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Indoor Growing with renting


Active member
I'm moving in with a friend soon so we can start our indoor grow. I am Currently renting but not able to grow indoors due to the people I'm living with. I was wondering how many people grow indoors and rent? any problems?
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not always the best move... unless you know your landlord well, and know he 1: never comes around unexpected. or 2: is cool with it!

my last 2 places i grew indoors are were both rentals. but both landlords lived a long way away, and provided i payed rent on time, there was never a reason for them to drop around.

otherwise, security should be your #1 priority. and most times, growing in a rental is not a very wise move.... and i would say, specially when moving in a new place.

ive been growing indoors for 5 years now, and i would be scared moving into a new house, renting, and then growing as soon as i moved in.

be safe man..
Smart decisions will be the difference between many sucessfull grows, or going to jail for a stint.


Ooooh...*sucks in breath*...i dunno...pretty dodgy if u ask me. I have considered it, but decided not to. (I had another place where I could)
I guess it depends on the frequency and extent of the inspections.

ps. I just noticed that this forum is in "Other Language Forums"...what language do they think we speak in Oz/NZ? :D
"International Forums" may have been better in this case.
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Active member
ya mad!
Mate weigh up the pro's and cons but just remember its not your place....


Active member
I didn't say to start it straight away, I realise if there's no rent inspections then I'll do it, If not I won't. I can easily grow in the hills because we'll be renting there. I'd just like to try indoor growing. Yeah it ain't my place but I don't give a shit as long as we can get away with it.

Yeah I've talked to my friend about this I was just curious how many indoor growers out there rent and get away with it easily.


Just think long and hard, don't make noise, keep your nose clean and DONT TELL ANYONE!!!


Passenger, very risky move mate, simply because the landlord has the right to inspect every corner of your house, and if he so much as smells anything fishy he's going to do that, and masking the growing smell indoors is practically impossible

Plus, rent money is dead money. Why pay somebody elses mortgage off when you can pay off your own?!?


I had mates renting one of my homes and stinking it up a lot had to tell em to tone it down.If you own your own home you are on easy street (good nightclub)
Mow your lawn and be friendly with neighbours. Pay Energex bills on time.
from personal experience I am saying to you now, do not do it... not being a negative prick or anything but I can say through my own experience (which I wouldnt wish to happen to any1 here) that even with the most cautious and safety oriented setup there are still things that can happen that are out of your control that could relly F'ck things up 4 you... If you do decide on proceeding though I hope things work out 4 you and just stay as safe as possible...


natural medicator
from experience, the x factor is increased soooo much more when growing in an apt. i grew in mine for over a year, but never more than 400w worth of lights and using a filter sized for a 1k for most of that time to keep the smell down.

things happen that are out of your control sometimes. for example, a neighbor's bathroom can flood and the maintenance crew might come into your apartment while you're gone to check for water damage. another example, someone can set off a fire alarm or gas leak alarm and the FD may check every single apartment for problems. (that was a scary experience)

Swamp Nug

New member
Know heaps of people who do it!

I've done it many times also, and if your really paranoid and your planning on staying there a couple years start digging a hole out back now!

Lots of people these days are digging an enormous hole in their back yard, bracing it all then covering with dirt again and either having dog kennel/compost bin etc where the exhaust/entrance comes out. Been seeing alot of this in rentals too. The next tentant might find a surprise tho haha


New member
a friend of mind said tha he found it suboptimal to grow at a place where you couldnt drill holes for ventilation and so forth

on the ther hand, if youre growing at your own place and if the good people at the prosecution office deemed it to be a commercial enterprise, your property could be public property

if youre compelled to grow at a rental, dont go overboard is all my mate is saying.

and shut the hell up too; more often than not, the ones that get broken in to have their mate's mates as the dirty perps

stay safe mateys, dont party where you grow the tampee


Darwin has one of the highest rental/housing cost prices in Australia for what it is(due to territory governments slow land releases and being in pocket of developers), dangerous gangs are wrecking what would be a really nice place to live. This place has lost any gloss it once had..good to see in the dry season but only for tourism, power prices are exorbitant.
got a hobby farm or two of my own.I had to borrow money against our houses but now we got it made.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Growing in the living room would be bad juju. But, if you're willing to confine your grow to personal use, stealth cabinets can be made from many household items.



Active member
It can be done....I have done it for the last 3 years in our bedroom with regular inspections....2 cabs, 1 for mums/veging with flouro's & a bigger cab with 400W HPS for flower, I can fit 3 plants in 12" pots in there....I never use odour control either....Just gotta let your cabs blend in, so to speak...without any obvious damage/remodelling to them....pile heaps of boxes of stuff around & on top of cabs....no real estate agent or landlord has the right to look in your wardrobes/cabs...& most of all, remember the K.I.S.S rule & tell no-one :spank:


Active member
Thanks for all the advice guys, Looks like I won't need to worry about it for a couple of years seeing as I know the person I'll be renting off and they're fine with me growing.


Phuque Tomato. I also work for a living I find it hard sometimes to live the double life but what i really fear is the work drug tests. If i where to fail a test then i cant drive trains no more. I been stoned at work for over 20 years now and they want me to change and be totally clean when i am driving. I want to able to enjoy my work but That's what frustrates taxpayers, it frustrates commuters and it angers commuters, given the safety implications.


Just make sure it's discreet, no fan noise, no smell, obviously no light. We grew a 1600w op in a landlords roof once, we never worried because there was no reason for him to suspect anything. If your going to do it, never sacrifice stealth for anything, it's just not worth it. Plan first, and if you can't do what you need to with out taking a risk, then don't proceed. Instead, hold off until you find a place/landlord that is compatible