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?? about chicken poo


New member
Hi, this is my first post here.

I have a friend that just put his weed plants outside.
He wanted to know how much to dilute chicken poo.

I think he said he tried 2-3 tablespoon full to a gallon of water.

Is this too strong?

What is a good ratio of poo/water?

Thanks for your help


Welcome niteowl718

From page 32 of the garden primer:

Manure tea: Mix one gallon of manure to 3 gallons of luke warm water. Allow to soak for at least 4 hrs. Aply strained liquid at 1/2 gallon per plant weekly and continue until results are observed.

Hope this helps. sb
What are the benifits from watering your plant with poo?any poo better than another poo?I thought from reading you were soupose to add the poo into the soil and mix it with mulch and other stuff.


New member
From what I have been told.
Chicken shit is more potent than cow shit.
Thats why it has to be diluted.
Other wise it would burn the plant.

From what I've been told, that is.
Ohh,i'm pretty sure SB meant chicken shit,he knows his stuff+you said "Chicken shit is more potent than cow shit.
Thats why it has to be diluted." and SB was talking about having it soak for atleast 4hrs which is diluting it,wish I knew the beneifts of using manure ,i guess ill use the search button aswell.

You can also use the "Search" button and look for Chicken,and you can find anything on google aswell.
Hope that helps.

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