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Indian Landrace Exchange strains


ACE Seeds Breeder
High all :wave:

I'm extremely happy to introduce to all of you irrazinig and Indian Landrace Exchange strains. Irrazing is an Indian preservationist and breeder who is doing an amazing job collecting and documenting the incredible genetic diversity of the different Indian landraces and from other nearby Asian countries.

Since i met his amazing preservation work on internet i knew ILE genetics will peak the interest of landrace lovers so it is a big pleasure for ACE to be able to distribute their genetics through our website.

So far, we offer the following Indian and Kashmir strains from them:

Andhra Bhang, Eastern Manipur-Burma Border, Kalimpong, Kashmir Baramulla Valley, Kashmir Jhelum Basin Neelum Valley, Kashmir Lolab Valley, Kerala Gold, Malari, North Indian Red Stem, Parvati Tosh Valley, Sheelawathi, Urgam Valley and Wailing Valley.

and from other coutries: Balochistan Pakistani and Burma-Myanmar.
Eventually, we will be offering more strains from them.

So this will be the thread share your results and to discuss about Indian Landrace Exchange strains. Please, give a warm welcome to irrazinig. :ying:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Andhra Bhang

Andhra Bhang

Andhra Pradesh situated at the southeast of India between tropic of Cancer and the equator, is home for one of the oldest and most used strain in India. The infamous Bhang variety, which is also referred to as "jungli" is widely used for making Bhang edibles and beverages and for smoking as well.

This particular strain comes from the Bay of Bengal region. The climate is similar to the other coastal states in tropical India, rainy-humid year around with a major spike in rainfall during July-August-September due to passage of monsoon. Temperature moves from 24- 41 celsius gradually from April till the arrival of the monsoon, which cools it down and brings it to a more moderate range between 24-32 celsius.

It's a very fast growing vigorous plant, which grows horizontally as much as it grows vertically, making it suitable mainly for outdoor and greenhouses, although with proper training it can be grown indoors. It can flower for more than 20 weeks (at least 18 weeks) to produce moderate yields. Andhra produces a wide range of terpenes, mostly floral with sour/hash like flavours and induces a cerebral high which can last for up to 1+ hour.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Eastern Manipur-Burma Border

Eastern Manipur-Burma Border

Remote location near Manipur-Burma Border. Lat. N° 25.09, E° 94.36, approximately at 1500 meters above the sea level (5000+ ft.). The Eastern Manipur region which borders with Burma (Myanmar) has a lush evergreen Hilly terrain. The hills here aren't the same as the ones seen in Himalayan states such as Himachal or Uttrakhand but rather smaller and a mix of undulating topography, larger hills at the periphery and a huge expanse of plain valleys of alluvial tracts shaped by floodings of the region in the past. This region is inhabited by Tangkhul tribe, a sub division of the great Naga or Mao tribe.

Manipur has a tropical/subtropical climate for most of the year except the winter months when the rainfall finally takes a break after an average 2000+ mm precipitation during the Summer and extended monsoons.

The farmers from this region near the Eastern Manipur-Burma border grow cannabis all around the year thus creating a perpetual harvest like situation. Manipur is located roughly between 24-25°N and undergoes a considerable amount of change in the light hours through summers to winters, however it doesn't snow in the winters and temperatures lurk around 10-15°C which paves the way for a possibility of multiple crops all 12 months. The seeds sown around spring and early summers get a full season and grow tall around 10-11 ft. Although the seeds sown later in the summer stay around a medium stature of 6-7 ft and finally winter sown crops flowers out really small about 4-5 ft avg. Population height since it goes straight into flowering without any veg. Time at all. The tremendous pressure for evermore production of black market cannabis in an overpopulated country is driving these changes from region to region. However, both the winter and the late season (July -August) crops yield considerably lower compared to the prime crop sown with the season but the farmers are happy to take a small dip in the weight instead of waiting through a mild winters without any harvest.

The price of mass processed material when taken off the farms is less than $10/Kilo with absolutely no hope of any hike. It leaves no other option for the farmers but to resort to producing more by planting throughout the year and selling a larger qty. Overall to make things work.

