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In the High Courts of London with Paul Mc Cartney

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hello to all my friends and readers out there....

Today has been a VERY good day!

Many years ago 4-5 a disgruntled employee of mine decided to try and take over one of my companies (Gypsy Nirvana Limited) using very subversive and nasty tactics with the aid of my ex-Mrs...to try and get me to hand over GNLTD to them........which the judge determined that I never did (I was always a legal director and shareholder)..........and anything that this company parasite had done supposedly on behalf of the company was null and void......

*ICMAG.....seedboutique and seedbay have always been under my sole control and have nothing to do with this case....

Today in the High Court of London (court 35) I was right across the hall from where Sir Paul Mc Cartney was giving witness in his divorce case with Heather Mills.........

This ex-employee took up with my ex-mrs and then they both tried to trick me out of my own business using a whole barrage of intimidating threats/cyberbullying tactics and using the cops against myself and anyone loyal and/or close to me......

They called the cops on me several times over the last years to try and get me busted in any way they could and both of them even conspired to get me into criminal court on fake assault charges....one I was found not guilty of and the other one (after 2 years) he dropped the charges due to the fact that he lied so much in his witness statements that he would have been found guilty of perjury if he took the stand .

.......This creep of a person has to hand over all websites and domains, company records, keys (to my shop in the UK) and all stock........He can no longer act as a director or officer of the company in any capacity......My ex is no longer a director of the company since her resignation was made in 2007 ......

...plus he now owes my solicitors £43,000 in costs.......

....During the preceedings we recessed for 15 minutes and I met Sir Paul McCartney very briefly as he came out of his court case........I said to him 'Rock On Paul!'.......and he thanked me........before dashing of to a waiting SUV in front of a flock of papparazzi!

....My apologies to all if I have not been very active/posting much over the past couple of years.........I have had all this stuff to deal with........and today I found closure on this case....


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Fantastic News Gypsy. You guys have been in our chants and now we see great benefit. So happy for you !! woop ... The Babba's also had a pretty good day !!! wooop :)
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Like the Roar of the Lion!!


Active member
Congratulations to you on your court victory !

The ex-employee sounds like a real sleaze bag. Maybe your ex and him deserve each other !

And bumping into P. McCartney sounds cool !

:joint: :wave:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
greenhead said:
Congratulations to you on your court victory !

The ex-employee sounds like a real sleaze bag. Maybe your ex and him deserve each other !

And bumping into P. McCartney sounds cool !

:joint: :wave:

...Yes it has been 'The Long and Winding Road' with this case........this ex-employee falsely claimed to be ex-FB-I to staff members....threatened the lives and liberty of many of them too (Dutchgrown-Old Pink-Vapour and others)..........

....today good old British Justice was served..........and I wish Sir Paul goodluck in his case too!!

*Thankyou Stashbastard.......Babbbabud and the Mrs Babba.....greenhead and HumanPheno....


Grow Hard Gypsy!!!There is justice in the end!!!
Rat Bastards are finally gonna get what they deserve!!


Yes we finally saw wrongs being righted today!

He sat and squirmed like the vermin he is! Wish you all could have seen it!!!

< dg skips off to preen...and to pour another glass of champagne > :D


Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Pour one for me, DG! :smile:

I'll drink to this tonight. :)

Congrats on getting your lives back!!!



Alright finally i see the truth for what it is!!!!!
Well GYP,DUTCH,and crew im on your side WHY
because theres nothing i hate more than a person
willing to turn someone in to the PIGS.. who know nothing?
May you have a more peaceful mind set,and business ventures!!!
PEACE not wars...........


ICMag Donor
Fantastic. The rat should have been ordered to have to get online and tell everyone what a liar he is. Hopefully he and his followers slink off into the scum never to be heard from again. I'm as happy as a kid at Christmas.

Congratulations to both of you for having the courage to stand up to all the threats lies and distortions you've had to endure.......


**AWD** Aficianado
Glad to hear it :joint:

You've worked hard to keep this place safe for us and we don't really thank you enough for that.

Enjoy the spoils of victory and do the only sensible thing.. get blitzed.



Polskaaa, bialo-czerwonaaa
Congrats GN & DG!

