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**Inside DrBud's Lab every 48 hours W/Pics**


Active member
I don't know the exact reason but I do it too and my clones take well. I am organic so I don't use hormone. It works!

Actually I started doing it by accident and never thought about it until now.


whats the reason for planting all the way to the first leave? jw, thank you
the sole purpose is so that you have less lanky type plants and more stocky sturdy type plants, this way the plant does not snap under its own weight late in flowering. you can do this with seed or clone plants. i cut the first set and sometimes the second,third set of true leaves off the plant and burry up to may last cut. common sense would tell ya that lanky plants waist space and have to much stem and not enough bud so if you burry deeper you make for like said a less lanky and more stocky sturdy of a plant with more overall nugg colas.:witch2:

this link/pics kinda explains what im talking about..see all the waisted space and stretch.


New member
I would think that since the clones act like a vine the goal would be extra root and the stocky plant is a secondary result.


New member
that way you get roots all the way up the stem(stem under the dirt), I'm sure that you've noticed how an adult plant often have short roots on the first few inches of the bottom of the stem, if that plant was planted a couple of inches deeper you would have a shitload more roots = extra yield


I really can´t see why you even bother to reply/react to all these stooopid (!) remarks and doubts !!! You must have tons of patience !
I love what you do to MJ, search the whole forum to find your Gold Nuggets of info !!!

PLEASE keep posting results and methods, do not pay attention to thém !


Quote Thunderkel ;We'll end the argument once and for all real soon when I run Thunder Goo in both my CFL cab and my HID tent and see which one is more potent and fatter ect"----

Any news there ??


Just Call me Urkle!!
Not yet and really don't care anymore sorry I'm too busy dialing in my purple strains for my HID grow and looking into setting my drip system up soon and stop the perpetual CFL cab!! I'll still flower in it but I want to get the 1 liter Air Cell air pots and just do a SOG all at once with those of which ever strain I choose to use but it should give me a few zips that way. I figure I'll get 10g a plant in those and I can fit 15 in there at once so 150g would be the mark I'd shoot for on that grow which I'm probably going to do when I have money to buy all the Air Cells ...


Well ladies and Gentelmen.....
It seems several of you are "Concerned" with my Yield/Output. Since I grow under CFL's many think Noob....
Well those who have met me will tell you "Far from It".

Now here we go today we will embark on a lil' Journey...
We will follow the progress of these 6 plants in this Cell...from start to finish.
W/Pics every 48 hours....until they are finished.

They will be Grown,....
Under CFL's 42 watt from Home Depot (420 watts over 5.4 sq ft along with 66 other cuts for a TOTAL of 72 plants in 5.4 sq ft)
In 20oz bottles cut down to 15-16oz's
In my own soil mix
In a SOG @16 plants per sq ft
They will be fed my "New" Brewed Tea mix....(Chicken Compost,Cow Compost,Fish Emulsion,Mole Asse's,Corn Meal,Urine,Alfalfa,Kelp Meal and some SuperThrive)
They are grown 12/12 from the time they are rooted in the Bottles.

They are.....
***Each container will be givin a tracking # so there is NO confusion***
3-Geishas from H3ads seeds (Pheno #3 very C99 Dom)..a seed anyone can buy
2-LadyG1 x Sour Diesel IBL... a Breeding done by an ICMagger..TY...Bro
1-LadyG1 x Casey Jones... a Breeding done by an ICMagger..TY...Bro

I am not including any of my Chesaw in this thread....as I am tired of ppl sayin it's becuz of that strain that I can do this.....NOT :nono:

Here we go Day one..... :jump:

ladies 1-6 in a line-up and a Beer bottle for size..... :friends:

This Pic shows the lower chamber and the cells starting position....

Thanks to my Buddie Blynx, We have these cool all in one pics TY Blynxy..... :wave:

Well the Scale reveals the TRUTH...
203.4 WET
Will leave us with Approx.
50.85 grams dried.
after removing 75% for drying
50.85 / 6 plantlets gives us Avg. dry weight per of...8.475 Grams dried per Cut.
And ya know what .....
I will even go so far as to take 1.475 grams from each cut for "Stem Weight".....
so I'am ONLY weighing "Smokable Flowers".
So we will use 7 grams as our "Finished Weight" per cut.

So I said I could achieve 7 grams dried per cut...in my "Zero Veg SOG" and I did....
I did Better.......Now
7 grams per cut.....6 cuts per cell.....12 Cells per level
42 grams per cell x 12 Cells = 504 grams,18 Ounces, or 1.33 Lbs
under 420 Watts of CFL's

Once again PROVING that a Zero Veg SOG is Hands Down the MOST productive way to produce as many Canna Flowers as possible in a Given Space :jump:
Now can we all just grow some weed and get along w/each other....
KEEP and OPEN mind
People ....
I AM NOT the Enemy in this WAR.....
LEO/DEA is :bashhead:
I'm ONLY showing People how to fight this WAR in a smaller space :smoweed:

Is there a link somewhere where I can see your cab's construction and overall layout? Pretty impressive post dude. I have seen first hand how well CFL's can grow, but I've never done zero veg. Are these all from seed or clone?


Molasses can easily be overdone, I see it often in the Organics forum.
I commonly see 1tbs per gallon every feeding, I use 1 TSP every 2nd or 3rd feeding.
Dr BG use an organic soil mix and you mentioned you use Shultz which is not.
Unless you have an active microherd molasses isn't going to very beneficial.

Doc what is you mix for a bubbled tea?
Lower dose mixes of molasses throught an entire soil grow is actually very beneficial in cultivating the beneficial microbes and is actually a chelating agent as well improving the ability of your plant to be able to still up take nutrients at ph levels that arent exactly perfect for instance. If you use molasses throughout the grow you will find that the ph range changes from 5.8-6.5 to 5.3-7.6 without causing any serious nutrient lockout problems
Lower dose mixes of molasses throught an entire soil grow is actually very beneficial in cultivating the beneficial microbes and is actually a chelating agent as well improving the ability of your plant to be able to still up take nutrients at ph levels that arent exactly perfect for instance. If you use molasses throughout the grow you will find that the ph range changes from 5.8-6.5 to 5.3-7.6 without causing any serious nutrient lockout problems

thats right~!

i use biobizz organic ferts made from more molasses/ less sea kelp for grow and less molasses/more sea kelp in flowering and have noticed a few ph swings. according to the hydro guys, ph swings are what nutrient uptake is all about, and should not cause lockout if the microherd is well developed.


Thanks for a great read, Dr. Bud!

I've read a shitload of interesting stuff on icmag, some of wich has been pretty close to mindblowing. But your threads have been some of the awesomest.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
Dr. think you can post a pic of your cab with lights , fans, etc, sounds productive gonna maybe try to duplicate something like this, A family member I know has a pepsi machine which is all gutted ready to be a stealth micro......
just would like to see a few shots of the inside of cab.....
sweet system, peace TS

Guest 251096

New member
I know im bringing back the dead... But this thread may be of use to some people and I have some questions...

Would I get a better yield if I did 1 liter (2 liter coke bottle cut in half), or is the best way to use the 20 oz bottles the way you have? Also, could I see a pic of the cab? I am wanting to grow the same type of thing as well, hoping to harvest a pack of 6 (if using 20 oz) every 2 weeks. Thanks Dr!

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