The full season crop begins to flower around August after at least 3 months of vegetative growth. The full season plants produce heavy lateral branching even without any pruning. The full season crop yields more weight than other two put together which makes it their prime crop and they only harvest these plants when they're fully ripe around the end of January.

The plants boast a beautiful combination of lush green leaves with vibrant purple-blue streaked floral bracts packed together like an architectural masterpiece. We selected a few different variations in terms of structure but every sample expressing the similar streaks of colors flowing through the flowers. The smell is very uniform amongst the domesticated heirloom population in this region which closely resembles a complex of caramelised paste of sun dried berries such as blueberry, dried date fruit jam. The captivating blue-purple streaks on the floral bracts could be seen as one of the common traits amongst the domesticated populations even grown at various times of the year. The domesticated heirloom expresses long sleeve like colas with chunky bracts covered in resin and vibrant hues that appear in a peculiar way. It yields heavily due to it's structure that features naturally an aggressive lateral growth.

It is abundantly clear that this variety has been selected and domesticated over many generations by the Naga tribes like Tangkhul which was later confirmed by the farmers who own the production field. There were a few variations in the arrangement of the flower clusters but all unique and beautiful in their own right. Thanks to the very easy going folks at the farm who let us document these plants at ease with all the peace of mind in the world.

The fresh resin from a very unlikely source like a stick which was being used to beat and flatten the cannabis crops at the farm, yielded a good chunk for sampling the resin. The effects were quite overwhelming in a way that it immediately buckles around the forehead and induces alertness with a heightened sensitivity towards the sounds from the surroundings. The effects last for a considerable duration i.e. easily over an hour and intensifies gradually through the first half creating an overall dreamy surreal high with a prominent massage like feeling around the forehead. Subjectively, the effects are very immersive and engaging, often putting mind on thought trains in many directions.

At the pinnacle of Its potential the possibilities seems to be endless in this domesticated heirloom variety. While the trichome size is smaller compared to many other North Indian varieties (like Kashmiri or even varieties from Himachal Pradesh), the effects on the other hand are much more intense in comparison to any other variety from Northern India. The flavours are different though it's basically on a sweeter tangent but in a different way the smell resembles dried berries and date fruit paste. The flowering duration is much longer than highland varieties from north India and stretches up to 16+ weeks with a few early plants finishing around 14-15 weeks.



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ACE Seeds Breeder


Kalimpong features a subtropical highland climate, similar to a Monsoon-influenced temperate oceanic climate.
While it receives a heavenly rainfall during the warm months (with temperature not exceeding 30°C), the coldest months are relatively drier and colder without snowfall.

The plants in farmed population were exceptionally large and exhibited an incredible structure which can support massive yields with no worry of winds knocking down the crop, except for an occasional branch here and there.

Buds doesn't have a promising leaf/bract ratio, but with its pungent floral/lemongrass smell it more than makes up for it.
The flowering takes place from mid August till December, almost around 16+ weeks, not much colours except for a few plants in wild/undomesticated population.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Kashmir Baramulla Valley

Kashmir Baramulla Valley

Baramulla valley is situated at almost mid of the Kashmir, but still expanded towards southern territories like Pulwama district.
Its mid to high altitude highlands which receives a significantly warmer climate during summers and winters aren't as harsh either.

This valley is known for saffron and other dry fruits/spice cultivation, farmers are mostly inclined towards growing legal crops instead of cannabis, which leaves ample opportunity for wilder types to thrive in absence of rigorous cultivation and domestication.

Baramulla Valley stays a bit warmer compared to the northern part of the kashmir and plants veg a bit longer, which then grow much taller compared to their northern counterparts. This strain tends to flower a bit longer as well, but also having a distinctly better yields than any other variety from Kashmir.

These plants tend to finish a bit longer at higher latitudes but can be light depend to induce flowering early in the season. It’s resistant to mold and mildew to an appreciable extent, and can easily be grown at wet and cold climates outdoor,

This highland strain comes from the remote valleys of Baramulla in southern/central Kashmir, these plants are from the farmed population by the local farmers for hashish production. the plants usually grow very tall with heavy lateral branching and average to good yields. The flavours revolve around earth, floral, sweet, incense and temple hash, without much intra-population variation among individuals.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Kashmir Jhelum Basin Neelum Valley

Kashmir Jhelum Basin Neelum Valley

This broad leafed and very short plant variety comes from the Neelum district of Azad Kashmir or POK, which is at the Neelum river banks which joins the Jhelum river in its course at Muzaffarabad, these are highly fertile regions although devastated by the 2005 earthquake, the agriculture remains one of the main economic forces.

