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I'm not a cigarette smoker, but I just had one after a bowl...

And I felt high as shit from it. For a few minutes at least.
Light headed, jittery, not paranoid but too-aware-of-shit-feeling.

I smoked as a little kid so I know you get used to it pretty quick, but it got me thinking/conspiracy sci-fi brainstorming...

What if tobacco is just as important to our brains as cannabis?

What if the reason there's so much toxic shit in modern cigarettes is because "the governments" knew they couldn't keep people from ingesting something they like so much, so they legalized it, taxed it, and regulated it to the point where companies HAVE to put those chemicals in, for whatever reasons...

A lot of people feel that the war on pot is really a war on the mind, and our prison systems/police history reflect that, but what if it's been the same for tobacco throughout history?

Is there a sinister reason behind the hundreds of millions of people that die from diseases stemming from modern tobacco use?

The "World Health Organization" recently stated that Alcohol kills more than AIDS, tuberculosis or violence, and we know the governments regulate that stuff and are constantly pumping it into our brains as acceptable with the way they've engineered society and the media...

What if tobacco is one of the things "responsible for modern civilization" in the same way that people like terrence mckenna talk about entheogens helping us along?

Damn, I'm starting to feel burnt out...


sunshine in a bag
do you not smoke at all period?

when i smoke a cig in the morning, i have no nicotine tolerance and it's the best cig of the day. if you dont smoke at all, you might feel dizzy, lightheaded, fatigued but not exhausted, more sleepy.

you probably just caught a headrush from not being used to nicotine and you were.. already high to begin with. ive seen someone get lightheaded to where it seemed like they were fainting from a bowl w/ tobacco and hash

tobacco is disgusting

with that said, brb, this thread makes me want a cig

Purple Monster

gross, they stink, they give you bad breath, they stain your teeth, they blocks arteries and reduce blood flow, aging faster than nonsmokers, oh and cancer, heart problems, and death.


Registered Med User
I think tobacco does do something for u and in small doses is benneficial, helps the digestive system. Im thinkin about gettin some tobacco seeds n growin some organic, I think the reason they so poisonous is cuz the chemicals... Natives said that the tobacco would ward off evil spirits.


The government isn't the one putting additives in cigarettes, the cigarette companies are. However, I do think that the additional chemicals is what results in tobacco being so deadly. Additional chemicals that speed up burning, reduce harshness of smoke, inhibit the body's ability to process nicotine (increased potency and duration of half life), and god knows what else (on average there are 11+ chemicals added to commercial cigarettes), enables people to smoke more often and more period. Plain straight tobacco is A LOT harder to smoke than most commercial cigarettes. I don't think people would smoke nearly as much or as often if there was just plain tobacco sold. Basically natural/organic rolling tobacco. It's also interesting to note that the ciagerettes we know of today didn't come around until the first world war IIRC. Just like any other drug, I think that in small/appropriate amounts that it is beneficial. Both physically for our bodies and psychologically for the mind.

All that being said, I am not denying that there are definite negatives associated with tobacco use and nicotine. These are well documented and independent of the government or additives - the additives just increase these dramatically, imo. If it was really a war against the mind like you are positing in regards to pot (I personally think it started in the US for primarily racial reasons and secondarily religious reasons and evolved into a money issue for the pharm/prison industries), they would just outright ban it like they did with other drugs. The government presses booze, again imo, to deter from pot, because it is culturally acceptable and because it dumbs down the population/keeps the laboring class quiet and able to cope with their shitty life.

Lastly, tobacco and other stimulants DEFINITELY played a HUGE role in our cultural (and possibly biological) evolution. Stimulants birthed the industrial era. Starting with sugar, then things like: chocolate, tea, coffee, ephedra, khat, cocoa, and finally nicotine. I also definitely think that psilocybin/magic mushrooms played a pivotal role in our evolution. Biological may seem like a stretch but at minimum cultural. I think they are partly responsible for the evolution of language which led to the birth of 'ego' as we know it today. You don't hear people talk about it but many drugs serve as endogenous neurotransmitters . DMT (psilocybin is just phosphorilated DMT), opiods, cannabinoids...these all serve vital functions in our body and curiously enough, their effects endogenously are exactly what our body uses them for.

Note: I don't think shrooms resulted in language alone. I think they were partially responsible along with other factors such as our early ancestors' eating habits which were 'foraging' in nature. They usually had small groups of people and one or a few males would go look for food like a dead carcass and then go back to the others to lead them to the food. This necessitated the ability to communicate information external to ourselves, our spatial location, and temporal location; i.e. things that weren't immediately detectable by our senses/'external' information. No other biological organism on our planet is truly capable of doing this (that I'm aware of) except for bees and ants which do it chemically, again due to their eating habits and their food being in a distant place. Many people argue that chimps have language but this is not really the case. They have the ability to learn and use symbolic language but they lack syntax and the holy grail: concepts. Their 'words', or utterances, refer directly to a physical thing in their immediate sensible reality. If they were to utter the word for dog it wouldn't refer to the concept of dog, it would refer to the specific dog they heard, smelt, saw or touched.
not condoning cigs or drugs

but if we are gonna give out coffee in the work place

why not cigarettes and vicodin?? just saying people..


