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Inspired by Julian's Threads?


Active member
yeah, botton line: BEST THREAD ON THIS SITE, julians OD thread.

i really miss reading new posts by him, it was great to grow right along side him during an OD harvest.

yeah, his writing style is amazing, he keeps you turning pages. i read that shit every year, around this time. whenever im slipping, its good to go back and snapped back to REALITY, bring the A-game back.

thanks again julian, your threads have been an immense help to me.



Active member
I just found this on The Highway Interdiction thread and it really encompasses how Julian effected me and the way I read threads on here. I have 45 threads bookmarked that in total are probably over 350pages long. This is how i read every one of them.

Your not the first to mention writing style, and, writing how I would speak has long since shared, but, here's something for people to ponder:

Maybe.......just maybe.....I write and structure how I do so people will read more carefully and pay attention to the words themselves.

I guess most miss that.

Most skim. They don't pay attention.

You mention writing style. For whatever reason it is, his sporadic writing style would pull me in deeper. Awesome shit


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
As always, truly honored and humbled, and, am thankful for the ever so kind words and mention...and, I miss it here...very much..this endeavor...this "thing of ours" as it were...no matter how well we may be (or think) we are integrated into every day life...in the end?....we cannot truly be...(Even in legit/medical situation(s)/states when larger scale comes into play.....). These days, it is an increasing rarity that I am involved in such dialogue.......for various reasons......

Of course....I do have , on occasion(s) such.....but rarely as thorough. I'm on about my 500th day straight of 20-24hr days, during which I lost the only/last/most important family I had due to incompetent medical staff(s), going without sleep for their last 40 days of life, but the honor and privilege of being there for their last moment. Their dying breath on my face, in my arms. I hear such kind words, and, all I can think is of this person......Truly the most intelligent, wise, insightful, reasonable and rational person I have ever met in my entire life. It's now been a couple months since their passing...and starting to regain.....something. (Still unsure exactly what..but know that there are those who unfortunately have the displeasure of knowing such a situation....and to those.....I extend my sympathies and sincere condolences........)...

I look forward to being back around.....to feeling "normal" again, although I fear "normal" beyond my reach (and thank god :biglaugh:)...

I don't know I would necessarily agree completely with the above (about MJ/MMJ being more suited to certain class than another....(please bear with me), as, on many levels, not an endeavor like any other. For example: As many understand and I am sure agree, it stems from a passion which stretches far beyond virtually every social and economic situation....and, financially, a fascinating study when it comes to ROI (touched on elsewhere....I think I have ballasts lying around up to 30 years old...would love to run the serial numbers to check date of manufacture/sale....just imagine the volume created over such a time period :smoke:....Most of us?....the initial interest may very well have never been associated with money....(or, maybe it was....but point made I'm sure.) I've said it myself before......if I were to come into $100-200-500MM tomorrow?.....I can't say I would never run a batch again....:smoke: (I think actually, having any monetary consideration completely removed would make it more fun than ever actually..)

I'm truly humbled, again, at the kind words, and, more so at the thought(s), and, even more at being able to be of assistance. I've gained more than I could ever say from any/all exchanges. Truly. Many direction(s), companies/firm(s), things about to take place shortly, things that would have never come to pass without such frankly....(Should have Canna Consulting firm, and many related up shortly, spanning several states, and many different areas, from management/operations, security, marketing/branding, product development, and many other related serving the general industry...and quite excited actually. In some cases, similar business's in existence, but, with a different approach....Looking forward to getting back to work (real work)...things of tremendous substance.....an quite a few of those in the works for quite some time....(in addition to several other companies in various other industries....again, in the works for quite a while now.....equally excited, and, of interest to me s of late, that, most of them fall into the "passion" project category....ie: Things that have always done, been interested in, but, declined to apply significant effort into/towards due to concern as to revenues, etc.....(I have my core business's, which bring in all the money I need, or, will again shortly...so.....money really of no concern....."passion" is....(Maybe a financial lesson contained herein?....)