The plant size remained remarkably short and had almost no stretch during flowering stage with huge fan leaves, of dark bottle green color It flowers very fast, producing small leafy buds of great resin production.The terpenes are floral, lavender, berries and sweet mango, with acrid foul flavours.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Kashmir Lolab Valley

Kashmir Lolab Valley

Lolab valley is located at the northernmost part of the Indian Kashmir, in Kupwara district. It’s adjacent to Neelum valley in Azad, Kashmir to its north at 34 degrees North and altitudes ranging from 4000 to 10000 ft. This valley has been subjected to many war like situations due to being right at the line of control between India and Pakistan.

The valley is known for producing one of the highest quality fruits and herbs because of it’s exclusive wet-cold climate. Lolab valley has an exceptional climate compared to other parts of Kashmir, with tremendously high levels of precipitation during late summer (monsoons) and spring. The high humidity never drops below 70% throughout the year and mostly stays in high 80%. It acts as a natural testing zone for cannabis varieties in terms of mold and mildew because of growing and flowering in a wet-damp and mostly cloudy weather.

The signs of adaptation to this climate can be seen in the bud structure, which is very open like a pure narrow leaf equatorial variety and yet it finishes under 50 days with outstanding resin production. The open and airy bract structure becomes of central importance when mitigating risks such as tissue rot around floral bracts.

We find 2 main phenotypes in this landrace strain. First one is more thin leaved, taller and has wider inter-nodal space compared with the second one, which makes up for the part of the population with more compact structure, broader leaves and shorter inter-nodal distance. The plants develop a deep intense red stem during the flower onset and around 18-20% population has colored sap (ranging from light pink/pink to clear red).

Despite the morphological differences, every plant seems to have a clear lemon smell complimented by either a sweet/floral lavender or pine. The lemon smell is omnipresent and it is one of the most homogenized traits amongst the Lolab valley population, which can be used as a great tool for breeding lemon flavours into new or existing cultivars. The lemony terpenes develop upon drying/curing and completely overwhelms the taste pallet.

Lolab Valley landrace strain is a short season flowering plant that finishes under 50 days, with effects ranging from sedative to very cerebral. The smoke induces a slow- creeping onset of high which gradually intensifies into full blown head and body high, with the effects leaning more towards sedative category and more defined in effects felt under the skin and on body. It will be a great choice for sleeping aid and for full body relaxation. The effects are very satisfying from a subjective point of view.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Kerala Gold

Kerala Gold

Kerala Gold is an equatorial heirloom variety, characterized as a Narrow leaf drug producing cultivar. It is said to have branched out from Idukki Gold a pure equatorial landrace, now extinct.

Kerala is situated at the southern-western ghats of India near the Malabar coast, and sees little to no change in daytime light duration, as it is only about 9 degrees North from equator, with a mild tropical-wet climate and moderate temperature throughout the year.

Kerala Gold plants can be grown easily at any time of the year in its place of origin, but January is usually seen as the most popular choice for harvesting. The humidity and amount of precipitations increases by 10-15% from April, gradually peaking at monsoon July-August and with the passing of monsoon to northern part of India, the humidity levels starts to go down and hit the lowest in January and February.

First 5-7 weeks of flowering is spent in stretching and creating internodal space for flower bracts. The parigonal bracts swell towards the very end of flowering and give of a yellowish/golden tint, caused by the majority of amber trichome heads and ample coverage of unusually long dried stigmas wrapped around it. Although it is not a vast difference like many highland regions but with relatively cooler nights in the last 4-5 week of the flowering plants transpire a bit more than wetter monsoon months, adding much needed girth to the budding flowers.

Kerala Gold features 16- 20 weeks of flowering with moderate to high yields. The strain shows great resistance to mold/powdery mildew, and pests in general. Even when grown outside of its natural habitat (at latitudes as high as 43 degrees), Kerala Gold thrives and flowers properly within 16-20 weeks depending on the phenotypic selection.

