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Indoor Grow 08....


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Hello all :wave:

It has been a while, so I figured I should probably start a new grow thread.


A few people have been kind enough to gift me seeds, so I will be showing them my progress with those as well as the other strange things that I do.:D

so first off. I finally have my greenthumb back. For this I credit Bacchus for giving me a couple of tips and I believe my vibrations are better since I have been of my anti-convulsant.

I had 2 very pretty ladies that I harvested.....
Speed Queen

and Critcal Mass

and then all of the sudden they just started growing stunted.

This is what my plants used to look like. This was the sad group of Cascadia ladies I had in bloom under a 600w hps.

Now for of my pic from Saturday.

Thank you again Bacchus!
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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
And Now......without futher ado....... here is what everyone likes to see. Pics!

Princess Diesel x Jedi in various stages of veg.

I did a stress test on the stem of one and it just went on without even flinching.

Bluechakra (on left) and 3 Pandora

Mutant Pandoras

Super G in varous stages of veg

Cascadia interesting story. It was part of the group of plants from the period where all of my pants were stunted, but I kept it in veg. There was not growth on the stem for about 14" when it started to come back from the dead. I did not have enough height in my veg box, thus a trained the stem so it was bent in half and tied it to itself. The the top of the plant was just 1 1/2" above the soil. now a month later look at her.......

Sharing the picture is the cascadia I re vegged. It was finished in 55 days and had the thickest buds of all 4 cas that I have flowered.

Comments and questions are encouraged. I will try to get some more pics up tonight.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
the Rock - the quality of the Speed Queen was excellent. It had thick sticky buds that tasted of citris with a little skunk. I love the smoke. I would grow it again and would highly recommend it.
Kalichakra as well, excellent smoke. I have 3 Kalichakra F2s flowering as we speak. One of them only stretched 1-2" in flower. tastey....


ICMag Donor
Hey milo - happy start in 08 :joint:

funny pandy you have there ...should be a special smoke if she will be grown well... be careful with the nutes :)

stay well & grow on :lurk:


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Hey XyZ
I took a cutting of Pandora yesterday. Hopefully some space will open up so I can repot her. She wants it. repotted the mutants yesterday, they are looking happy...I am not giving them barely and nutes. only a taste of EJ grow.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Pulled a couple of ladies out for pics when the light came on.

Kalichakra f2

SD x og (SDog) from jlp.

Mountain High Mix

and A very nice Top 44

All plants have been flowering for less than 5wks.
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Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Hi Berry
Hi Raco
Thanks for stopping by.

Another pic update. Flowering plants first.

Kalichakra F2 Day 36 12/12

Mountain High Mix day 45 12/12

Top 44 day 45 12/12

Top 44 sativa pheno day 45 12/12

SDog4 day 45 12/12

Group shot from left to right Kalichakra F2, Top 44 and SDog 3.



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Now for veg.

PDxJedi in various stages of veg (all were planted at the same time).

PDxJedi #9 5 days 12/12

3 Pandora

Pandora #1

Pandora mutant #2

Pandora mutant #1 (possible male).

Three Mikado All the same age. from left to right: Peep-Bo (confirmed female), Yum-Yum (has been under the weather), Pitti-Sing (possible male).

My Cascadia might be a man. If that is the case, I will take cuts so that I may pollinate other things later.

Stretchy bastard

Cascadia reveg

I have never seen this before and I thought it was pretty cool. In the center of this picture there is(what looks like) a fully formed growth shoot coming right out of a calyx. These are all over this plant. I am sure some of you have seen this before.

And a picture of my clone/early veg box.

more words later.....:D


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
So it has been awhile. so very much has happened.

Bluechakra, Pandora mutant #1, PDxJedi #9 and Cascadia were males......took cuts of the cas for later. Then they all were chopped.

Here are some pictures from 9 days ago..

Mountain High mix day 55 12/12

SDog #2 day 55 12/12

Kalichakra f2 day 45 12/12

Kalichakra f2 #3 day 46 12/12

Kalichakra f2 #2 day 45 12/12

Top 44 day 55 just before and just after harvest....



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
Kalicharka f2 #2 day 50 12/12 just before the chop....

and the taster bowl of it 5 days later.



Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
I repotted Peep-Bo(Mikado), Pitty-Sing (Mikado), SDog#4 and WWxISS (Ophelia) into flower 4 days ago.

Here is Ophelia

Kalichakra f2 day 55 12/12

Kalichakra f2 #3 day 56 12/12 isn't she colorful.....

Top 44 sativa pheno day 65 12/12

Repotted many plants in veg... pics to come.


Are all those plants in one cabinet under floros? Nice job man....I like how they stay short and manageable....good show bro!!

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