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im not a hippy

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If you think where you live is bad try living in the Midwest.........if you don´t have that Wahl No. 2 cut and a goatee you are a dope smoking hippie. lol I have a normal haircut and that is what they think of me. Also I eat organic and not meat, meat and A potato and they think I am odd. These people are 30 years behind the rest of the country. Weed is as bad a Meth here.



Active member
hippy is a dirty word to a yuppie and their ilk.

the yuppies that yelled "greed is good" and then ran the world almost into the ground and are still doing their best to do so.

logically as a man of nature.

you should view being called a hippy a compliment, because the people that think hippies are no good?

would view you in the same way, hippy or not.

just another no good penniless drifter with nothing but ideals in his pockets.

which actually to any logical man, should be a compliment as well.

the yuppies value money more than their fellow man

and shortterm success over the wellbeing of the Entire planet

and all their Own descendants.

the yuppies basically pissed allover the future of their children and called it progress.

and laugh at those that do different ;)


Active member
I just realized I can disable viewing signatures.
That's much better.

Can we get back to talking about your hair?


Active member
hippy is a dirty word to a yuppie and their ilk.

the yuppies that yelled "greed is good" and then ran the world almost into the ground and are still doing their best to do so.

logically as a man of nature.

you should view being called a hippy a compliment, because the people that think hippies are no good?

would view you in the same way, hippy or not.

just another no good penniless drifter with nothing but ideals in his pockets.

which actually to any logical man, should be a compliment as well.

the yuppies value money more than their fellow man

and shortterm success over the wellbeing of the Entire planet

and all their Own descendants.

the yuppies basically pissed allover the future of their children and called it progress.

and laugh at those that do different ;)

are u trying to convert me??...lol almost worked.

i guess that's where i get that i def relate to hippies, and they are all cool cool ppl...i just don't see how ppl put me in that catagory.


It's so windy in Colorado because Oklahoma sucks and Wyoming Blows....there's your answer...or maybe it's the three tiered bong huh...


Active member
I think the Definition of Hippie is this:


As far as the rest of your views.. I'm the same way and I'm guessing that many of us from 25-45 are in a similar mindset.

I listen to mostly hip hop and rap, Love eminem, Live in colorado love to hunt and fish, currently learning all the skills necessary to live self sufficiently including farming and ranching....

I smoke weed everyday but also have a respectable main stream job dealing with people daily...

Don't know, but I know you're not a Hippie, neither am I... But maybe we are the New Neo-Hippies of today. Kinda like Gangsta-Hippies

I'm voting for Raun Paul, I grow Weed, I Own Guns, I know how to grow my own food... No flower power in our group, but we are very different and typically more progressive with our thoughts. Especially when It comes to weed. We value personal Freedoms are are adamant about them.

I think that most of the people who find out we smoke herb automatically label us as hippies. Because we are at least... to them... more hippie than them. haha


Active member
I think the Definition of Hippie is this:


As far as the rest of your views.. I'm the same way and I'm guessing that many of us from 25-45 are in a similar mindset.

I listen to mostly hip hop and rap, Love eminem, Live in colorado love to hunt and fish, currently learning all the skills necessary to live self sufficiently including farming and ranching....

I smoke weed everyday but also have a respectable main stream job dealing with people daily...

Don't know, but I know you're not a Hippie, neither am I... But maybe we are the New Neo-Hippies of today. Kinda like Gangsta-Hippies

I'm voting for Raun Paul, I grow Weed, I Own Guns, I know how to grow my own food... No flower power in our group, but we are very different and typically more progressive with our thoughts. Especially when It comes to weed. We value personal Freedoms are are adamant about them.

I think that most of the people who find out we smoke herb automatically label us as hippies. Because we are at least... to them... more hippie than them. haha

friend request sent bro. :wave:

btw...i see how u think more ppl are like us, but man i just don't encounter ppl like it much....maybe they 'think' sim., but they sure act a whole lot more soft.


