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I'm quitting smoking! (...A.K.A. I ran out of weed...)



Due to a series of fucked up grows, I haven't had a harvest in over 6 months. Had to buy a pound for the first time in... ever, and now it's all gone and I'm out of weed and expendable cash.


*Rant over*

I'm only 2.5 weeks through a 10 week cycle on some chemdawg and OG.... I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself that a 2 month break will be good for me but I'm starting to have a hard time and it's only day one... This is going to suck, I haven't gone more than a week without blazing in over 4 years. Not much of a point to this post, just wanted to vent. :thank you:


i hear ya man, same with me my last grow yielded 3 ounces less than i normally get because i only had 3 females instead of 4 and 1 of them froze and quit growing half way through..

i only have maybe a quarter left for myself, sold the rest to keep myself afloat until i get a job.

i took 2-3g and put it in a pill bottle in my safe in case of bad times, plan on hiding weed elsewhere so a month or two down the road i can get really excited, lol...

be happy you are 2/10 weeks in...i just started some and they're still seedlings :-\

Mr Pink

You'll just be getting used to not being stoned when your next crop will come in. Hehe by then you might start thinking it's not worth starting again, but you know you will..


Active member
I'm in the same boat right now....I've been buying weed to smoke for the last few months....grow is shut down until I move to the new house....this house isn't selling fast enough....I'm running out of extra loot....it's been months since I've had any product to unload (source of income) ....I used to smoke like 5-7g per day when I was growing....now it's like a 1/4oz a week....shit sucks man....


I have been with out herb about 5 month's now. I had to move to other city and i don't have any friend's here in new home. My plant's are ready to harvest about in 8 week's. I allmost can't wait!

I never have been smoking long time daily, but about 1 year ago i smoked about 2,5 month's daily. After that i've smoking just some time's.

I understand that it's hard after 4 year's. My english maybe is'nt so good but you understand my stuff. .


I could buy some but I've become pretty snobby and paranoid about other people's product... never know what they're doing to that shit. And It's hard to find anything but leafy outdoor right now which I despise. Plus after growing and knowing the real cost, it becomes hard to justify spending $300/month...

I'm also trying to see if I can make it until my harvest to prove to myself that I actually can (I'm not sure I can, girlfriend doesn't think I will...)

4 days and going strong...


Update for anyone who's interested:

Been over a month now without smoking, friends have been really supportive besides blowing rips in my face haha...

The first week was hard mentally but I never really got physical symptoms of withdrawal. I have been having problems sleeping though (waking up from nightmares several times during the night...) whereas when I was smoking I rarely woke up/remembered my dreams. Weird.

Unfortunately I have been compensating sometimes by drinking more I see the alcohol as more harmful , because it's cheaper, easier to find/get, and I do it much more often. Tastes better too haha..

Come harvest time I am going to quit that shit though, and try and ration my alcohol and cannabis use to a reasonable level after an initial smoke-a-thon party. About one more month until everything is ready to smoke, I am looking forward to it but not fiending. Makes me feel good to know I can exert some self-control but it's also obvious to me that I need to find some more healthy outlets to occupy my spare time.

Thanks for letting me vent icmag! I am a pretty introspective person and wouldn't share stuff like this openly with many people and it feels good to write about even if nobody cares.
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Active member
I'm in the same boat right now....I've been buying weed to smoke for the last few months....grow is shut down until I move to the new house....this house isn't selling fast enough....I'm running out of extra loot....it's been months since I've had any product to unload (source of income) ....I used to smoke like 5-7g per day when I was growing....now it's like a 1/4oz a week....shit sucks man....

sucks to hear man theres plenty of work out on this side of the map. im down to my last two grams of Girl Scout Cookie and my last 8th of Sour D...luckily i have maybe an LB of OG kush getting harvested soon from my personal grow....so il be stocked up good! only question is whether this bud will last the two weeks until harvest...probably not.. my buddy might have an lb of some bubba so maybe il just chip that and smoke fat.

lluckily out here whenever its dry you can just hit the cannabis club and pony up for some top shelf...


Outdoor is so much better than indoor....you never have to worry about runing out...Im good for another 15-20 years


Kiss My Ring
good to know you aren't about to die from abstaining for a short.
hit with the budz till your crop matures.


Active member
I have been smoking twice as much to compensate for you bro!
Seriously dude get a vaporizer and at least jam some fans and get a nice buzz once a day.
I don't have the cajones to go that long so more power to you.


Active member
Just came off a month+ long break, for an expected piss test, that was a false call.
Everything about it sucked, especially once I found out it was all in vain...

With that said: Smoking for the first time, after a break, is VERY WORTH IT. And being able to keep your tolerance in check from there on is all the better. I had a giggle fest like I haven't had in years the other night, off of an amount that would barely get me high previously.
Stick it out man. There's an extremely enjoyable high waiting for you in the end.

And Idk if running, and rebuilding my lungs, over the course of that 30+ day period helped.. But it couldn't have hurt. I'm even thinking of taking these breaks on my own accord at least once a year from here on out. :tiphat:

The first week was hard mentally but I never really got physical symptoms of withdrawal. I have been having problems sleeping though (waking up from nightmares several times during the night...) whereas when I was smoking I rarely woke up/remembered my dreams. Weird.

Come harvest time I am going to quit that shit though, and try and ration my alcohol and cannabis use to a reasonable level after an initial smoke-a-thon party. About one more month until everything is ready to smoke, I am looking forward to it but not fiending. Makes me feel good to know I can exert some self-control but it's also obvious to me that I need to find some more healthy outlets to occupy my spare time.

Thanks for letting me vent icmag! I am a pretty introspective person and wouldn't share stuff like this openly with many people and it feels good to write about even if nobody cares.
That's awesome man. Everyone around me told me they couldn't picture me not smoking for such a while, and were all surprised as shit to see I did it at the drop of a hat. This proves the stereotype that weed is truly addictive is all mental bullshit.
And I thought those symptoms were just a personal issue. I went through the waking up, and having more frequent nightmares as well. Good luck in continuing man, and try exercise as a healthier alternative to alcohol!


@fab: "I have been smoking twice as much to compensate for you bro"


@Rico: Yeah I am especially excited about my tolerance being way lower, I'm going to go nice and slow so I don't over-do it. I'm worried it's just going to bounce back to normal after a few days though.


Active member
I'm worried it's just going to bounce back to normal after a few days though.

It won't.. if you end the session when you know you CAN. I'm only about a week in now, and my high still feels so virginly(if that's a word) it's unreal. :ying:


Cannabrex Formulator
What is this "run out of stash" of which you speak.......I know it not.....



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have stopped many times for various reasons. How are you messing up your grows ? Is there anything we can help you with so this does not happen again?


its only about 10$ a day. Stop eating at expensive places and stop ordering beans and toys


I hate going through dry spells ): been a bad year with me for that. But not right now :D


Active member
i take two weeks breaks whenever i go to japan...pretty much forced to quit smoking weed. for some reason i dont get bad withdrawels at all...as long as i substitute the buds with beer, food, and a cigerette once and a while.

i didnt like the first time smoking when i got back. i got way too freakin high...started to get borderline paranoia. i like the tolerance i have now, been smoking for around a decade and a bowl of some nice sour D or OG kush gets me the perfect buzz..nice and keyed but still able to function and go out and get shit done....

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