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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


New member
titoon29 me to i'm french and I never seen this type of hash before maybe it is new.
Article about hash apples: http://diasporasaharaui.blogspot.fr/2012/07/indetectable-le-cannabis-sous-forme-de.html
In France I find generaly commercial hash who come from maroc who is cheap but discusting, "Olive" of 12gr who cost 60-80 euro also I can find to rare occasion afghan hash and a type of hash who is name "frappe" maybe this come from to maroc this one hashish at good quality price.

Excuse for my english.


Active member
You're english is very understandable. Thanks for the info, the link doesn't work tho. I think these apples are new, haven't seen them ever, not these Mexi Haze at least. There are "Gold Maroc/pollen" as apples too, but have only tried the Mexi.
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Active member
Nowadays we have a wide range of hashes made from diff genetics comin from Maroc.

These days i scored some expensive ones. I was told that they came from Critical Mass and Amnesia. Obviously, i´ve some clearle doubts about the name of the genetics, but anyway the quality of both is awesome, superior, excellent.

The Critical reminds me this 2002 first paki which came also from maroc. Very very skunky, sweet and fragant, like a superskunk...fruity and gummy. Very sedative, strong and dreamy high.

The amnesia is certainly more spicy, but slightly different from the Mexican (wich i get a lil cheaper than the amnesia or criti) The effects are more uplifiting, and taste very nice as well.

The last one is some morocann pollum (not first quality but clean and nice for daytime) that was half priced than the other two. Anyway im so lucky to could manage to get some decent import hash...




Moroccan polm

Sorry for the crappy pics. Ill upload some more as soon as i get a nice piece of both heheh just was to show how many diff things we have comin from maroc these days!! hehe great!!
Best smokes everyone! titoon, have a superb summer bro!

see ya


Active member
Sounds about right buzzwise when it comes to CriticalM. Sure would love to try that shit! Heard about CM being grown in Morocco. Thx for sharing.


Some marrocan goodies from my last trip

Double zero eggs:



Some other soft hash





finally I have something to post in this thread haha


Well-known member
this should fit in i think ;)

some import Hash
i loved these two!
the brighter one, cold pressed, was a charme to smoke, sooo smoooth! the "wheels" as we called them were warm pressed and quite more potent but not soo smooth to smoke; but the perfect hash for a shillum!

i found that pic some weeks ago, and was laughing about old times...




New member
og ja bevar christania :)
men hvor køber i de nice tobaker hende for jeg kommer der og gjort i flere år og det eneste jeg vil sige er jeg køber godt :=) ind når jeg er der
som den danishstoner har på side 111
eller gdk is taking BOUT A 50G CALLED NR 2 CANT FIND THE PAGE
hvad mender i de koster per plade eller kilo på christania endnu bedre hvor der over kender alle steder har på fornemeren jeg gir for maget :(

håber en kan hjælpe både med hvad i mender man kan eller skal kunne eller hvad i kan få det til hvad en i tør :)