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In your experience...am i effed?



Talked to some folks in chat about this, figured i'd post it up to see if i get any different responses.

I'm on 12/12. ~39 days flowering. At night when i come home from work i leave a floor fan on the plants with the tent open to fan them. In the same room is a TV, an overhead light, computer monitor and desk monitor. I turned off the overhead light and tv, but my monitor and desk light were on on the other side of the room.

I fell asleep. With the tent open. You could easily see the glare of the monitor hitting the tent all night...roughly ~6-8 hours. Soon as my dumbass woke up i closed the tent up to make it pitch black. Most people are saying just keep it on its normal light cycle and see, but my question is..

do i have a large chance of the plants going male on me, or have you in experience seen fuck ups like this happen with no ill result? like should i just say fuck it and prepare to chop because of that, or should i probably be okay and wait it out or until i see balls?


cmon, some serious posts from people with experience with this situation.. please.
they wont ever go full male, but they may herm....but just try to keep it pitch black at night and you should be ok...as long as it wasnt a week of that or anything, again it is also strain dependant so ya never know :joint:


Den...i mentioned that also but there may be other growers out there who have unintentionally done the same type of thing who may have some input on this...thanks though for your input!


Nah you should be cool if you keep it as dark as you can from now on.

Growing in suburbs outdoors I get all kinds of light contamination, street lights, lights from next door, the moon etc... and rarely see hermi's.


do i have a large chance of the plants going male on me?

I am truly sorry bro..but youv'e been here since '07 and post that little gem??
:yoinks: :laughing:

my thoughts are as long as you dont make a habit of leaving the door open, you should be ok to ride it out with only a few herms at most if any...
true true i just took down a harvest and one of the strains threw nanners all over it some what seeded my smoke but not enough to make it un sellable i still got my 400 a zip so a lil seed aint going to hurt ya and from the sounds of it the kinda light that was being produced isnt even the correct kinda light to even make photosynthesis happen and i think these are the kinda lights you need to be more worried about than a lil tv light n what not i say fuk it forget it and carry on


Nah you should be cool if you keep it as dark as you can from now on.

Growing in suburbs outdoors I get all kinds of light contamination, street lights, lights from next door, the moon etc... and rarely see hermi's.

I just find it hard to believe my entire grow is ruined due to ambient light ONE night...like one guy in the chat mentioned if we are mimicking nature, what about ambient light at night outdoors? Car headlights, moon, stars, business lights from buildings or just in general, a very well-light night is the same thing IMHO..

But i trust opinions of people who have been through this before, more than my own reasoning...

It's up in the air i guess...50/50 shot... as long as i keep it on the correct schedule is about all i can do at the moment, then wait it out...if i see balls, should i chop, or should i wait the 55, 60 days?


I am truly sorry bro..but youv'e been here since '07 and post that little gem??
:yoinks: :laughing:

my thoughts are as long as you dont make a habit of leaving the door open, you should be ok to ride it out with only a few herms at most if any...

lay off its my first grow, lol! Yeah ive done research, but on the basics and other things, not chances of plants turning male due to ambient light one night. Sorry if i offended you..lol

true true i just took down a harvest and one of the strains threw nanners all over it some what seeded my smoke but not enough to make it un sellable i still got my 400 a zip so a lil seed aint going to hurt ya and from the sounds of it the kinda light that was being produced isnt even the correct kinda light to even make photosynthesis happen and i think these are the kinda lights you need to be more worried about than a lil tv light n what not i say fuk it forget it and carry on

i guess i'll find out shortly :(


I wouldn't chop. After only a few hour's exposure to a monitor and desk light, at 36 days, no way. Wait & see.


wait a sec..you're at 39 days of 12/12 and the plants haven't shown sex yet? or are you getting herms and males mixed up?

lol..I was laying off..see the part where I said "sorry bro" first? lmao..no offense taken..
I just find it hard to believe my entire grow is ruined due to ambient light ONE night...like one guy in the chat mentioned if we are mimicking nature, what about ambient light at night outdoors? Car headlights, moon, stars, business lights from buildings or just in general, a very well-light night is the same thing IMHO..

But i trust opinions of people who have been through this before, more than my own reasoning...

It's up in the air i guess...50/50 shot... as long as i keep it on the correct schedule is about all i can do at the moment, then wait it out...if i see balls, should i chop, or should i wait the 55, 60 days?

if you see some balls I would leave it and youll eventually have some fem seeds....or just pulls them off and keep flowering as normal


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I too think you will be fine. I think the strain has alot to do with hermies. And the stress that the plant is under during all this light leakage.. Just keep an i out for the balls and you should be ok.. ImHo.. peace.



wait a sec..you're at 39 days of 12/12 and the plants haven't shown sex yet? or are you getting herms and males mixed up?

Maybe i need corrected!

No, they are females with huge buds already. Done in roughly 20 days..nirvana white rhino and widow...

AFAIKnew, herms were when the female plants buds start producing seeds...is that correct? OR am i off base entirely?

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