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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Germination and Seedling growth

Day One

Nutrients used in this stage:

I'm restarting my grow with 5 x Mandala Kalichakra and 5 x AnnaC Biko II. They've been soaked for 24 hours in a jar of water - add 1 drop of superthrive to the jars. (did this yesterday)

I'm using the paper-towel technique. All the seeds are spread out on soaked paper-towels with some of the water from the jars, all in Tupperware containers. (did this today)

Then I sealed them and popped them in the mini-tent where it's a nice 84f.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll see some little sprouts.

And the rest:

I'm a biology student from the UK and I smoke lots of pot. I have suffered from depression and growing my own helps me reduce the amount of other medication that I take. (for those curious, I had my first depressive episode long before I started smoking cannabis)

I'm currently running two Bud Boxes in a room in my basement, a small for germination and vegetative growth, and an XL for flowering growth.

In the small tent, I have a 250W blue envirolight (just added a 150W red too) along with a couple of fans. Cold air is sucked in at the back by negative pressure, then warm air is sucked out of the top of the tent by a 4" ruck fan with carbon filter. The exhaust is then vented back into the room.

In the X-Large tent, I have a 600W hps with a 6" ruck fan. This fan sucks fresh air in under the locked door (no windows in the basement), through the hole in the back of the tent, through the light and is vented up into the house ducting and out the attic.

As the title of the thread suggests, I'm going to try and be pretty detailed in my approach to this diary. If I miss anything out or if anyone wants to ask something feel free - not sure I'll know the answer though :wink:

Time for a sleep :joint:



Hi Sammet!
Very nice set-up. I already saw your last report, so I assume this thing will rock hard :D
Great you're goin bio. Have to try it too, after my current grow.
Anyways, great start. Keep it green! :rasta:

Don Cotyle

Nice clean setup ya got there S, in detail...sounds like it's gonna be a great show. I'm allways looking to expand my knowledge, so I'm here for the show!

I've allways added a teaspoon of bleach to a quart of water(to ward off any unwanted bacteria and such) then used that water and a washcloth...basically the same principle your useing except the bleach and superthrive. Why the superthrive?


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys - Don, I put a drop of superthrive in as it has lots of hormones and vitamins that are good for seedlings, but it's really strong so only a tiny drop in lots of water. I don't normally use it but found some cheap recently and picked up a bottle.

I'm going to follow this feeding chart with a few modifications:


I'll be using Grandma Enggys seaweed extract instead of Alg-A-Mic, I'll also be using f-1 and h-2 (fulvic/humic acids).

I'm planning on using this Williams Wonder IX-1 male to make some crosses too later in the grow. He's out in the garden, normally I'd cull males but I'm keeping this one for my first experiment with pollen chucking. :D

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woohooo a new sammet thread. That's what I'm talking about. Very nice start as well. Glad to see you back on the boards. Hope your hiatus went well. ~SB~


nice thread i'm in have you smoked the williams b4 ? as i never have .oh and any pic's pls


seat check...

wattup sammet,im gonna be along for the ride brotha...you already know.
ur gonna love them kalichakras bro...look for the tall one withe the dense buds,its tall but looks indica leaning in bud structure...and the shorter fat one with the humongo buds shes a bomb lil creeper weed..hits hard like 5 minute after the j is out.

gonna love watchin what you can do with them.peace -Y-

Smoking Gun

Active member
Hey there Sammet, good to see you found some motivation again. I am pulling up a seat to see how this run comes out. It will definitely be cool to see a sensi grow and a seeded grow by the same grower at the same time.

Well, my seat is pulled up and the popcorn is cooking. Peace.


Registered Medical Patient
Well, well, look whos back!!!Whats up Sammet??great to have you back bro, I hope all is well in ur neck o the woods, and its so nice to see you back on track with ur grow...Im a taggin this one fo sho bro...See ya later...nice lineup too bro..Peace

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey bro
you know I will be here

Love seeing everything starting, kind of surprised you are popping with the lights on though

Looks awesome man, nice to see your set up completely. Good luck on this run

Don Cotyle

Thanks Sammet, I was checking out your link, some real beauties there! I'm assumeing this will be a soil grow too, I'm an long time hydro grower that's been playing in the dirt the past 2 grows(you may of seen my first attempt Bonsai over on NZjays bunkbed thread) so I'm hopeing to pick up a few poiinters here! What will you be useing for your soil mix? or should I just hold on till you get to that stage?

Nice bushy male you've got there! I noticed how clean the foliage is, no insect damage! I've been useing neem oil every 2 weeks and it seems to work well, what do you use to keep the bugs off outdoors?
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Good to see some regular faces appearing in here now :D I hope you enjoy the show guys, feel free to chime in.

DD - I've always germed in the dark but thought maybe I'll try in the light. As far as I know, light doesn't inhibit germination in cannabis seeds, but the heat keeps them nice and warm.

Some seeds require light in the red/far-red spectrum for germination, some require total darkness, but most seeds will germ in all conditions. I know that the Salvia family requires light for germination, but I'm not sure about Cannabis - guess we'll find out. :wave:

Don - Thanks - there is some minor leaf damage that you can't see, I'll get some shots of it next time we have a sunny day. I haven't done anything to that male apart from water it every now and again.

The pot has a strip of copper tape around the base, and I poured a ring of lime around the pot. Haven't seen any slugs since. I think there might be a black fly or two on the plant though. But as it's a male, all I want him for is his pollen and I'm sure I'll have plenty. :wave:

I'll get an update up later with germination rates.


mornin sammet,just slidin by for a quick smoke with ya bro.
peace -Y-


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey Y :wave:

Most of the beans have started sprouting, still waiting on a couple - tomorrow they'll get dropped in soil.



Active member
Not seen a full grow run on here allways seem to find the goodies when there finnished.So iff ya don't mind i'll pull up a chair.
Are those grandma eggy's products organic also?
That williams wonder is freakin sweet dude :jump:


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey sammet , bit late but im grabbing a seat for another round
thoose seed pics are cool mate
u still got the cheese ?

have a gd weekend


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