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Lord Doobie

This is getting old...

Long story short, I finally got rid of my mother-in-law living next door to me and all her interference in my marriage. Long divorced, she finally moved 200 miles south. However, now she's in the mode to "visit" us about once a month to see her daughter, my wife.

She constantly escapes from her town to come and live in my 1bedroom apartment. She visits for 4 days which always turns into 7 because of inclement weather for travel. So now I'm stuck with the goof living with me a fourth of the month which is 3 months a year...

To make matters worse, her son (king midas in reverse) who has a long criminal history, comes over to my home and is constantly casing the place. He goes around opening closets and doors saying, "What's in here? Can I have this?" I have a feeling I'll come home one day and the whole place will have been cleaned out. It's also only a matter of time before he opens something he shouldn't...

How do I get rid of these fuksticks?


Tell them no. Simple as that.

1 bedroom apt does not accommodate guests. Demand that they get a hotel when they come and visit.

Seems harsh, but damn.. its a 1 bedroom apartment.

Maybe try introducing her to Skype. Online video chat may limit these visits?


Parker Schnobel
Inlaws are the worst Brother.My only advice is to have your Wife make the trip and visit her Mother.

Or a taser.That's propbably a bad idea.

el dub

Please don't take this the wrong way, but it is pretty evident from this thread and the last one concerning the MIL that you are not the king of your castle, bro.



May your race always be in your favor
MOVE LEAVE NO FORWARDING ADDRESS,RUN,RUN WHILE YOU CAN! unless your wife likes having her mother and worthless bro hanging around all the time.Stand up and say enough, no room!! you can't come to visit or MOVE LEAVE NO FORWARDING RUN,RUN WHILE YOU CAN.


stone fool
Take yo wife south to visit her momma, go out for smokes.....and never go back for her.
Bro, your relationship with your wife is so weak that you feel uncomfortable telling her that you don't want an elderly woman and career criminal half-living in your 1 bedroom apartment? She wouldn't understand that? Is she 12 years old?

This story just rings all the wrong bells in a million different directions, bro.

Please dont' take this is an ad hom attack. Just my honest opinion. I'm only 25 years old and have been with my girl for three months. If I couldn't tell her the truth about such a basic, elementary issue, Id consider the relationship a weak one, and end it.

It doesn't sound like you've established yourself as a Man with a capital "M" to those in your life. That's a huge problem.


Active member
Please don't take this the wrong way, but it is pretty evident from this thread and the last one concerning the MIL that you are not the king of your castle, bro.

Yep, I remember the MIL thread.
The foot must be put down once and for all Doobie.
You only have one life, how do you want to live it?

BIL-what's in here?

Doobie-Hey, could you do me a favor, and get the fuck out of my closet? Do I dig through shit at your house?

MIL-coming to visit next week

Doobie- you know MIL, that's fine, the wife loves seeing you, but we only have a one bedroom apt, and it's already to small with just the two of us, so if you want to keep coming for a week at a time, every month, you're going to need to make other arraignments about a place to stay.
A long weekend every few months is fine, but a week at a time every month, that's not happening anymore.

Tell them, and let the chips fall where they may.


weed fiend
I'd be cautious how you handle the mil situation. Cautious for your wife's copacetic reaction/response.

As for the bil, I'd grab that bastard by the nap of the neck and straighten him out.

If this idea bothers your wife, I'd go with what Hap's tip. Best wishes.

I've seen the "can I have this" type. They're not far from "I bet he won't need this, I'll just take it and see if I get away with it".

If your wife is privy to your favorite hobby, it would behoove her to know she might be vulnerable if and when her bro scopes your grow. Then, maybe she'll take the bro by the horns.


You should of at least told the F**Khead to get out of your shit, a baseball bat works real good for that, to the point!:laughing:


weed fiend
I can understand and empathize with LD's pickle. You never know, ol' mil might be a cagey character. Some folks back off when one says, "gimme a break". Others may engage.

Sometimes it's not the madness, it's the method.

Lord Doobie

Yes...I remember my past MIL thread. But now, it's twice as bad as she triggers the BIL coming over. For Christmas morning, I got 2 wet blankets. They are both very lonely.

Marriage is a give and take relationship...not a one-way street. My wife deserves consideration just like I do. You'll understand this once you get married/older. Of course she doesn't understand why I don't absolutely love her family but that's to be expected since blood is thicker than water.

Could it be that the MIL called my elderly parents and upset them by claiming I was strung out on crack? They flew way out West from Florida to see for themselves. Of course, I had to inform them of my vindictive MIL's demented brain. It turns out, her own son (the BIL) was strung out on cocaine, stole the family nest egg of $45K, and spent it like a teenager all within 18 months. She has never acknowledged this and is still in denial.

What I don't understand is why she doesn't stay over at the BIL's dump. Maybe I just answered my own question.


Active member
I feel for ya.
I'm divorced now, but I got to go through the whole in law merry go round when I was married.
Hopefully fate/karma will toss you a bone, and the the two of them mil/bil with get taken out in a plane crash or something, leaving you and the wife with a fat settlement check.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

your wife is putting everyone's feelings ahead of yours, man up now or be low man on the totem pole forever. btw, as far as the bil goes I'd slam his hand in the next closet door he opens snooping around.



Yes...I remember my past MIL thread. But now, it's twice as bad as she triggers the BIL coming over. For Christmas morning, I got 2 wet blankets. They are both very lonely.

Marriage is a give and take relationship...not a one-way street. My wife deserves consideration just like I do. You'll understand this once you get married/older. Of course she doesn't understand why I don't absolutely love her family but that's to be expected since blood is thicker than water.

Could it be that the MIL called my elderly parents and upset them by claiming I was strung out on crack? They flew way out West from Florida to see for themselves. Of course, I had to inform them of my vindictive MIL's demented brain. It turns out, her own son (the BIL) was strung out on cocaine, stole the family nest egg of $45K, and spent it like a teenager all within 18 months. She has never acknowledged this and is still in denial.

What I don't understand is why she doesn't stay over at the BIL's dump. Maybe I just answered my own question.

I have a very low threshold for most of what you posted above, bro you must have the patients and trust of a saint to allow either of them into your house.

Next time she rings to confirm a visit, let it be known that she can stay in a hotel as her actions have made her no longer welcome in YOUR house.

As for the BIL tell him he is not welcome to stay in YOUR house as he is not trustworthy...it's YOUR house and you dont need to explain any further.

You married your good lady wife not her mother or brother.....

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