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Looking good Captain Bonez :yes: You should consider adding a bit more soil to cover the roots at the base of the plant. The plant will push out even more roots from the main stem if you cover it with soil. Just trying to help out. :ying:

no, please, help away i want this to turn out well and yield as much as possible. i was thinking about topping the soil right up to the top of the plant pot anyway as i can see obviously the roots wanting to sprout so ill get on that tomorrow sometime.

other than that my friend who used to grow is in Oz at the moment and he said hes going to bring me back a bulb for flowering which will be very cool, fingers crossed.

also i have lots of maybe spider mites? im not really sure, theyre very small and whiteish and scurry around mainly on the soil, they dont seem to be interested in the plant, yet.

a friend suggested making a chili mix to spray on

hand full chillis mash in blender with some water, let it stand over night strain, makes 2 liters, and you can add some garlic too, and a couple (2 fags)

so i might make some of this mighty juice and spray it on the soil, they only come out when i give the plant water, otherwise you cant really see them much, so theyre obviously living in the soil underground, causing destruction probably, little douche nozzles


I would just say fuck it and try to clone into a sterile medium, nice moist soil and a simple humidity dome, i used two rubbermaid clear tubberware containers and misted the clones (that were in small party cups) with water just keep the humidity maxed. I was also using rooting hormone I don't know if you have access to that but it could be a game changer.

lol i say this stoned and i say this as an option if the infestation gets bad.


hi bonez. You can get a cheap 150 watts hps here. I also got 2 many females. Let's get 2gether saturday?




Well-known member
u floweren it yet or u gunna veg it a bit more.

If it were me Id veg it a bit more to get it more dense.
also rember U can also tie down thouse side branches and it will be come even more bushy = maybe a lil bigger yield. well it works for me anyway.

well good luck and heres to getting a good yield. :)
u floweren it yet or u gunna veg it a bit more.

If it were me Id veg it a bit more to get it more dense.
also rember U can also tie down thouse side branches and it will be come even more bushy = maybe a lil bigger yield. well it works for me anyway.

well good luck and heres to getting a good yield. :)

yeah i was wondering how much longer i should let it veg for, it doesnt look dense enough to me really to stick it into flowering.

the light is still on 24/7, what do you reckon ,another 3/4 weeks and then put it into 12/12?

i also might tie down the longer shoots like you suggested


Great pix Captain Bonez! :jump: Just my :2cents:, but unless you plan to transplant again, I'd tie everything down nice and even and put it into 12/12 right away. Also, if you're going to flower with clf's, I wouldn't veg much longer. You don't want it to get to the point where a large portion of the plant gets very little light.
Good luck. :ying:


New member
Sok Sabai!!

Looks great...you can get cheap MH and HPS kits at the Russian Mkt or in China mkt, about 75usd for a 250. They usually have cheap reflectors too, cone style.

You girl looks really good. I might suggest, as someone else did, flower sooner than later if you aren;t gonna get an HPS. Your ingenuity is pretty good, though!

Check out my grow near Kampot, back in 2000. Bummer....notice all the fresh weed in the front of the chopper for the pilots' ride home. We even got a "permission slip" signed by the A-PM saying how we were "very important journalists delivering evidence to our embassies, demonstrating what a bold move the Khmer govt had made in stopping the "drug plague" from appearing on our shores." And could they send some more comm radios. Yeah, right....


had a quick look for HPS bulbs and found some near orussey for about $30ish, only thing is im not sure which bulb is best, a HPS or MH and what size bulb to get


First you're going to need a spot to flower your plant. It has to be totally dark. No external light can get in. Once you find or build a space like that, it's size will determine what size bulb you can get. Just remember, the larger bulb you get, the more problems you'll have with heat and ventilation. HPS is better for flowering, MH is better for veg, but folks veg and flower under either or. Personally, I only have a 150 watt HPS. Once my plants get 6-8" tall I veg under that. Helps keep tighter internodes than the clfs I start under.
Good luck. :ying:
First you're going to need a spot to flower your plant. It has to be totally dark. No external light can get in. Once you find or build a space like that, it's size will determine what size bulb you can get. Just remember, the larger bulb you get, the more problems you'll have with heat and ventilation. HPS is better for flowering, MH is better for veg, but folks veg and flower under either or. Personally, I only have a 150 watt HPS. Once my plants get 6-8" tall I veg under that. Helps keep tighter internodes than the clfs I start under.
Good luck. :ying:

the room is totally light tight, that was the first thing i did, theres only 1 window in there so i tapped that up and the cracks on the door


it's blacker than the ace of spades in there but my only problem is lack of ventilation, i have the fan on it all the time and when the cats are out ill have the door open to get fresh air in there, you think 150 watts should do just the one plant then?


Active member


I guess it depends on if your going bigger next time.
you could buy a 250 watt security light or a 400w as they are switchable for mh or son and are already in a reflector with ballast.
I can talk you through stripping them out and converting to remote ballast system with ignightor on the reflector i you want.

I found security lights the cheapest way .
so you could switch lamps from mh to son at flower.

as for venting heat a hole up high with duct fan is really your only option.A
yeah, id appreciate that man, any help is greatly welcomed, you should seriously get your ass round here for a toot and i can suck more info from your brain, you back from da beach?

this is what shes looking like these days, ive tied another branch down now as it was starting to dominate





not so easy to see but this is a shot of where ive tied it down in different places

So i repotted her yesterday into a 20 liter pot, again did a soil - coconut shaving mix 50/50 with a handful of guano thrown in, and then next saturday hopefully should be getting a 250 HPS or so to get this bitch into flowering.

The pics arent great because i had to use my busted ass laptop to try and take some skew wiff, shitty pics




:thank you:
so mucho respecto to my main man mota who has helped me out untold, with his vast knowledge, patience, lending, giving and telling me what i need and where to get it and even coming with me so i get the right shit:bow::respect:

today i went into flower, shes not the biggest plant in the world but hoping for an ounce, id be stoked with that being my proper first time growing and all, got a 150w HPS for $45, nay bad:yes:

heres my awesome pictures again taken with my wank piece laptop