It produces an invigorating mental high, with euphoric onset which can continue for 2 hours. The terpenes are floral, woody, sour, spicy, incensey and sandal.



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ACE Seeds Breeder


Malari is easily one of the highest places where cannabis can be found at growing naturally, which ranges upto 3000+ mtrs. Nanda Devi is the name of the goddess who is worshipped in the entire district of Chamoli as the guardian angel of the valley and the highest mountain to be completely inside India was named after it as well which peaks at 7,800 meters or 25,000+ ft which also lies in the same district (Chamoli).

There are a lot of small villages who farm cannabis as well and have shaped different heirlooms, that works for their micro-climate. It's a bit difficult to pinpoint a particular place where the variety originates out of, since the entire belt of Chamoli (starting from Gauchar till Niti Valley at the southern indo-tibetan border and Mana village near China border) is a continuous trail of cannabis plants and then there are numerous valleys that skew away from the national highway, some of the main exits including for Urgam valley near Pipalkoti. The entire state of Uttarakhand is a collection of valleys wherein some on the outskirts attract tourism and pilgrimage, others cultivate cannabis as a primary ingredient for the very existence.

Chamoli district borders with China, and Tibet, and is a great example of Himalayan diversity and micro-climates in different valleys, within a very small region. It's remarkable to observe that the entire belt can be divided into 2 different kind of plants, wherein first Type-A and the more abundant is the classic highland hashplant expression with big signature hempy stalk, found from Dehradun to all the way till Joshimath.

The second type-B is a more closely resembling plant to some of the broadleaf/short season varieties like Afghanica, even though most plant inthis second category still express narrow leaflet, they ripen right around the 10 week mark and stay short at about 6-8 ft. This Type-B plant is found starting from Jelum village 15 kms ahead of Tapovan, geothermal spot till Niti Valley at the southern Indo-Tibetan Border. The type-B plant has smells which are more diverse and the most common ones are mango and straight candy orange with spicy notes, it's mostly fruity and extremely sweet, in taste too. Between Tapovan and Malari, the expression remains consistent amongst the cannabis populations and they're categorized under Malari Landrace. It's only after Malari and approaching towards Niti Valley into the rain shadow of main Himalayas that a yet different expression is observed.

The high from Malari strain is not overwhelming, but it’s a very clear headed, uplifting high which can be used to relax after a hard working day or during social activities to create more involvement for those who aren't outgoing.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
North Indian Red Stem

North Indian Red Stem

North Indian Red Stem from the remote parts of Dhauladhar ranges (southern outer ranges of Himalayan foothills).

Represents a very primordial form of Himalayan cannabis which has a characteristic deep red stem, trait that can be found in lesser degree in many Indian and northern Pakistani cannabis strains.

It flowers in approx 13-15 weeks, and it grows in its place of origin below 33° N at altitudes higher than 1500 meters.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Parvati Tosh Valley

Parvati Tosh Valley

Tosh valley sitting at the gates of the Parvati Valley, is at an elevation of 2400 Mtrs. Tosh is located at 32 degrees north and receives significantly lesser rainfall compared to Malana village or other surrounding valleys in Malana.

This domesticated cultivar can grow really tall up, to 14ft, with heavy lateral branching. Apart from finishing within 11-12 weeks (late October) and being a super fast vegger, it features one of the most beautifully balanced pine/lemon smell, mixed with indian spices flavours.

Tosh plants are similar to the highland hash plant varieties, with buds covered in small but copious amounts of trichomes.

It can grow upto 2-3 meters if not pruned and managed during vegetative growth, the flowering stretch continues for around 3 weeks after which stigma appears and bracts begin to swell up. Most of the population reeks of very tangy candy like limes and citrus smells with woody, pine and incense in the background.

Most of the plants show foxtailed bracts clusters growing outwards with a few having more of a tangible structure which resembles Malana heirloom expression. It will finish flowering in around end of October outdoors.

This strain is ideal for making extracts, as it produces a healthy amount of trichomes, with a flavour so exclusive to this valley.



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ACE Seeds Breeder


After a sudden increase in national indian population combined with the BPO/ITO and cultural shift, sent a ripple of increased demand of cannabis in south India, which in turn forced the farmers to select for a faster finishing plant with better yields opposed to the older ways of cultivation without much selection for these traits, which will ultimately lead to the development of Sheelavathi sativa from old Kerala and Idukki Gold populations (the latter already extinct).

