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I'm not a cigarette smoker, but I just had one after a bowl...


Green Mujaheed
What if tobacco is one of the things "responsible for modern civilization" in the same way that people like terrence mckenna talk about entheogens helping us along?

Actually, tobacco IS an entheogen, and has been kinda civilisation builder since it is the main & number one teaching plant in the American continent. In the Amazon, ayahuasquero-would be gets their first teaching by drinking tobacco (dangerous, don't do it unless you really know what you're doing, for it can simply kill you).

I remember when I spend some vacation in Dominica, I stayed some days at a rasta community, smoking ganja all day long, and partaking da chalice in the evening. Except that the bowl wasn't filled with ganja, but strong homegrown tobacco. Oh boy, what a rush ! I was sitting on a chair when I took my hit, but quickly had to sit on the floor for I was fearing I would tumble down, I would have otherwise eheh...

The island also has a local production for manufactures cigarettes, best I've ever smoked. Every 2-3 ganja cig, i used to light up a tobaccy one and every time it did blasted me big time. After the local jungle sativa, it felt like smoking some heavy couch-lock indica, BAM !

I have a half bundle of Mapacho and I like from time to time burn a small cig or prepare some kiff with it. Very good for mushroom sessions (spirits food), brings in clarity, but taking too many tokes will make you puke haha ! It's just too strong...

Real tobacco has nothing to do with the vast majority of industrial stuff we are sold and when the day comes when MJ gets legalized, chances are high (if ou can call that a chance...) that them suckers do exactly the same with our beloved plant. Turn it into poisonous crap...

Irie !


I hold El Roacho's
Smoking has no value but many down sides, health cost rises for smokers, expensive per pack, smoke stinks your cloths, highly addictive, fingers turn yellow gross looking, and the air you breath out can cause cancer for non smokers, hence should I say any more!

I smoked since I was 12 years old until my 20's and now that I see friends hacking and going down hill people that are young looking like wrinkled old people and they stink makes me feel good I quit.

I have Nothing against people who do smoke, It's just my opinion nothing more nothing less. :bandit:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Nothing against tobacco smokers, smoking can be quite a pleasurable experience and mans relationship with the tobacco plant and the ritual that is smoking, dates back 500 years I'm sure.

I think we must admit that Nicotiana Rusitca is a unique plant amongst many, and man always builds strong bonds to certain plants that contain strong properties.

Tobacco used to be worth its weight in silver.

Actually if it weren't for Tobacco The United States probably wouldn't have ever been developed or would be a small country sharing this continent with the French, Spanish and Portugese.

The initial objective in sending settlers over here was to use them to cultivate the natural resources here and send them back to England. In the beginning because of illness and troubles living compatibly with the local natives, investors in England were starting to lose interest in America. Then one entrepanuer came here with the goal of growing tobacco. He was successful and that renewed investor interest and the rest is history.


Señor Member
....(where none exist)...or (where one does not exist)....just saying :tiphat:

Woop-woop! Grammar police! Actually, "where none exist" would be grammatically incorrect, since "none" is being used to refer to "controversy" which is singular. So basically, he was correct the first time... just saying :tiphat:


Also, NOKUY, I have to tell you... that little chubby kid in your signature creeps me out!!! It's like a trainwreck, I just can't NOT look at him when one of your posts is up on my screen. It's hypnotic, just look at his facial features!!


And I felt high as shit from it. For a few minutes at least.
Light headed, jittery, not paranoid but too-aware-of-shit-feeling.

What if tobacco is just as important to our brains as cannabis?

What if crack or meth where, its just the same, tobbacco is so much like crack, and just as easy to get addicted to.

Even if you stop, you will always have deep inside a lingering craving, dont let it get that far, deny your self the misery that is ciggerette addiction before you start.

However, having said all that, if you want to smoke fags, crack, meth, and any other nasty gear you can get your hands on, do it with my blessing, you will ruin your life, but, it is after all, your life.


Actually if it weren't for Tobacco The United States probably wouldn't have ever been developed or would be a small country sharing this continent with the French, Spanish and Portugese.

The initial objective in sending settlers over here was to use them to cultivate the natural resources here and send them back to England. In the beginning because of illness and troubles living compatibly with the local natives, investors in England were starting to lose interest in America. Then one entrepanuer came here with the goal of growing tobacco. He was successful and that renewed investor interest and the rest is history.

He is correct. Tobacco made the USA a superpower.

The Spanish came to the Americas seeking gold. They went to the places that had gold, took it and when it was gone let the places fall apart. Many of those places today can be considered the third world.

The English came to Jamestown Virginia in 1607 and looked for gold. There wasn't any so they diversified, grew crops and tobacco was a big big hit in Europe. It was an easily exportable crop, people got hooked, and it was renewable. There are many cities on the eastern seaboard with names of major players in tobacco that are used for the names of many popular brands of cigarettes today.

I am not a fan of tobacco, but wanted to give you all a bit of a history lesson and agree with Hempkat. Tobacco is a huge reason that the USA succeeded where Central and South America failed. However, in all fairness the game is not over yet. So who knows who will eventually fail or not.


Actually if it weren't for Tobacco The United States probably wouldn't have ever been developed or would be a small country sharing this continent with the French, Spanish and Portugese.

Oh, so we have smokers to blame for the current hegemony then.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Oh, so we have smokers to blame for the current hegemony then.

No, not smokers they're just addicted. Who you have to blame are the business interests that had and still have no problem with getting people addicted to an unhealthy substance, just so they can make money.


And I felt high as shit from it. For a few minutes at least.
Light headed, jittery, not paranoid but too-aware-of-shit-feeling.

Must be some mediocre weed your smoking if a cigarette straight after a bowl makes you feel high as shit.
Non smokers who smoke a cigarette sometimes say it gives them a little buzz or it makes them a wee bit dizzy but "high as shit" seems far fetched.



"high as shit" seems far fetched.

Possibly over stating things, but if you dont smoke habitually, tobacco can give you quite a head rush, but much like crack, the effect is only good while your a non addict, and since you end up addicted in a week or so id say just knock it on the head before you even go down that road.


sunshine in a bag
yeah, the only good cigarette of the day is the first one... after that it's just to satisfy cravings...

i love the feeling of taking a few drags off of a cig after rousing myself from bed and getting a cup of coffee... but i hate the way my face/fingers smell, i hate the way my mouth tastes after chainsmoking, the hacking and coughing, getting winded easily, etc..

also spending 5$ on a pack each day blows

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