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Information about Afghani #1, please!!


I'm new to smoking and to growing. So far, I have only grown one Northern Lights female... found it very easy to do!! ;) Due to problems with insomnia and chronic pain, I am considering also trying some Afghani #1 from Seedsman. I've read that it is supposed to be a pure Indica that breeds true.

But, the information that I have not been able to locate yet is how it affects you. Since it's a pure Indica, I'm guessing that it will be a body stone/couch lock effect. Can/will any of you all share with me your experience with Afghani #1 and how it affected you? I would certainly appreciate it!! ;)

BTW, if this is posted in the wrong place, please tell me where it would be best to post it, and I'll gladly post it there!! :yes:

Thanks!! :)

IP :smoker:

bens lab

Not sure about seedsmans version but I grew a single seed of sensi's afghani #1 back in 1999, it was the first plant I ever grew. It didn't get much care or attention but still yielded some wonderful hashy tasting buds, like black hash. Really nice strain, it's been in the back of my mind ever since to run it again so I just popped a ten pack and am hoping it's the same as the one I grew 10 years ago! If you like hash and body hit you will be in for a treat.

I hear nirvanas version is good, but not pure. I decided to have ago at seedsmans hash passion too. I've got a big hash craving going on :D


I had 10 pack last summer, ended up having 3 females indoors. They didn't start to flower outside.

Not much aroma or taste.
Potency is low.

I wouldn't recommend these. Maybe if you buy 100 seeds, you could find something interesting.

If I were you, I would try some other indica strain, if that's what you're after.

bens lab

I had 10 pack last summer, ended up having 3 females indoors. They didn't start to flower outside.

Not much aroma or taste.
Potency is low.

I wouldn't recommend these. Maybe if you buy 100 seeds, you could find something interesting.

If I were you, I would try some other indica strain, if that's what you're after.

Who's were they, seedsman?


i would have to agree with kaneh. i live in the corn belt, midwest usa, and grew seedsman's afghani #1 outdoors this season. it was a large, bushy plant though leaves remained narrow and finished mid-october. it never showed any of the dark green, fat leaves i expected from prior afghani grows? potency, flavor and aroma thus far are disappointing but it's still in jars. seedsman's nl was an even bigger joke cause if weather permitted, it would still be outside needing about another 6 weeks to finish. i have no idea where these genetics are coming from but do not waste your time!



Not sure about seedsmans version but I grew a single seed of sensi's afghani #1 back in 1999, it was the first plant I ever grew. It didn't get much care or attention but still yielded some wonderful hashy tasting buds, like black hash. Really nice strain, it's been in the back of my mind ever since to run it again so I just popped a ten pack and am hoping it's the same as the one I grew 10 years ago! If you like hash and body hit you will be in for a treat.

I hear nirvanas version is good, but not pure. I decided to have ago at seedsmans hash passion too. I've got a big hash craving going on :D
Thanks for your input, bens lab! Sounds like what you had in '99 was something I would definately be interested in! ;) I couldn't find any Afghani #1 on Nirvana Shop's site. But, I did find Aurora Indica. It says it is a cross between Afghan and Northern Lights... "This probably is our most potent Indica." It sounds interesting. And, they have one called Bubblelicious that sounds interesting also. I might just have to give one of those a try... especially after what Kaneh said about the Afghani #1.

I had 10 pack last summer, ended up having 3 females indoors. They didn't start to flower outside.

Not much aroma or taste.
Potency is low.

I wouldn't recommend these. Maybe if you buy 100 seeds, you could find something interesting.

If I were you, I would try some other indica strain, if that's what you're after.
Thanks for your input also, Kaneh! From the way the two of you describe your experience, it almost sounds like two completely different strains. I know that each strain can have multiple phenos that can cause differences. And, like bens lab, I would be curious to find out if your seeds came from seedsman or from somewhere else.

You recommended that I try some other indica strain. If you were wanting something to give you some good restful sleep for about 6 to 8 hours or so, which one(s) would you recommend I try? Like I said, I'm still new to smoking and growing. I don't have a shit-pot full of money to spend on seeds to experiment. So, any input that you are willing to offer would be greatly appreciated!! ;)

Thanks again for the input from both of you!! ;)

Any other input out there??? :yes:

IP :smoker:


Active member
The afghan will work well for sleep. Although I sometimes find that the high is rough at the edges and I wake up do to it dropping off suddenly, or not being exactly the right mental frequency for sleeping.

I would recommend some Romulan or Romulan x Blueberry by Next Generation Seeds - for your pain and insomnia and Amnesia Haze for more energetic pain treatment during the day.

You can't go wrong with those, they work really well.


The afghan will work well for sleep. Although I sometimes find that the high is rough at the edges and I wake up do to it dropping off suddenly, or not being exactly the right mental frequency for sleeping.