Active member
I've really only met a few of "us"

But I swear it's only that way because we blend in better that most.

It's not like people look at me and go.... oh shit, he grows weed and likes to shoot guns.

I think it's more like, WTF, you like to smoke weed too!! Fuck yeah.... and you Grow, No Fucking Way, I would have never guessed.

Anyways, that's why we are all here, cause we can't talk to anyone about our hobby.


Later Hippies!


Active member
..ive never seen the point of signatures.

well, not a permanent one anyway.

some quote that defines me? impossible.

some message id want everyone to know?

well, i think you can come to your own conclusions about knowledge and though id rather want everyone to be nice, well, though having BE NICE as a signature, well, tis bit ridiculous though bit cool, but still.

everyone with enough brains, is nice and anyone not, isnt or hasnt.

so it would be kind of redundant having that signature.

but sure, i do sometimes enjoy the signatures of other people ,just havent found one i thought i should put there or even given it much thought.


Active member

BE NICE as a signature, well, tis bit ridiculous though bit cool, but still.


"nice" has never been a positive character trait in my eyes.

...any one can "be nice"...whoopee...anyone can be an asshole too...i really prefer ppl that say what they mean and mean what they say......how is that so hard...ppl here do it all the time.

i post stupid shit alot, and i get told what the fuck alot, but i also spit real shit, and i hope ppl see that i'm real, and not hiding behind anything.....even if some ppl think im rediculous :wave:


Active member
are u trying to convert me??...lol almost worked.

i guess that's where i get that i def relate to hippies, and they are all cool cool ppl...i just don't see how ppl put me in that catagory.

nah, you can convert yourself into whatever you want.

its rather obvious where they get the idea to call you a hippy.

i saw your hair man :)

and this

is a shallow world.

appearances often are Everything.

you look like a hippy (or bum or some guy basically trying to copy some african style (And since you dont wear expensive clothes or had it done at an expensive place, A bum )

they´d probably call ya a bum if they werent being nice, hippy is kind outdated (bum might be too, i dont know, i dont keep up)

hey, dont get me wrong, i looked like a bum for years and didnt give a fuck (just dressed up for camoflague once inawhile or to please relatives :))

but the wife likes me neat and gets to groom me :D


well, you lack the necessery scruffy beard to be truly classified as a bum or did in that pic, looked a bit too neat, though again, a hippy is basically a bum today.

(someone who defies social convention without making money out of it and does drugs and isnt rich. though true bums dont care about their appearance (you looked abit on your way there at least lol, betcha only wear comfortable clothes and dont care about dressing up at all)

and thats why hippy is a dirty word.

a hippy is basically a bum.

broken merchandise, for in this society, status comes from how much you can sell yourself. (people making "connections" often talk like salesmen about themselves)

you sell your services (your body basically or the use of it)

and all about

fame ("look at me, look at me!,,,,LOOOK! GODDAMNIT!")

money ("stuff!" "toys!"

and power ("lots of sex!" "doing what i want!" "people doing what i say!, im important goddamnit!")

the funny part is, the more fame you get, the more you realise you dont want it (cause everyone has to be perfect and no one is and privacy is pretty nice)

the more money you get, the less time you have to spend it. cause all your free time is spent in getting more money cause you can never have enough and if it "stays still" too long you start to lose money lol (its convoluted, but basically its a timerobber.

once you have the money you need to protect it and that is expensive, to get the money you have to live a certain life style and that is expensive, so you always need more and once you get more, you need more just to stay part of the pack (which you need to have connections and be able to stay in the game")

and you´d think you´d gain some freedoms instead, but thats not really true, the places you can go to are fewer and the fewer the more money you have (needing bodyguards and whatnot to go anywhere and so on)

same with power, it gains no true freedoms, you still have to operate within the system and all their true power would be in the shadows through brutes and buying lives.

the hidden life.

