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I'm sick of bugs bugs bugs! Need info Neem


I've had bugs now for about 1 1/2 yrs. I've also spent bunchs on predators to no avail! I'ld like to go systemic with Neem Oil but I'm a little confused ( aren't we all, lol). If someone could walk me through the process I'ld be grateful. I have mom plants with good cuts showing and recently rooted cuts in Oasis and in Rockwool. Spraying and dipping is what I'm aiming for, I just don't wanta screw up and burn 'em all to hell. I'm sure it's not complicated its just that I'm the kinda guy who has to read how to fix my truck 3 times before it gets into my head and even then I've gotta have the manual right by my side lol.


New member
don't know what kinda bugs you got but i know that it can be a never ending headache. i haven't used neem oil in a quite a few years but if i remember right, just mix it at the suggested rate with water and a little dish detergent. a drop or two of the detergent in the water with the neem oil and spray it on. don't remember if it has to be a special kinda of detergent - maybe non-scented? i'm sure someone can chime in and elaborate.

one of my friends had a really bad thrip problem that he dealt with for about a year. we tried everything to eradicate them and they just coming back. neem oil, pyrethrin spray, safer soap, etc. no luck... just temporary relief.

then i suggested he try diatomaceous earth. wiped them out completely. just dust in on and cover the top of the soil with it. need to reapply every time it gets washed off but it is basically like barbered wire for all bugs. cuts them to shreds. sprinkle around the room and in crevices. good luck and let us know what kind of bugs they are, maybe someone will have a specific remedy for the specific bug.


12gauge, its been so long since I've use diatomaceous earth that I just forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. My girls have a little bit of every thing. Spider mites, thrips and white flies. Good thing the plants are in kinda good shape or they would have done me in long ago. The predators did help, they just did not totally irradicate completely and now with the heat the bad bugs are ramping up. i think the systemic routine will get 'em all. Grunt


New member
do both. hit with the neem then when the leaves dry hit with the DE. then in a couple days when it's time, hit with the neem then the DE again. should get em all. good luck

Mr. Stinky

im pretty happy with the no-pest-strips. have you tried em? they are only 6 bucks, and are so easy. i squirted with pepper spray, then hung em up. the mites are seriously takin a beatin. there are so few of them now, i dont even bother wipin em with my fingers when i find em...i would rather let the fukkers suffer :D


New member
I had a huge Spider Mite infestation a couple years back after storing some of my outdoor household plants near my grow area for the winter for storage, not knowing the possible side-effects of doing such a thing, you live and learn. I used Neem oil, as directed, it took a while but I did eventually rid my area of the little pests.

Good luck.


Active member
I had a bad mite problem for awhile and I purged the buggers with neem with blended garlic and cayenne pepper. Those bastards bailed quick! Completely eliminated my problems.


Drip King
Neem kicks ass!

Neem kicks ass!

Try the Neem.
Also, try ladybugs, predator mites and nematodes.( neem does not harm them)
Never done D/E, bad to breathe, with fans and all blowing.
I have plenty of crap in my lungs already.
Also, will kill beneficial insects as well.
Hate poisons .

Good luck!!



Get some Hot Shot pest strips and hang a few in the room. I had a bad, bad problem & shut the room down after harvest, cleaned the room,walls, and floors w/ bleach. and hung the hot shots up and NOCK on wood NOTHING.. Now I pretreat EVERYTHING NEW I get with AVID!! Check out my pics and yOU will see just how NASTY it got!

Good Luck!!


Thanks all for the suggestions. Well luckily I rarely turn the fan on when bugs are present cuz it just spreads the little bastards like wild fire. So most of the mites were just on one plant. Also I make sure plants are not touching each other so theres no marching across the bridge to greener pastures, unless they can fly of course, like the damned white flies. I understand that you can dip the entire small bush or cutting in the neem I'm just not sure at what stage to dip the cuts. I'm talking about a preemptive strike for the cuts where the neem actually gets into the plants inner system (systemic) so the bugs no longer like the taste of cannabis.
Supposed to last about 3 mo. hmmmm so maybe it wouldn't be so good for the C99 cuz they'ld probably be to tall if they vegged for 40 to 45 days. I'm looking for an answer like ( you take the cut off the mother dip it in the rooting hormone then totally submerge it in the neem oil, then stab it into the rooting medium). Say, I'll bet the DE would be really great on the black soil nats that I forgot to mention. It sure sounds like I have an outdoor grow don't it. It's indoor and it was put together in '89 so I guess I better have a look around and see just where all the bugs is acomin from. I even change clothes and shoes before entering. Yes there is mosquito netting on the intakes. Maybe it's karma bein a bitch from long ago. I just cant believe that I've had bugs for so long!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
dude they make this stuff called BANG its all organic, and the mites are not becoming immune to it as they do with neem and many other substances on the market... goto family dollar get one of those pump sprayers for like 3 bucks mix some BANG in there and your bug free... also can try raising ppm of co2 in room above 4000 for 30minutes (will kill every bug down ther) then come thru with BANG after to kill the eggs


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i like your style

i like your style

im pretty happy with the no-pest-strips. have you tried em? they are only 6 bucks, and are so easy. i squirted with pepper spray, then hung em up. the mites are seriously takin a beatin. there are so few of them now, i dont even bother wipin em with my fingers when i find em...i would rather let the fukkers suffer :D
hahah good man