I would recommend some Romulan or Romulan x Blueberry by Next Generation Seeds - for your pain and insomnia and Amnesia Haze for more energetic pain treatment during the day.

You can't go wrong with those, they work really well.
Thank you for the information and recommendations, BiOhazard! I'll check out those. Just out of curiosity, have you ever tried Aurora Indica from Nirvana? If so, what did you think about it?

Thanks again!!

IP :smoker:


BiOhazard, I just checked out those seeds. And, all I can say is, "HOLY SHIT:yoinks: :yoinks:!!!![/b] From what you say, they sound like strains I would be interested in. But in my post just before yours, I said I didn't have a shit-pot full of money. I just can't afford that kind of money for seeds!! But, I appreciate your input just the same!

IP :smoker:


Active member

No worries. I hear where you are coming from. I can try to track down some cheaper strains as well.

By the way, I did try Aurora Indica from Nirvana seeds. Although I'm not that big of a fan of nirvana's seeds. There are only a few that I really like. Aurora Indica was hands down one of the strongest and numbing / pain treatment indica strains i've come across.

[FONT=&quot]Genetics: Aurora Indica (Nirvana) Afghani X Northern Lights[/FONT]

It gets you into that incredibly stoned state where you are so deep into a body stone that you could drop your joint and blunt onto the floor, if you were laying down smoking it to go to sleep. I've fallen asleep with a nice half a blunt waiting for me in the morning that i didn't even remember putting out.

I would highly recommend going with the Aurora Indica, but my experiences with yield from nirvana haven't been that great. Let me see if I can track down some other reasonably priced genetics for your conditions that also expand your yields.



Active member
Here are some other Batches to look into. Although I would recommend getting Aurora Indica either way. For below, White widow is a great nighttime and painkilling strain. Although it gets you really stoned and is a little less clear headed than say romulan, although its perfect for bed and does get the job done during the day. I would recommend looking for high thc Indica's that also are reported to have CDB, as that will help with sleep. It's a strong anti inflammatory and is part of cannabis although its not a psychoactive compound. I swear by the CDB factor, it is the strains that leave you feeling much more refreshed in the morning.

Some other recommendations:
Female Seeds (X-Line) - (1) White Widow x Big Bud - $30 or (2) Black Widow - $30 @ https://www.seedboutique.com/store/index.php?manufacturers_id=66
(3) Mandela Seeds - HashBerry $32 - https://www.seedboutique.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=877
(4) Nirvana Seeds - Misty (Sister of White Widow) Stronger and bigger yield that WW - $26 @ https://www.seedboutique.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=181


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Go with Hindu Kush instead. I think it is much better personally. Still esy to grow too.


Once again, I thank you so much for your information, BiOhazard!! You've gone to a lot of trouble to lend me a hand. And, I very much appreciate it!! :yes:

I had already scoped out the Aurora Indica for a "nighty-nite" smoke! ;) Somewhere I read a post where a person compared it to having an IV sleeping pill and pain pill all rolled into one!! Sounds like what I need most nights. That's when the pain gets really bad... and, probably the biggest contributing factor to my insomnia. And, if it does really kick ass that bad, I'll only make cookies or crackers with it. When I'm ready to go to bed, I'll grab a few of them and some tea, go to bed, eat them and quickly pull the covers up over my head!! LMAO!!! :yes:

I checked out the "Widows." I liked what I read about the Black Widow. But, I was thinking that somewhere in all the many days and nights of posts reading (here and other sites) that the "Widows" (Black and White) were bad about invoking paranoia. Is that true or is it urban ledgend? I already have bad heart problems. And, if it is true, I need to stay away from the Black Widow.

The Misty sounds interesting for a daytime smoke. And, it should fit in with my indoor, LST grow!

And, since I'm now on daytime smokes, and you brought up a Mandala strain, I'd like to ask you about another one. Have you had any personal experience with Mandala's Satori? It's been highly recommended to me as a daytime smoke. Everything I've read about it sounds very, very positive. And, there is a thread here on IC where a couple of people report it as being good for dealing with daytime pain.

Damn it all to Hell... BiOhazard, you've got me wanting to spend an armored car full of cash on weed seeds!!! But, I don't even have a butter bowl full of cash to spend!!!!!! LMAO!!! :moon:

Seriously, I really appreciate all of the trouble you have gone to and your willingness to help me out!!

Go with Hindu Kush instead. I think it is much better personally. Still esy to grow too.
HZ, are you talking about Hindu Kush being better than Afghani #1? Or, better than Aurora Indica?

IP :smoker:


I would recommend looking for high thc Indica's that also are reported to have CDB, as that will help with sleep. It's a strong anti inflammatory and is part of cannabis although its not a psychoactive compound. I swear by the CDB factor, it is the strains that leave you feeling much more refreshed in the morning.
I meant to ask you about this in my last post. I've read about the importance of CDB factor in medicinal strains. Yet, I've found very little information about the CDB levels in particular strains. I almost always find little more than THC content. Where do you find information about the CDB levels?

