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I'm quitting smoking! (...A.K.A. I ran out of weed...)


The first week was hard mentally but I never really got physical symptoms of withdrawal. I have been having problems sleeping though (waking up from nightmares several times during the night...) whereas when I was smoking I rarely woke up/remembered my dreams. Weird.
Though out the years when ever I quit smoking be it from being Ripped once with shotguns, (kinda scared me straight) or to just needed or wanting a break.The worse thing I found was the dreams that showed up that weren't there when I was smoking. But after a little while I learned I really enjoyed the dreaming so I haven't smoked but once or twice in the last 12 years..Good Luck :window:


^yikes! Yeah my brother got jacked by neo-nazis with knives for a QP once, scared him straight from dealing. Had another buddy get jacked for a QP at the end of an AR-15... so ridiculous what people will do for $$$. I've been real lucky in that respect but that's because I've been careful not to smell or sell.

Hammerhead wrote: "I have stopped many times for various reasons. How are you messing up your grows ? Is there anything we can help you with so this does not happen again?"

I still don't know what I was doing wrong, I started out in soil and then went to coco and had 4-5 good harvests (~1LB per light,) but then I started getting this recurring problem where the ends of my leaves would turn yellow and then brown, growth slowed/stopped... looked like this:

Posted about it many times and got different advice, tried adjusting PH, tried a few different kinds of nutrients and then even a different soilless medium and had the same issues.

Running DWC now though and I'm LOVING it, I'm having different lock-out issues still (I'd love it if you checked out my grow in my signature and checked out the issues there -- main one is older leaves browning tips and falling off...) but they are dank and fattening up despite the problems. :jump:


I have been having problems sleeping though (waking up from nightmares several times during the night...) whereas when I was smoking I rarely woke up/remembered my dreams. Weird.

lol...yeah i go through the same thing.....:joint:


lol...yeah i go through the same thing.....:joint:

Ditto, I call them the horrors.

Last time it happened I freaked the ex-gf out when I woke up screaming and ran to the window after grabbing a knife to check for the aliens that were invading.

Strangely enough when I run out now a days I'll roll a tiny joint of dried leaf once a week and that seems to keep the horrors at bay, I still get crazy dreams but when I wake I know it was only a dream rather than waking up and thinking the crazy dream was real.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Go back to what you know works. Im a soil grower and have never lost a crop. I have had nutrient issues but have worked them out. If you ever need any help just let me know I will try to get you back on track.


Active member
I'm with Hammerhead on this. My soil method is rock solid. Been doing it for years. If you need help, just holler.

And all you guys dreamin'...I'm in my late 40's. When I was in my early 30's I'd get paranoid as fuck when I'd go on and off weed. I'd have all these crazy dreams. The bible even says shit about the young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. Wish I was smokin' some o' dat ol' skool biblical shit. Bet they had some pure landrace shit that they tripped balls on, lmao.

Anyway, hang in there, phatty. I've been smoke free for over 2 months now and plan on keepin' it that way until I harvest my current crop out in da shed. Sometime around May 2011. Then I'll be a stoned mafacka for months, yeah! :headbange

~Abbie :joint:


Active member
I should do this myself... I have such a tolerance built up, it's not even funny. I recently read that DJ Short recommends occasionally fasting from weed, says to abstain until you begin having vivid dreams again.

Mr Jay

Well-known member
I quit smoking for few month periods every now and then. My personal experience has been that I get more done and am a bit more bold in my day to day dealings, but the pain always gets bad and I go back to the meds. It's good to go clean every now and then, if not just to remind yourself why you like it so.


Active member
I'm with Hammer and Abbie on soil grows.So easy and the timing is easy to spot when changing the plants life.Less risky in losing plants too.

A break is needed once in a while so the body recovers.I only do weekends and only 2-3 hits then I'm semi high for 2 days.I don't like pills so the 'herb medicine helps.

Sometimes it helps to freeze the weed so it doesn't go bad or loses its flavor.Or the urge to keep smoking until its all gone.

Hope you get some soon. At least here should come some today after long dry season. Forced breaks just suck. :)

Do not either like growing soil. If things go smooth,then it is fine, but when problems occur, I feel helpless. Despite flushing and such tricks I have lost several soil plants to mysterious yellowing deaths and once having all WW plants lost their tricomes at week 7! Nothing helped, not even flush.

Hydros are just so easy to reboot. Throw away old nutes, add new mixture and off you go again. :)

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