for himself in that regard instead of being one of the sheeple if you know what I mean. I was at Hemp BC before it got busted, seemed like a nice guy behind the counter and smoked with him what from a lightweight's perspective seemed like a pretty great joint. I met with Derek during that trip but he seemed like an arrogant blowhard, we had a good time that night but somehow things went sour after that in a chat and I guess I am glad it did as he seemed not to address my concerns and only thought of himself. Someone hacked into and wrecked my computer after that, it was either him or someone else at that chat that had it out for me. I would not say I did or ever will trust him, that's for sure. Whereas with Steve I felt I could trust him from our conversations. I bought LUI, at the time I was pretty broke as I should have stocked up. But still have a few of those LUI's left so hope they germinate and do well! I tend to believe this letter moreso than not as a result. I hope Shiskaberry and blockhead are available again though him.

joe fresh

Active member
well never met Breeder Steve but loved his political posts while most didn't, he thought for himself in that regard instead of being one of the sheeple if you know what I mean. I was at Hemp BC before it got busted, seemed like a nice guy behind the counter and smoked with him what from a lightweight's perspective seemed like a pretty great joint. I met with Derek during that trip but he seemed like an arrogant blowhard, we had a good time that night but somehow things went sour after that in a chat and I guess I am glad it did as he seemed not to address my concerns and only thought of himself. Someone hacked into and wrecked my computer after that, it was either him or someone else at that chat that had it out for me. I would not say I did or ever will trust him, that's for sure. Whereas with Steve I felt I could trust him from our conversations. I bought LUI, at the time I was pretty broke as I should have stocked up. But still have a few of those LUI's left so hope they germinate and do well! I tend to believe this letter moreso than not as a result. I hope Shiskaberry and blockhead are available again though him.

chimera works with shiskaberry...should check out some of his stuff


Active member
This is definitely old... I knew I read it before as it was floating around Overgrow. It was posted in a 50+ page thread and even then it was said to have been old.

Red Fang

Active member
well I hope this is more recent and that Breeder Steve will be back at it soon! I want the Blockhead too!


Yeah this letter is from 1999 early 2000 I think.

After Marc was busted for the first time selling seeds, I wanted to do something for him. I went downtown Vancouver and I told him, "I have no pictures or samples but here is a film canister of one of my seeds in the spirit of donation if you have the heart to continue selling seeds." He took off the lid and looked at those big fat dark coconuts and told me excitedly, "Make all the seed you can!

That was in 1996.

...After Marc lost a huge consignment of Spice Seeds (that were not to be stored in the store, by agreement!...

That was in 1998 (I think). That was like the fifth time Emery had lost a huge amount of seed- I think he said he kept all his seed in his office, I always thought he probably kept the real seeds he got from breeders somewhere else and kept a bunch of bunk seeds for the cops in his office. I don't care for the guy myself, but he isn't a stupid man, I have a hard time believing he didn't learn his lesson the first time he lost all his stock.


Breeder Steve also wrote an article for HT magazine that was similar to this letter, it was published in 2005.


That was posted on CC Forums on 01/21/03..I recall it earlier than that though...Yawn
Drop a paragraph from that article into google and search for it yourself


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Anywhoo, it seems it would ring more true this day. More people need the integrity of Steve.


Active member
Seed biz soap opera...Heroes and villains galore.

Will you pick a saint or a sinner?
Stay tuned for more 'Seeds of Darkness.'


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
breeder steve has always been one of my favorite cannabis personalities. he is a cool guy and one hell of a seedman. i hope he returns some day. blessing to him wherever he may be.......


Active member
my 600 watt tent is all the work of steve:

took these this morning...all blockhead, (2 phenos), gonna chop next weekend, ...these are at 52 days today:



Green Supreme

Well-known member
"my 600 watt tent is all the work of steve:"

Interesting statement. Care to name them all. Must be a huge tent. Peace GS


Active member
"my 600 watt tent is all the work of steve:"

Interesting statement. Care to name them all. Must be a huge tent. Peace GS

what part of that did u not understand :confused:

i'll simplify my statement for you:

the tent i use w/ my 600 watt lamp has a bunch of plants in it.

the plants are all blockheads.

blockhead is a strain that breder steve developed using sweettooth and african sativa genetics.

they don't have names...what does that mean???

blockhead is the only strain that i've made sure to keep around...i've never had better weed!!!!

is that more clear????

Green Supreme

Well-known member
I guess it was the part where you said, all the work of Steve. You never thought of it before you wrote it, so I don't expect you will get it now. Apologies. Peace GS


Professor Organic Psychology
On May 20, 2010, Emery was extradited to the United States. On May 24, he appeared in a Seattle courtroom and pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana.

So in Steve's letter Marc had already pleaded guilty and that was 2010

That should help in dating the letter. Certainly not 10 years, but close to two years

I got my first ever negative reputation point from Super Conductor for the above comment. Pretty insulting comments as well.

Now I know it is not a big deal to give negative rep, but what is wrong with the little prick? I said nothing to warrant a neg rep or a insult.

Use Your Brain Super Conductor. The only thing super about your is your retardation.