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In your experience...am i effed?



I just find it hard to believe my entire grow is ruined due to ambient light ONE night...like one guy in the chat mentioned if we are mimicking nature, what about ambient light at night outdoors? Car headlights, moon, stars, business lights from buildings or just in general, a very well-light night is the same thing IMHO..

True but a MH security lamp near by an outdoor plant definitely can hermie it, so could a car headlight, etc.. I think the cutoff would be somewhere between moon / star light and a business / car light.

I've left the actual HPS on during a whole night 1x, not 1 seed, had some suspicious neighbors cuz the window wasnt blacked out tho


As for the full moon checked and it's .1 or .01 footcandles depending on the source and for sure contradictions online. I remembered it being .1 and a friend told me it takes about .3 to potentially have hermie issues.

Seems a typical street light produces about 1 fc but part of that equation is how close the plant is to the light...and maybe how often they change the bulb...which only happens when it burns out...lol.

With the lit ciggy thing I mentioned think that has more to do with infrared generation? Anyway...growing outside under a full moon obviously is fine but smoking next to a flowering plant under the full moon is not.


i scanned over the plants and saw what looks to be nuts covered in crystals but I truly don't think they're anything more than swollen calyxs or whatever. will post pics around 1am est


it depends on your genetics but it shouldn't be to much of a issue i mean think about the moon light on plants naturally out doors there not pitch black


i scanned over the plants and saw what looks to be nuts covered in crystals but I truly don't think they're anything more than swollen calyxs or whatever. will post pics around 1am est

if you see a abnormally swollen calyx this early in flower ... its probably a seed forming inside

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
if you see a abnormally swollen calyx this early in flower ... its probably a seed forming inside
I think he said they have 20 days to go?
If so, and this really is the only f - up the whole grow I would be amazed if you caused any problem, you have to stress the plant to make it produce male bags, leaving the door open for 6 hours - once!, is not going to stress it, just keep looking under the bud for any light green/yellow growths, like a little melon (half the size of a seed), when mature it will open to resemble an umbrella with single bananas under the canopy, obviously if you see any pick while still closed/unripe, melon like, you also need to look around the top cola for single bananas that will protrude from between the swelling calyx, a pair of tweezers helps pick these clean, you don't want to snap one as it will spill pollen.


You're getting some pretty good advice here, but if you want to insure that no male flowers form, get some Dutch Master Reverse. It will stop the production of nanners.



You're getting some pretty good advice here, but if you want to insure that no male flowers form, get some Dutch Master Reverse. It will stop the production of nanners.


i would encourage pollination by hermie ... but that is just the space that i'm in

if you are breeding for resale i wouldn't recommend it ... but if your product is mainly for yourself ... a backup of the genepool is not only cool ... but even the old people are doing it


yeah I thought about the consequences.. so I still get a few ounces with some seeds.. got myself possibly a couple hundred worth just in seeds if it's bad.. then just lower the cost if for retail.. for my first grow I would like to have some sensimilla but if not oh well, first grow is obviously like a major learning curve and on my second and so forth I'll do better


if you want to insure that no male flowers form, get some Dutch Master Reverse. It will stop the production of nanners.
Reverse did nothing for me when I tried it out.

i would encourage pollination by hermie ... but that is just the space that i'm in

if you are breeding for resale i wouldn't recommend it ... but if your product is mainly for yourself
Good seeds from quality breeders that select solid parents are readily available and inexpensive. I don't like hermie beans. If solid parent stock just keep a clone. When you pop beans look out for good males and make seeds the old fashioned way but that's just me. Hermie prone plants produce hermie prone beans IMO.

Next time that happens just hit them with 24 - 48hrs of dark. Should keep back a few potential herms. Today 05:31 PM
Don't know about that but will say after about 72 hours of dark, for whatever reason, while in flower you should start looking for hermies after the lights come back on.


I think he said they have 20 days to go?
If so, and this really is the only f - up the whole grow I would be amazed if you caused any problem, you have to stress the plant to make it produce male bags, leaving the door open for 6 hours - once!, is not going to stress it, just keep looking under the bud for any light green/yellow growths, like a little melon (half the size of a seed), when mature it will open to resemble an umbrella with single bananas under the canopy, obviously if you see any pick while still closed/unripe, melon like, you also need to look around the top cola for single bananas that will protrude from between the swelling calyx, a pair of tweezers helps pick these clean, you don't want to snap one as it will spill pollen.

Very well said Hazy Lady. Explained the difference of male flowers and nanners perfectly. Personally I would let the grow continue regardless of outcome for a total start to finish experience. As said before if you see the male flowers and nanners and you want minimal seeding then for sure pluck all male parts off. I too doubt the ambient light will have an affect but as your first grow it is almost essential you see it to the end. Good luck.:joint:


Good seeds from quality breeders that select solid parents are readily available and inexpensive. I don't like hermie beans. If solid parent stock just keep a clone. When you pop beans look out for good males and make seeds the old fashioned way but that's just me. Hermie prone plants produce hermie prone beans IMO.

tell that to the thousands of "lucky" people that have found keepers among these insufficient genetics


Good seeds from quality breeders that select solid parents are readily available and inexpensive.

i got 6/11 hermie, 1/11 crushed, and 4/11 female

out of my pack of serious seeds AK47 ... i paid over $100 for those genetics from the boe

it's a crap shoot ... everyone knows that ... i'd rather have 10 f2's to your 100 s1's anyday

fuck uniformity... give me variance

broad spectrum variance


Update with pics:

These are all i can see as far as anything with nutshaped things (and there are a bunch of these at every node which im assuming is normal/good, but im also a new grower so inform me!)




full time daddy
yep them are good..... what u need to look for will be lil yellow banana looking thing's....

if you search around im sure u can find a pic



one little bit of 2 banana shaped light green yellowish sticking out the middle of one of the top buds facing the light leak...pinched off with tweezers...shit so i guess this means they may be seeded by harvest! :(


Active member

one little bit of 2 banana shaped light green yellowish sticking out the middle of one of the top buds facing the light leak...pinched off with tweezers...shit so i guess this means they may be seeded by harvest! :(

:yoinks:Yeah its a bit disheartening when you get a nanner or two but hey don't worry bro the smoke will be awesome, you have a lovely tich cover and your not far from harvest. Just be vigilant with your nanner picking as it can be tedious work but main thing is dont freak out bout it.

PEACE OUT!!:joint:


Active member
And make sure you keep some of those seeds back for yourself, you never know when disaster can strike and you need a fresh start, seeds are expensive bro!! Especially femmed!!


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