I haven't kept track, but, sure this post has run far longer than intended...but....haven't been around, so.....a lot to say..(much more actually......). and, sure in future, last year or two, and lessons and insights could create a thread in itself .....how to keep pushing ahead, working despite exhaustion....(true).....despair....loss. Hope, Zen, to persevere......and on and on......Last 1-2-3 yrs? (would have to check thread for dates and timelines of many things)....Lost largest ops, business's/companies/family/money/homes culminating in death of the above....my little joke is the hair just starting to grow back on my head where the bullet grazed me. I missed. :smoke:...to everything back up, many other things up, and hopefully soon bigger and better and stronger than ever. Ah, life. Such a mystery.

Frankly.......this is probably the most I've had to say about certain things in quite a while....but, thought I would share, as how could one not offer sincere thanks for such kind words...and, after the above, and many discussions recently, have pondered my need to "help" others.....to assist....and the reasons why. Maybe because I myself have been in certain position(s), at certain times in my life without such...Maybe because the "sense of duty" I have towards many, for many reasons to offer what we can, when we can, how we can :smoke:, and that sometimes, the most "insignificant" things may very well help to create something, somewhere, in someone, which is far from..)

I hope all are well.......doing well, and, will be doing even better, and, my most sincere thanks again for the kind words. They mean quite a bit. Please accept my thanks, and my gratitude. It has been an honor and a privilege to offer something to assist another in their way. I hope life grants me the honor to do so again in the future.
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I hope all are well.......doing well, and, will be doing even better, and, my most sincere thanks again for the kind words. They mean quite a bit. Please accept my thanks, and my gratitude. It has been an honor and a privilege to offer something to assist another in their way. I hope life grants me the honor to do so again in the future.

As always, much respect. And gratitude.


East Coast Grower
Funny, I was just reading that 'most helpful post' from a year ago and was wondering if Julian still came around.

I have tried to read Julian's OD before starting my OD every year, clearly can't read the WHOLE thing lol, but the first 50 pages or so have tons of information and all kinds of good stuff on everything from growing, entrepreneurship and business, legal issues, to tv shows and recreation etc.

Always an inspiration and has really helped me get off my ass and work for the best results regardless of anything else, something I've struggled with quite a bit over the years. Always spreading knowledge and with just enough entertainment, insight and humor. Thanks for everything Julian!


Active member
Julian definitely influenced me with his threads.

So did Silverback.

RIP Silverback... you are missed bro. Loved all his threads.


Active member
hey brother, it WILL get better. only thing is, these things take time. i know you dont really sleep, but try. sleeping rejuvenates our mind and body, possibly the soul as well.

im honored, to say the least for the PM, Jules. you really have been someone responsible for who i am today; the person i have become in the last 4 years. the way i look at a situation, a property, investments, etc. buying the house i live in land contract style, was built in 2001-02, upstairs isnt finished, 2.5 acres, 2 car garage, full basement, finally!! plan to have the 140,000 paid off within 5 years, @ about $2350 a month. no mortgage, no interest really makes a freaking difference, thats for sure.

other things in the works, various 5K's, 3K's, 1200watter, then there is the trailer, and the 500 duckfoot clones, along with some mighty-freeze im gonna clone till the matix is destroyed. gonna be a record breaking OD season this year. i wanna do 5-10 times more than i have done before. i finally got a crew of 2-3 guys that i completely trust. only took 4 years.

thanks again J. looking forward to future posts my man.



Julian inspired me through his outdoor thread to work out 5-6 times a week and quit smoking. How's that for a change?
And he inspired me to grow 10 times as much weed.... Have a look Julian, YOU did this, 3 metres high AK47, guerilla, no maintenance:

:thank you:

I don't know if I could do what he does though, I've tried guerilla growing before and the adrenaline rush is too much to overcome sometimes. I almost got locked into a property once by some guy that decided to lock the gate. Another time some folks decided to stop on a trail near my plot while I was there digging and just hang out for a while.

I'm going to try again this year, maybe it won't be as bad this time.

I have the reversed situation with my first indoor grow atm. Totally stressed out about all that could go wrong.... Just a matter of getting used to it, i guess.


