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Inspirational Hash Shots, please put yours here. ( TRIBUTE TO OG)


EXCELLENT BMan........

Bubble Strawberry Diesel Hash


73 u



45 u


all grades


90 u





pretty delicious.


New member
nycdfan042 said:
ill be putting up some shots the rest of this month :D enjoy!

i have the same grinder as you but my hash always turns green and tastes like weed. very nice hash you got. Any specific method for it?




the other day i got bored so i thought why not make some Moroc jelly.. i cant really rememeber if i have posted about the procedure here or if it was in old OG days.. but anyway here we go

starting materials needed;

*good moroc hash. preferably cold pressed (explained later)
*trim, buds or other extraction material of choice (couod be nugs, or even hash etc)
*BHO extraction unit (be it home-made (like mine) or a bought one as long as it works)
*pot with hot water
*glas-pyrex bowl/container


*freese a small piece of hash (<10 grams)
grind the frozen piece of hash to a fine powder using a electrical potent grinder. keep cold for now

*prepare your extraction material, fill your tubes etc

*put water to boil BEFORE you do the extraction. switch off any flames. etc before next step;

*extract ur material into the pyrex container.

*put pyrex container into the hot water to evaporate butane etc

*when BHO is purged, put the pyrex container ONCE AGAIN in hot water

*add the frozen hash dust (make sure here you dont use too much powder in relation to BHO - if not it doesnt get too jelly-ish at all.. use cold pressed hash (not too sticky) to make sure the powder sucks up the BHO.

i think a relation of BHO to hashpowder of 1 to 3 gives a nice squidgy sticky icky jelly hash

next steps (optional)

time for the heat pressing the MILLA - WAY (thanks for the method - nice article!)

you need;

*rubber mallet
*thick wrapping plastic (i use industrial wrapping film - its very strong and wont break in next step)
*a wooden surface like a piece of log or plank etc


*wrap the jelly hash tighly in the plastic - use several layers to make sure it wont break. fold in the edges while u are wrapping the hash - so a pocket/bag is created where the hash mix is safelly contained.

*place the little package on the wooden surface and start hitting it with the rubber mallet.

the technique used is kind of medium strong hits but with a slight stroking motion on the hit. hitting with the rubber mallet creates friction energy - the small particles of hash gets moving in a violent fashion and creates heat friom friction energy.

in max 10 minutes the job is done. make sure to touch the jelly hash wrapping every now and then to make sure it doesnt GET TOO HOT - this spoils part of the flavour IMHO.

put in freezer to peel of the plastic..

... guess i should have made pics of the process too :D hehe but an other day...



The pics are awesome,said that a few times now. :bashhead:
Thanks Bonecarver ill be giving that jelly a try asap!


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
mehdi said:
i have the same grinder as you but my hash always turns green and tastes like weed. very nice hash you got. Any specific method for it?

theres no specific method, inside the space case is keif from grinding up dry bud(probably many different kinds), the blob on the tip of the knife is QWISO which came out rock hard and was KILLER and made from various strains same with the glob of bubble hash to the right of the amber looking blob of qwiso. The bubble bags i use are bubble mans, the BHO tube i use is from Okeif.com and the alcohol i use is from walgreens 90 % iso


oh man that looked scary at first.. then i saw its rubber gloves :D lol


all i can say is, i love my bubbleBags... there so old its time for a new 8 bag set.... never use my 73u bag tho, really love that 90u. its for sure my favorite....

some pic's of bubble i made a couple days ago.... :):) :rasta:

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good friend of mine had some trimm just chilling in his freezer. an such a good friend he gave all the trimm to me to make some bubble.....



bonecarver_OG said:
nice friend for sure :D

big time... but for sure gonna hook him up with some bubble....... lol think i over did it by maxing the bags out to much...... the trim was well over 200g (well over 200g)...... but my bags are so old. its gonna be time for new ones. plus i think i read somewhere bubblemans bags are new an improved design... my work bag has all sorts of cuts on the inside.....


nycdfan042 said:
^^ watch out for them plastic bits in your hash...it might be ruined! :(

thanks yea ill keep my eye out for them plastic pcses..... but i got both cleaners bags, so if any pcs from the work come off. the cleaner bags should should snag it..............

are the new bubblebags new an improved Bubbleman????


Active member
In Oct. some friends & I invested in some bubble bags. All I did was go to google & type cold water extraction bags, it brought up a 3 bag 5 gal set...spent like 70 bucks... not the greatest but does the job! Got about 80 grams of bubble from an outdoor grow...blew us away!