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Imported (Moroccan, Afghani, Nepalase) Hash photo's and discussion....


Well-known member
Turkish hash is indeed excellent & quite potent stuff, sad it's so rare on the market...

Wrong. Take Kashmiri twisted gardah for instance. It is of a very dark greenish color and is definitely one of the best hash in the world. Hash is not all about purity. In Kullu valley i've scored some regular Malana charas which had a quantity of plant material in it, and the stuff happened to be better than all the so-called Malana-cream charas I've ever smoked.

Irie !

Hey mriko :)

thanks for correcting me, wasn't thinking before writing :D must have been stoned... but still if you could make hash from the same plant which is not green and would be purer, but you're right of course doesn't necessarily mean better especially the taste might be better with a little more "weed" in the hash sometimes... but still it's an exception - most of the times green hash is inferior to not-green hash from the same plants, and that's where i was aiming at ;)

mick: i'm having a hard time believing that trich heads should absorb clorophyl... i have seen purple heads yeah, but green? imho green colour always implies contamination with plant material...

a friend just yesterday sent me a few pics from good quality stuff from coffeeshops of some small dutch villages... one of them is called turks - i'll post the pics for you...

i think i smoked this hash once when visiting my friend, but can't remember well enough to give a detailed description - only can tell you it was nice...

chillum freek

New member
manu chillum pic

manu chillum pic

hello friend have a look this freeky Manu chillum.....u can finde more on face book (manu chillum)..ciao ciao


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New member
mriko, thanks for your comment. the situation is too difficult for smokers in Turkey. that's the reason why many people like me have to quit:(

bob, the black market green stuff is not what I'm talking about, for sure.

the stuff that i've mentioned is actually greenish-yellow and rock hard. they say that it is made by curing the sieved stuff for at least 1 year in right conditions(don't have much knowledge about it but I think they keep it very deep under the ground). then you dont have to press it as it is naturally pressed. but interestingly it's a bit dusty, too. the taste is not so aromatic like maroc or lebanese, but a little chalky. I think this comes from the small amount of plant material..but this doesn't really disturb you because other than that the taste is quite smooth on the throat..also the smell is not so distinctive...

and the high is very unique, extra strong and cerebral.

this stuff is originated from mountains of Nicea area (the ancient byzantian city where the bible is written). on these mountanious range there is a lot of mercury (Hg) under the ground. so, that's why it is believed that the hasj from there is that potent. one other thing that is believed to be is that the seeds were brought by the central asian settlers who moved to this place after the ottoman conquest. so, they must have bred this strain there for hundreds of years.

the worst thing is there are no more growers left in that area who cultivates this strain in the traditional way.

the days I came across to this strain are now only a nice memory.

btw, bob, your pics of the turks is nice. thnx for sharing. there seems to be some plant material in it too ?


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Well-known member
mriko, thanks for your comment. the situation is too difficult for smokers in Turkey. that's the reason why many people like me have to quit:(

bob, the black market green stuff is not what I'm talking about, for sure.

the stuff that i've mentioned is actually greenish-yellow and rock hard. they say that it is made by curing the sieved stuff for at least 1 year in right conditions(don't have much knowledge about it but I think they keep it very deep under the ground). then you dont have to press it as it is naturally pressed. but interestingly it's a bit dusty, too. the taste is not so aromatic like maroc or lebanese, but a little chalky. I think this comes from the small amount of plant material..but this doesn't really disturb you because other than that the taste is quite smooth on the throat..also the smell is not so distinctive...

and the high is very unique, extra strong and cerebral.

this stuff is originated from mountains of Nicea area (the ancient byzantian city where the bible is written). on these mountanious range there is a lot of mercury (Hg) under the ground. so, that's why it is believed that the hasj from there is that potent. one other thing that is believed to be is that the seeds were brought by the central asian settlers who moved to this place after the ottoman conquest. so, they must have bred this strain there for hundreds of years.

the worst thing is there are no more growers left in that area who cultivates this strain in the traditional way.

the days I came across to this strain are now only a nice memory.

btw, bob, your pics of the turks is nice. thnx for sharing. there seems to be some plant material in it too ?