so basically life becomes nothing but a show, everywhere you go, you have to keep up appearances (why do you think elites dont mingle? they dont want you to see beyond the glamor)

where you do drugs and hookers in hiding, just like everyone else (just have people to handle things for you and doctormade hookers)

till you either twist into some thing that tortures hookers for fun or worse or and crash and burn.

even simply the lifestyle is so bad that they need body donors to keep alive (just look at celebriites (low level "elite) 20 years and they look like utter crap)

doesnt take much brains to realise thats not a good lifestyle choice.

problem is, society seems to be so sunk in this that the only way out seems to be mountains lol.

lol, most people dont see it either, too busy with their lives and work work work and getting ahead that they dont take care to look beyond the glamour..

but still.

if you desire only a comfortable life (house, bed, some plants and entertainment (computer lol or the nature))

then that life can be had with a minimum of work.

once you stop chasing being rich or looking a certain kind of way, life becomes pretty cheap..

most of our money goes into "cosmetics", be it clothes, makeup or even a trip to the doctor.

buying a cooler car or fancier purse.

trying to be one of the cool folks or making someone jelous :)

the funny thing, it was all borrowed money, the folks that the most fit into this image, for the most part.

while others worked hard to earn mostly a backache.

this society needs a serious rewrite.

but personally i think its simply a lack of intelligence that is the problem.

the cause of evil is stupidity. and one might as well relax and enjoy life, once you stop participating in the ratrace, life becomes a breeze in comparison.

leave the monkeybusiness to the monkeys and enjoy the simple good things in life.

cause actually, all the really good things are free or cheap. :)

(having a romantic walk in the park with your love, eating a icecream, smoking that weed you just grew and playing x-box with the mates, going out partying and looking for love, rollercoasterride in an amusement park,
taking halluconogenic drugs in the forest with your friends, having a chat with your friends, having sex with your love, eating good food, wearing really comfortable but cheap clothes you bought second hand and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks, cause anyone that would give you a hard time cause of it, is a monkey.

and trying to buy into the monkeylife style (cool cars and cool chicks)

well, it would cut so much into the good things in life, the cheap and free stuff.

so, thats a really long way of saying, i think hippies are much cooler than yuppies

and actually even bums outrank yuppies in my book. and they can keep their lifestyle to themselves and hey what the fuck. :)


Active member
in my defense about the horridly long seemingly, possibly and probably pointless post,

well, im actually more stoned than ive been in years, my Frankenstein (it really makes you walk like one)really came out great on the second run (too bad all the clones failed and reveg as well...mjeh ive got good hopes about popcorn betty and this vietnames sativa ive got going)

and yes, that seems to be general defense of such posts, im really really stoned :)


Active member
in my defense about the horridly long seemingly, possibly and probably pointless post,

well, im actually more stoned than ive been in years, my Frankenstein (it really makes you walk like one)really came out great on the second run (too bad all the clones failed and reveg as well...mjeh ive got good hopes about popcorn betty and this vietnames sativa ive got going)

and yes, that seems to be general defense of such posts, im really really stoned :)

awesome post and far from pointless bro :wave:

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
My favorite bumper sticker was on a Ford Falcon station wagon in a wrecking yard;

Hippies are living proof that cowboys fuck sheep.


Active member
ya your not a hippie. ahippie would atleast appreciate trout. mmmmmmmm trout. its my favorite. add lemon and chow down


Active member
when i made my sig....i spent hours and hours deciding what i would put in it.....

...i put it together stone cold sober on a monday morning, just after consulting dr. drew, dr. phil, judge judy, my mom, my wife, and my attorney, and my dog.....sorry i forgot to consult you "snoopster"....i really do appreciate the concern tho...it means the world to me.

i promise that i will make a change to my sig today...just for you homie...aiight :wave:

sounds like you need to get a hobby and stop spending so much time telling anonymous potheads on an internet forum everything that they don't care to know about you :wave:
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