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Indica or Sativa, your preference?

Indica or Sativa, your preference?

  • Indica dominant

    Votes: 41 33.9%
  • Indica

    Votes: 23 19.0%
  • Sativa dominant

    Votes: 39 32.2%
  • Sativa

    Votes: 27 22.3%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 5 4.1%

  • Total voters


i tend to agree with most here theres a time & a place for everything.


well peeps i'm like this call me a "boofer" but as long as it stinks, no sticks, no seeds.....i'll smoke all that shit up!!! people are making marijuana to damn sophisticated!!! aint that why they call it "WEED" :yoinks:


If I could only choose one it would be pure sativa. Thank god for variety though...you can't beat variety. :joint:


i like indicas for their anti-anxiety and muscle relaxant values.

Sativas are nice, but i would only grow certain (high quality) ones, with no para.


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
SATIVA all day .... all night dont et me wrong a good cross is always welcome ... but my love is sativa... growing is a problem tho ...lack of head height!..lol


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
btw peaceseeker ...para is all in the mind not in the plant lol....
stativa or sativa dominant fro me. Sativas will cause paranoia/anxiety sometimes, but that also has alot to do with your own mood.

I smoke a sativa dominant blunt, it usually tricks me to thinking i'm just mildly stoned, everything very light, good mood and a whole lot of deep thinking and realizing really personal stuff about myself; making breakthroughs that stay with me forever. So i'm actually really high but really sharp and not drowsy.

Heavy indicas will damn near impair my speech, to me is the more regular high where i will get sleepy and just zone out.


from the mists and the shadows .... there you wil
definately a high high high sativa... Haze or more...lol :) I love floating around...


Active member
They're all good, couldn't choose betweent them depends on mood, smoking in the day isn't really an option to most of us workers, I can only imagine what my boss would say if I turned up to work after smokings sativa's all morning.

As for paranoia never experienced it in 11 years of smoking but now I'm growing I experience it daily, indica or sativa or straight.

stone love

New member
i prefer sativa during the day while at work, school, at the beach (etc.) and indica at night when im with the boyfriend, studying, or just sitting around at home.

btw it my first post here at int. cannagraphic! :smoke:

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Tell you the truth I've never smoked a pure sativa but I'm going to this fall when I grow out some Apple Pie and Jamaican Sativa. I'll smoke these in the day because of the uppy energetic high they will give. I'll smoke my more indica dominant strains at night when I'm winding down and relaxing. I can't wait to be able to wake up and roll a nice fattie of some Jamaican and wind down and relax to some Deep Chunk. So far the most sativa dominant strains I've smoked were AK48 and Diamond Head and both were nice highs. I liked the DH high alot because it was mellow and uppy. I was high but not stupid high. The AK was a different story, I was too high to do anything in public. The was more of a stay home high. It kind of had a paranoia thing to it. Some tasty shit though. I think I'm going to be a sativa connoisseur. I'll keep the pure sativas to myself for personal smokage.
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I agree that it depends on the time of day. I really like a good Sativa Indica combo. I think MrSoul got the combo damn near perfect with Apollo.


Active member
Sativa in the morning well not too much because you know how that is when you're raring to go and you rush out without anything in your pockets with a head full of piss and vinegar.

Indica at night to quietly rest her head on your shoulder and put your ass to sleep and then rip you out of your sleep to drag you to the refrigerator to eat up all the rest of the cereal and milk. Gulp =burp. Then you know you got to take another hit before you lay back down.


Active member
Plus I like the kind of up like my man said where you're not paranoid at all and you don't give a shit who is looking at you at you are not tripping out.