Active member
Ha... I lit this cigarette for a patient today(in a wheelchair minus a lighter), and just the amount to light it, made me dizzy, have a headache, and I was nauseous as hell. NEVER again will another one go to my mouth. Cigarette smoke makes me so dizzy I feel like I have to throw up... Just thinking about it right now has induced an uncomfortable feeling on my head.:nono:


Eww. Smoking is nasty. Nothing better than a nicotine stained fingers and bad gum disease. Fill your boots, cool guy.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Fist thing you say is "I felt high" sorry but if you think tobacco is getting you "high" you dont know what "high" is


The chemicals in commercial cigarettes are added so that the nicotine becomes a so called "free base" version of nicotine that is more potent, more addicting and more readily absorbed into the blood stream making it "hit" quicker. Its the same technique used to illegally make crack cocaine.

I don't advocate smoking or smoke, but there are cigarettes that add no chemicals, and its quite a different smoking experience compared to commercial brands.

Also most cigarettes aren't pure tobacco leaf like we might assume. But they are made from a combination of tobacco leaf, stem, and tobacco dust off the floor of the manufacturing plant.

If you need to smoke tobacco, buy the most expensive stuff you can, some tobacco suppliers actually care about their product and produce a pleasurable smoking experience, but most of those brands are expensive and obscure. Commercial brands are really poor quality. Beyond having some tobacco around for shamanic rituals or an occasional puff, its best to not smoke. Shamans believe just holding a lit cigarette in your hand will keep evil spirits away, and you can get the benefits from the tobacco without inhaling it.

Inhaling is a perversion of the tradition, most of the natives rub a leaf mixture on certain areas of their skin to absorb the properties.

Overall I think there probably is a place for tobacco in peoples lives, but the deep inhalation and heavy addiction of chemical laden smokes in modern culture is unhealthy and not a respectful use of the plant, its kind of perverted and mis understood. Modern tobacco culture is about addiction and profit, although there is always to sides to the coin.
Fist thing you say is "I felt high" sorry but if you think tobacco is getting you "high" you dont know what "high" is

It's called colorful language. I've been smoking the same bud for months and this was an unexpected change. I thought that was a good way to express it.

No need to be a cock about it, I'll come out and admit that you're way better at getting stoned than I am.


cant wait to get the lung cancer...
get some decent pills out of the deal.

im out,anyone got a smoke i can bum.


Active member
It's called colorful language. I've been smoking the same bud for months and this was an unexpected change. I thought that was a good way to express it.

No need to be a cock about it, I'll come out and admit that you're way better at getting stoned than I am.

I think you're confused. You don't get "high" from a stimulant like you get "high" from a psychedelic stimulant depressant.

Weed has 3 things going on.

Nicotine is fairly one dimensional.

If you're new to nicotine, the "rush" or head change can be very profound.

This is why a lot of people start smoking cigs. They are blown away by the head change.

Very shortly after becomming a habitual user, most of the head change goes away and all the remains are stinky cravings.

If you REALLY want to get a nicotine rush, go buy some pipe tobacco from your "real" smoke shop. Pick something that smells good.

Pack THIS into your bowl and smoke it. WOAH.
Fuck, you people are dense. I said I FELT high, and I've already explained what I meant by it.

And I never said I actually liked tobacco, it was a big, stoned, hypothetical, what if.

Stop trying to stir up controversy where none exists.


Parker Schnobel
I come from a long line of cigarette smokers,been smoking 32 years.To each his own,we smokers know the health risks and the death rate and so forth.Being Villified because smokers smoke isn't fair.Hell In my state there are plenty of places you cannot smoke outside.I enjoy smoking, thats why I continue to do so,and will continue to do so.I equate it this way,If I was walking across the street and was about to be killed by a bus,I sure as hell want to have a cigarette burning.No disrespect to any of the posters here,we all have our opinions and I can respect eveyones here.BC


Nothing against tobacco smokers, smoking can be quite a pleasurable experience and mans relationship with the tobacco plant and the ritual that is smoking, dates back 500 years I'm sure.

I think we must admit that Nicotiana Rusitca is a unique plant amongst many, and man always builds strong bonds to certain plants that contain strong properties.

Tobacco used to be worth its weight in silver.