As of today, Sheelavathi stands as one of the most potent and savoured cultivars in india. Her leaves are much darker and her bud structure is always fairly dense and harder than its predecessors Kerala Gold or Idukki, or any other equatorial sativa originating from India. A very interesting thing about Sheelavathi that we ascertained is the novelty of its terpene profile because the moment you come near the plant you can definitely smell wild flowers mixed with spices, but the taste is more inclined towards pine and hashish with undertones of flowers that will leave your senses charmed.

Sheelavathi has been crowned as one of the most beloved strains of india in a very short time and reasons, well; the effects - Its a double decker effect and potency coupled with the calming serenity/relaxation which creates a perfectly balanced high.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Urgam Valley

Urgam Valley

Urgam Valley is a collection of villages, small valleys and Hindu pilgrimage all tucked away, approximately 100 Kms before southern Indian-Tibetan Border in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand. The few famous villages that produce cannabis are Devgeam, Basa, Kalgot and Dumak written in the increasing altitude respectively.

The two main collection sites are Devgram village and Basa Village, where Cannabis is grown alongside amaranth and instead of harvesting and sowing seeds each year, they let the plants grow at site by themselves year on year. Which can be seen in the stupefying diversity in the cannabis plants which are found growing naturally everywhere.

The plants usually grow moderately tall around 10-14 ft. with extreme side branching and narrow leaflets. Plants definitely have much less of a stalky hemp look which is seen in some lowland varieties from Kumaon region of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh as well.

Most plants do not show a very prominent bud structure and express more separated fox tailed bracts, with vibrant colors. Although a high intra-population variation is notable without any majorly striking difference in the climate.

Plants mostly have a very characteristic fruity smell that comes off of highland varieties such as nepali or kashmir. Most of the fruits can be smelled in combination with other smells which are of pine, floral, spice or incense.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Wailing Valley

Wailing Valley

Wailing Valley is situated 7 kms east of the Malana village, located in Malana Valley (Himachal Pradesh, India).
The 7 Kms upward hike is steep and causes a sudden change in altitude from roughly 2400 meters to 3000+ mtrs.

This valley being only used for cultivation of hash plants remains shut for visitors and only a handful of families in the village actually own land in Wailing Valley.

Plants in Wailing Valley show a considerable difference in smell, size and form. The plants tend to ripe a bit faster compared to other valleys and can have extremely vivid terpenes like ripe mango, cherries, wine, pine, body odour, floral, nepathelene and incense being some of them. The buds are usually bigger and have better resin coverage in contrast with the plants from the village and from lower altitude valleys.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Burma Myanmar

Burma Myanmar

Burma is located on the north east of India, bordering with several countries: China, Laos, Thailand, Bangladesh and India, thus making it a natural hub for multicultural confluence. The entire country experiences an overwhelmingly monsoon based weather which is extremely humid, with moderate coastal temperatures.

The eastern part of the country is bordered with Laos namely, Mong Hsat district which is situated inside the eastern Shan province. The cannabis plant samples acquired from this region have very airy and fluffy buds which seems to be fitting for environment as none of the plant suffers from mildew or botrytis at all. The plants grow with lightly colored floral bracts and a subtle fade on the fan leaves as well. The plants smell sweet/spicy, like cinnamon/pepper and wood.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Balochistan Pakistani - 4 different selections

Balochistan Pakistani - 4 different selections

We offer 4 different Balochi selections from same heirloom population, each one selected from a specific plant in the field and from different phenotypes, each pheno with distinctive and unique traits and qualities.

Balochistan is the largest province in Pakistan situated at the southwest territories bordered by Afghanistan towards North and North West, Iran towards south west, Sindh in the East and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/FATA regions in the North East. And south is bounded by the Arabian Sea. The climate is extremely harsh and uninhabitable at most places. Climate in the highlands is characterized by very cold winters and warm summers. Winters towards the foothills of the highlands vary from extremely cold in the northern districts close to Afghanistan and somewhat hospitable conditions can be found closer to the Makran in the coastal areas influenced by the Arabian Sea. Dam made on Dasht river supplies most of drinking water and cater to irrigation needs

As of today Balochistan suffers from a natural water crisis coupled with other socio political upheavals in the region. Balochistan has an absolutely unforgiving terrain, sand storms originating from Iran are a common occurrence in the north west Balochistan. And in the midst of all this the traditional Balochi Cannabis farmers are still able to not only grow but also produce some of the best traditionally processed Hashish around the world.