Hope the rodent's dissapear and stop dividing the community, been shitstirring for much too long now.

:wave: kov



Although you know that the lying little scrotum throated freak is off in a corner somewhere thinking up more lies....

I'm soooooooooooooooo glad that little bastage didn't win jack shit....

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
.....Many thanks to all of you.........it's been a pretty harrowing experience I must say....


Gypsy speaks of the Long and Winding Road...and it truly has been, and for me will continue...see, it goes a lot deeper...this is what happens when someone brings the 'ether' world into your 'real' world....

This slime, in attempts to intimidate and threaten me...made harassing phone calls to my elderly mother...at 3am...at 82 (her age at the time it occurred two years ago) she was so startled by this rats calls, especially at 3am, that she fell hanging up the phone...resulting in her breaking an ankle and damaging her spine...she laid on the floor for over 6 hours...alone and scared...before being found the next day and taken to the hospital. This fall damaged a disc in her lower spinal column and resulted in her not being able to stand upright and being in constant pain. To see her like this in December, with tears coming down her face in pain, all bent over...and me knowing that this rat caused it squeezes my heart in ways words can't explain here...to forever know that when she passes that 'maybe' she goes earlier than she otherwise would due to the debilitating injury received is a burden I must carry...for this rat took things into the 'real' world and struck out on an innocent elderly lady...for this I say 'May he rot in hell'!

So although today was a victory on a company level, it can never be a victory to me where my mom's diminished health at his hands is concerned.

My mom recently had surgery...something the doctors did not recommend at her age, delicate spinal surgery.....but she said to them that she had lived a good and full life and was ready to put the risks aside on the chance they could do something to fix things, she was willing to roll the dice...so she did, and is now receiving 3 months of physical therapy.

So to everyone....if I've been a bit on edge...I've had my plate full...my apologies.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Dutchgrown said:
Gypsy speaks of the Long and Winding Road...and it truly has been, and for me will continue...see, it goes a lot deeper...this is what happens when someone brings the 'ether' world into your 'real' world....

This slime, in attempts to intimidate and threaten me...made harassing phone calls to my elderly mother...at 3am...at 82 (her age at the time it occurred two years ago) she was so startled by this rats calls, especially at 3am, that she fell hanging up the phone...resulting in her breaking an ankle and damaging her spine...she laid on the floor for over 6 hours...alone and scared...before being found the next day and taken to the hospital. This fall damaged a disc in her lower spinal column and resulted in her not being able to stand upright and being in constant pain. To see her like this in December, with tears coming down her face in pain, all bent over...and me knowing that this rat caused it squeezes my heart in ways words can't explain here...to forever know that when she passes that 'maybe' she goes earlier than she otherwise would due to the debilitating injury received is a burden I must carry...for this rat took things into the 'real' world and struck out on an innocent elderly lady...for this I say 'May he rot in hell'!

So although today was a victory on a company level, it can never be a victory to me where my mom's diminished health at his hands is concerned.

My mom recently had surgery...something the doctors did not recommend at her age, delicate spinal surgery.....but she said to them that she had lived a good and full life and was ready to put the risks aside on the chance they could do something to fix things, she was willing to roll the dice...so she did, and is now receiving 3 months of physical therapy.

So to everyone....if I've been a bit on edge...I've had my plate full...my apologies.


....Yes this is all true and confirmed to me by this rat.....

Dutchgrown darlin'......thanks for standing by me as I have stood by you.....

.....and now I can put back the Gypsy into Gypsy Nirvana.....


ICMag Donor
He got just what he deserved. He's even getting laughed at by his own "crew". I bet the slimey little rat slinks off into the sewer where he belongs. He's getting just what he deserves. I sure hope you two follow through and make sure he pays the bill for court. I know you're both good people but don't let the vermin slide with this one.....

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
congrats on the victory, and good luck to all moving forward after dealing with this crap. I've seen this unfold from back in the OG days until now, and amazed at the levels to which people can stoop.
DG, may Momgrown receive much relief from PT, and have a happy peaceful retirement. I know from taking care of pops that if anyone messed with him, I would find myself at sea...feeding sharks. Much love and peace to you both.


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