very interesting post t12 :)

i remember smoking a hash once back when i was just starting, that was sold as green too, but had a more yellowish glow, and it was only very slightly pressed and easily went to powder again when crushing it... also got us higher as the normal green we were used too... but who knows...

here is a link of the grow report with the turkish landrace, that i spoke about:


it's in german but maybe you can use an online translator, there is also some trouble with the pics, the thumbnails aren't there but only a red cross, but if you click that you will see the pics (with some browsers like ff it doesn't show the X at all, then you got to change browser or something, you also can click on the profile of the thread opener to view his gallery)

unfortuately he got busted with this grow (didn't use a carbon scrubber) :(



Green Mujaheed
the black market green stuff is not what I'm talking about, for sure.

the stuff that i've mentioned is actually greenish-yellow and rock hard. they say that it is made by curing the sieved stuff for at least 1 year in right conditions(don't have much knowledge about it but I think they keep it very deep under the ground). then you dont have to press it as it is naturally pressed. but interestingly it's a bit dusty, too. the taste is not so aromatic like maroc or lebanese, but a little chalky. I think this comes from the small amount of plant material..but this doesn't really disturb you because other than that the taste is quite smooth on the throat..also the smell is not so distinctive...

and the high is very unique, extra strong and cerebral.

this stuff is originated from mountains of Nicea area (the ancient byzantian city where the bible is written). on these mountanious range there is a lot of mercury (Hg) under the ground. so, that's why it is believed that the hasj from there is that potent. one other thing that is believed to be is that the seeds were brought by the central asian settlers who moved to this place after the ottoman conquest. so, they must have bred this strain there for hundreds of years.

the worst thing is there are no more growers left in that area who cultivates this strain in the traditional way.

Great information t12, thanks for sharing !

Katsu Coffeshop in Amsterdam have some nice (genuine) Red Leb at the moment, if you happen to be in the area.. was a blast from the past...

I sampled it this week and found it rather on the crappy side. I could spot it at the first glance (Thanks God I haven't lost my hash-eye !), something wrong with the sheen. I'm finishing a fat joint right now, and I keep looking for the flavour & the high is very very light. Nothing close to what I've smoked in the 90s. Damn, here must be real good Leb to be found somewhere !

Excellent pics Sidewhow-Bob, they all look very yummy ? Can you ask your friend under which kind of lightning he shot them ?

Irie !


Active member
Turkish hash is indeed excellent & quite potent stuff, sad it's so rare on the market...

Wrong. Take Kashmiri twisted gardah for instance. It is of a very dark greenish color and is definitely one of the best hash in the world. Hash is not all about purity. In Kullu valley i've scored some regular Malana charas which had a quantity of plant material in it, and the stuff happened to be better than all the so-called Malana-cream charas I've ever smoked.
Irie !

I´m completely agree with that mriko. thx

THx t12 for the amazing info bout turkish situation

charas scored in kullu valley, some days ago:


two kinds of rubbed charas and the so called Malana cream (centre) scored near Malana


good vibes and thx for all the inspirational shots.
Bob, very nice pix, but you forgot something yesterday...jeje i´ll bring you asap un abrazo!


Green Mujaheed
Rubio... "Days ago" ??? means you are there right now ? You lucky man, enjoy, drink a fat chillum for me !

Here is the Malana regular I mentionned, cut opened piece on the right is same material, just small pieces I hand-pressed together. Nearly 50gr for 1000Rs, top deal ! One of the best material I have smoked overthere.

Irie !


Active member
Happy Himalayan Hashish Harvest

Happy Himalayan Hashish Harvest

hi mriko;
yes, i´ve just come back to the trhee valleys (kullu, malana, parvati) and Nepal two days ago...very very nice trip and harvest this ´09

nepalese charas, scored in Dahulagiri area



ive to work in the garden nowdays,the mothers are bigger like a monster jeejee but i´ll up some pix asap

Big ups!!


Well-known member
Cagüendiola!!! Jejeje! I gonna droll very much over your computer my friend.

I really want to see ya and your pics.



Well-known member
Bob, very nice pix, but you forgot something yesterday...jeje i´ll bring you asap un abrazo!