Thank you again for all of the help you have extended to me!! :yes:

IP :smoker:


Active member
Ya I recommend the Aurora Indica for sleeping. It will numb your whole body, and knock you out sufficiently.

Satori is supposed to be great. The one sample I got of it wasn't that strong, I would rather have gone with a quick finishing haze. But many people swear by it, so I would keep looking into it..

If you want to save money and get some killer genetics, I would combine my recommendation for Aurora Indica with Hash Zeplins recommendation for "Hindu Kush". The hindu kushes have an absolutely great body high, that is also really euphoric, and the production is decent. It would give you a warm happy cozy feeling and have you fall asleep with a big smile on your face. Love the hindu. Hash Zepplin really knows his stuff, so I would hold his suggestions with high regard.

The Nirvana seed version of Hindu Kush should be fine $26, but I've heard people swearing by the Sensi Seeds version which is $54. I never tried nirvana's version but either should be really dank.

Hope you have great luck with these strains. They are great genetics.


Once again, I thank you for your information, BiOhazard!

I just went back and read my question to Hash Zeplin. And, I'm afraid that it may have come across as though I were brushing his suggestion off. I certainly did not mean it that way... not at all!!! :nono: I've read lots of HZ's comments and have no doubt that he is quite knowledgeable when it comes to bud. And, I know there are many others here at IC that greatly respect his input and opinions. So, if I appeared dismissive in any way, I hope that you and HZ will please forgive me! :bow:

I'd still like to find out where to find the CDB levels in the strains. :)

Thanks again, BiOhazzard and Hash Zeplin!! ;)

IP :smoker:


Thanks for your input also, Kaneh! From the way the two of you describe your experience, it almost sounds like two completely different strains. I know that each strain can have multiple phenos that can cause differences. And, like bens lab, I would be curious to find out if your seeds came from seedsman or from somewhere else.

You recommended that I try some other indica strain. If you were wanting something to give you some good restful sleep for about 6 to 8 hours or so, which one(s) would you recommend I try? Like I said, I'm still new to smoking and growing. I don't have a shit-pot full of money to spend on seeds to experiment. So, any input that you are willing to offer would be greatly appreciated!! ;)

Thanks again for the input from both of you!! ;)

Any other input out there??? :yes:

IP :smoker:

I was talking about Seedsman. They probably are two totally different strains. I'm also in search for good night time indica, so can't recommend anything yet. That Aurora Indica sounds promising.
I'm trying Romulan on my next grow. Should be good. ;)

Good luck on your search!


Black Dominia is great for sleeping too.
HZ, that Black Domina sounds interesting too! I found the Sensi Seed on Gypsy Nirvana. And, one part of the description says, "A word of warning: this powerful compact Indica has had a devastating effect on many a man, leaving them apparently beaten and whipped with a strange smile on their faces." As I said... interesting!! ;) But... I just can't afford those seeds that are so expensive. I wish I could... I'd probably be having seeds shipped to me by the ship or plane fulls!! :)

I was talking about Seedsman. They probably are two totally different strains. I'm also in search for good night time indica, so can't recommend anything yet. That Aurora Indica sounds promising.
I'm trying Romulan on my next grow. Should be good. ;)

Good luck on your search!
It is quite amazing to me to read about how different one plant can be from another... even if they are the same strain... and, even if they have come from the same place and package. From what I understand, in addition to the differences between two plants, further differences can be caused by a plethora of grower and environment variations. It just blows my little, pea sized brain!! :)

Yes sir, the Aurora Indica sounds promising. But, so does the Hindu Kush that Hash Zeplin suggested. Anything that can put you to sleep with a warm fuzzy feeling and a smile on your face has got to be good!!!

Thank you for your well wishes. I also wish you the best in finding that perfect smoke to bring you restful sleep filled nights! By not sleeping like I need to, I've learned that food may be what refills the "gas tank," but, it's sleep that recharges the battery!! And, without either one, the body's internal "engine" will not run properly!!! So, as I said, good luck! ;)

Thanks again guys!!!! ;)

IP :smoker:


Active member
Hey inpain..

No worries. It didn't come off as if you were dismissive at all. I was just seconding HZ's recommendation as it was a great one, and further stressing how much I respect his input =] Because he hit this one right on. I think you will love the Hindu Kush and Aurora Indica. The hindu will help a lot with pain but also be more manageable during the day than aurora indica. =]

I would recommend going with those, they are cheap price wise, and get the job well done. In the future, maybe you can save up to try out some Romulan. I would also keep checking in the Server Funds section of Seedbay. Sometimes they have some great deals on hard to find strains.

Hope all works out well. And please let us know if you come across strains in the future that you find works really well. There is a lot of people in search of the best med strains.


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