Balochistan is situated from 27° N to 29° N around places like Dasht and Mastung district which are also located at an average altitude of 5500 ft. Which still only allows for a medium long flowering expression since the snow sets in late in December, except for mountains where it snows as early as mid November. The broad leaf/Short season varieties which can be seen growing in various farms are a by product of imported varieties from places such as northern Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan etc... amalgamated with traditional balochi landrace varieties and acclimatized to Balochistan's climate for thousands of years.

Previously the Mastung region was known as the Kingdom of Kalat, which was ruled by the khan of Kalat or Khan -e qualat. The cannabis culture has been so prevalent even from the earliest times that king used to have private farms of cannabis where some very special and sought after varieties used to grow that weren’t available to the locals at that point of time and they could only smell the magnificent aromas oozing out of the royal gardens. These varieties today are grown by the descendents of royal families who still own hundreds of acres of land.

Balochistan acts as an ultimate proving ground for any plant variety and only the genotypes Well adapted towards surviving in scarcity of water and heat could survive in these unforgiving conditions all that in between a water crisis in Balochistan. The general flowering term is around 8-11 weeks with a mid to late October finish. The seeds were imported and amalgamated to gradually shape into regional Heirloom with conscious selection over many generations. Balochistan unlike other central Asian hashish regions has a number of educated farmers who possess skills and knowledge beyond traditions. Some of the farmers select the seeds and keep them separately as they understand various features like red stem or pink Stigma brings a certain type of brings a certain qualitative effect into the final product and user experience.

There is a variety of different expressions in numerous farmed populations spread across, in places like Dasht and Mastung which is situated almost at the Pak-Afghan-Iran Border and is known as a hub for the Afghan Imported Hashish into Pakistan for stamping of gold and red seal before the export into the other side of the world.

Wherein the farmers consider early flowering plants inferior in quality whereas more vigorous and late flowering plants (10-11 weeks) are their first choice for making one of the best Hashish in the world. The flavours in Balochistan populations around the north west in places like Mastung is basically a mind bending complex of sweet and acrid smells which can be based around lemon/perfume, petrol/diesel, pine, honey, earthy and tropical to highland fruits.

This hash plant indica is a family heirloom bred by forefathers of 'Mir Irshad', the Balochi farmer who is currently responsible for preserving and propagating these genetics, which entails from a deep rooted cannabis culture amongst traditional Balochi cannabis farmers.

The seeds of this selection # 1 come from a strongly branched plant of 3-3.5 meters high, with high production of flowers and resins, characterized by blooming with beautiful pink pistils. Its broad leaves turn red with the ripening, producing long and heavy colas that may require support at the end of flowering. The terpenes of this plant are very fruity, mainly strawberry and apple. Its effect is powerful, narcotic, sedative and long-lasting, producing strong body and muscle relaxation.


The seeds of this selection # 2 come from a strongly branched plant of 4-4.5 meters high, with very high production of flowers and resins. Its green broad leaves turn yellow with the ripening, producing long and heavy colas that doesn't requiere support. The terpenes of this plant are sweet and deep earthy, resembles the smell of first rain falling on ground. Sweet honey/earthy taste. It produces a very strong high which is energetic and mind racing. Soaring effect around forehead.


The seeds of this selection # 3 come from a strongly branched plant of 3.5-4 meters high, with high production of flowers and resins. Its green broad leaves turn yellow with the ripening, producing long and heavy colas that may require support at the end of flowering. Clear floral terpenes resembling closely with jasmine. Extremely joyous, uplifting, and bright giggly high, which is signature of this selection.


The seeds of this selection # 4 come from a strongly branched plant of 2.5-3 meters high, with high production of flowers and resins. Its broad leaves turn red with the ripening. Long and heavy colas that doesn't require support. Cosmetic and perfumey like smells. Extremely heavy head high, heart racing, feeling of impending doom.



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