Hey bro :)

Hmm strange, i'm not missing anything.... damn.... must have been really high yesterday :D but if you mean the marrocan hash - i left that one for your gf to try ;)

thanks again for the nice evening - hope to see you soon... very nice pics of course too...

i just came home with this one:

eggs this time but very nice also :)


Active member
damn...it seems really fresh and rich, with a beauty golden tone...

besides, thx for moroccan sample friend. hope see ya soon again.

good luck and vibes colega!

Some tolas scored near Pokhara (NEPAL), very fresh and rich also, but more dense and with a very strong-clear high. i loved it!



I sampled it this week and found it rather on the crappy side. I could spot it at the first glance (Thanks God I haven't lost my hash-eye !), something wrong with the sheen. I'm finishing a fat joint right now, and I keep looking for the flavour & the high is very very light. Nothing close to what I've smoked in the 90s. Damn, here must be real good Leb to be found somewhere !

Irie !

Crappy a bit harsh I think mriko but I agree it wasn't the finest hash or the finest red leb... though the flavour was totally apparent when I tried it - the high was not madly strong but pleasantly uppy rather than dirty and stoned.... you're not ruining it with tobacco are you? Anyway, I was simply intrigued that it was there, as I haven't seen any leb in ages.

if you find any good leb do let me know where you get it? thanks


Well-known member
damn...it seems really fresh and rich, with a beauty golden tone...

besides, thx for moroccan sample friend. hope see ya soon again.

good luck and vibes colega!

Some tolas scored near Pokhara (NEPAL), very fresh and rich also, but more dense and with a very strong-clear high. i loved it!


nice...very nice... one question... what is the weed they are using to make these fine hash's???

we grow some very nice weed , and dry sift some buds for kif, and also use bags to make bubble, but none has approached the ass-kickin hash we smoked 20years ago... why??


Green Mujaheed
Crappy a bit harsh I think mriko but I agree it wasn't the finest hash or the finest red leb... though the flavour was totally apparent when I tried it

Maybe I got a different batch than you ? Flavour was quite poor and obviously there was some adulterant. Crappy is harsh indeed, but yeah for me it's on the crappy side (well, still correct enough for me to smoke it all !)

the high was not madly strong but pleasantly uppy rather than dirty and stoned....

indeed a light but pleasant up tingling

you're not ruining it with tobacco are you?

Actually no, as I've been told many times in A'dam, Peshawar or Parvati valley, I happen to make good joints, with tobacco flavour barely noticeable.
When correctly prepared, tobacco added to cannabis can increase the cannabinoids vaporization ratio by up to 45% if memory serves me. Not that bad, eh ?

Anyway, I was simply intrigued that it was there, as I haven't seen any leb in ages.

Yes, it's coming back little by little, but even more so for the good one. I had sampled a blond one from other coffeeshop and although it looked and felt like typical led, it was strikingly nearly flavourless, very strange. Last good blond leb I scored (in Maastricht) had such a pungent flavour that a few hits where enough to get you nauseous. Crazy stuff... But that was long ago, back in the Ol'Century...

if you find any good leb do let me know where you get it? thanks

I sure will keep the community informed about it !

nice...very nice... one question... what is the weed they are using to make these fine hash's???

In Nepal it's mostly sativa dominant strains that are used for charas.

we grow some very nice weed , and dry sift some buds for kif, and also use bags to make bubble, but none has approached the ass-kickin hash we smoked 20years ago... why??

Because the stuff that comes from those exotic places, where it has been known, revered & produced since generations has many stories to tell you. Stories that one made from plants grown under HID lamp in a closet or a warehouse can't tell you.

Irie !


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Hey bro :)

eggs this time but very nice also :)

NICE bob ! now that's some beautiful looking morrocon, i ld even eat some; looks like a sweet ! how is it, taste, smell ?

ElRubio, very nice picts, i can't wait to be in nepal...i had another reply today, still for katmhandu, for 6 months :)

the malana cream looks gorgeous.. how would you compare indian to nepal hash, in the high ? i ve smoked both, a few times, but still i found the high pretty alike, very very your experience !

also i hope you ll get your luggage back^^

Some tolas scored near Pokhara (NEPAL), very fresh and rich also, but more dense and with a very strong-clear high. i loved it!


strong clear high... that says everything... i want some jejeje...

see you amigos, was really amazing to meet up with you, and i ve learned a lot more about ganja through this week end !

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