Well-known member
its time for a new album, the peoples is antisipating..... when is the release date spring 2012, summer 2012... whats the name of the new album?!

come on man,we are your people,
when moses lead his people to the water, he didnt turn around... he did what he was supposed to do and then he increased the pace!...
all im saying is weve come too fair to turn back!
To quote 'em, it was never Julians thread, it was everybody's thread. Our thread. He'd say it as often as he'd give a :smoke:

So I'm thirsty as fuck, anyone down to grab a drink?

So my credit rating just took a dump recently, my only open line was a 10 y/o revolving store card I would use every couple months & pay immediatly to keep open, had been slacking & went to use it but too late, closed due to inactivity. The CSR rep for the account said there was nothing that could be done at the time. This was awhile ago & they are still reporting (most recent to trans a week ago) as account closed, current. Anything I can do to request them to re-open that line? Maybe in writing? What's the deal with them still reporting to some of the 3? Also, I think EQ was the only one that listed it as closed due to inactivity, should I request the other 2 list it as such?

I didn't file last year, year before was only like $7k net. I got a collateral loan as soon as that aged line dropped me, I payed it off early so I could have more money for this years OD's. I did that recently [really recently] it hasn't even shown as closed on my reports yet)... What's my next step? Open another loan with them + get two credit cards (anywhere else) since CC's use stated income right?

I Just got my DBA, EIN, & bank account for a business (legit). (which I might need help with some next steps on that soon.... so hope you're around) With the end goal of all of this being to get into a mortgage, what are my next moves? Do I file for the 2nd quarter? My bank says 2 years before they'll due a SBL. Paying myself as an employee, how quick can I get access to financing from a bank on anything, fucking anything (Collatoral loan, wtf, pisses me off, they should be giving me money (Would substitute for a BJ from one or two of the employees though).

End goal is title to a property, seein' all these short sales going on stuff is cheap & interest rates are so low, such a buyers market. Should I be trying to get into a mortgage, I'm seeing all these short sales... plus isn't the govt allowing $50k of exemption on 1099-c's? (1099c=Forgiven debt) but only until december of this year?? Or should I be trying to buy something subject 2 from someone in foreclosure? What about assumable loans? I know VA loans are assumable, are there other assumable loans out there? Would those be better? Everything is so underwater since the RE talk in the last thread...

Since I need to finance something soon for my credit rating, I'd like it to be a nice big enclosed trailer, the next show is def. vert in one of those just chillin'



New member
I was inspired by this thread to read Julian's OD thread and then his previous involvement in the initial ID thread. It appears a user by the name of FullMonty was peculiarly helpful in that thread, but most of his posts have been deleted. Would anyone have a backup of the original thread? Much appreciated.

dj digigrow

Active member
I was inspired by this thread to read Julian's OD thread and then his previous involvement in the initial ID thread. It appears a user by the name of FullMonty was peculiarly helpful in that thread, but most of his posts have been deleted. Would anyone have a backup of the original thread? Much appreciated.

I belive Julian and Full Monty were the the same person!
I remember reading those post for weeks! Literally weeks both of and indoor.,
Great advice, he had some security issues and had to delete/edit alot of stuff.
Definitely a great motivational tool about the game were in and about life in general!....
Answered my own q. The days of stated income home loans are long gone, best you're gonna get is 3% down on an fha. Since the meltdown banks have really tightened up on everything in general, all large deposits really need to be seasoned and traceable as well. What defines a large deposit is at the discretion of the underwriter, could be as small as 1k. Moral of it all is you really need to take julians advice on starting a biz and claiming everythong plus minimize your deductions.


Yes... Julian... If i ever consider a mentor for me that is HE... He is master... His posts motivate me so much, that nobody/nothing does... I ask him a question on pm and He answer me... He don't turn down ANYONE... He answer EVERYBODY.... He teach ALL of us, and in the private life, for NOTHING... I just don't see him around, and HOPE that is everything ok... He deserve FREEDOM more then anyone...
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Active member
Thanks for all your great advice Julian, your posts helped me to understand what was the purpose for me in this life, reading through all those pages full of super info in the od thread came a meaning to my existence here as i then understood that cultivating and spreading this medicine was the real goal i should be concentrating upon. Thanks again for everything!