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I'm in a utilities included apartment-oops


h^2 O

Lol disco.

I'm actually looking for a utilities included place so I can run like a dozen 1,000watt...turn all kinds of appliances on before leaving the house...blender, ac, heater, a fish tank pump in an empty bowl, electric leaf blower, old tube tv from the 50s, like 5 George Foreman grills, a projector, an air compressor, couple vhs players


Sorcerer's Apprentice
be easy to build a pedestal bed with a 3 ft interior height and a mattress on top. get an oversized bedspread...


Power Armor rules
Get a big tent and fill it up with lights and plants. A big carbon filter for the smell and you're all set.



sorry but i have more than 150 watts of light on my ceiling fan !! u should really invest in a 400 watt hps, u will get much danker buds !!!


Most utilities included are so because the units in the same building are on one meter. If you are concerned then turn your thermostat up or down two degrees. With a 150w I am sure you are just doing a couple of small plants. I would think about getting a 2 foot 8 lamp T5. You could flower as soon as you have decent roots and do little bushes. Just keep them pretty well trimmed of shade leaves and enjoy your stash.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
sorry but i have more than 150 watts of light on my ceiling fan !! u should really invest in a 400 watt hps, u will get much danker buds !!!

I think you should run 600-1000 watt and stop using your oven (if it is electric) and dishwasher. hand washing dishes is easy, and most everything you need to make in oven can be made in a toaster oven. watch your other electricity use and you will be fine.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I really like the bed idea. I met sketch one up just for the fun of it. You could build vegging and cloning areas, plus a place to keep all nutes and supplies out of sight. Hide the extraction in the headboard piece. Basically just rectangles and some sort of frame.

Another thing you could do if you have the cash is buy a large aquarium tank on a pedestal. There's a dude around here with a hard to pronounce name starting with a G that built an aquarium stealth cab with a couple of 150's (I think). The sound of the aquarium helps to hide the fan noise and explains the humming sounds.

I saw a suitable (with a little added plywood for the back, interior paint and caulking) unit at a petstore today for about ~$650. Might get lucky and find something used on craigslist, or you could build your own. (Big ass aquariums are HEAVY, so plan on building something solid.) You'd have a 55 gallon (I think) aquarium on top of a cabinet with interior dimensions big enough for a 250w.

You'd have to do a no veg sog or short veg scrog in it to make the most of its capabilities and maximize your harvest, but it'd be doable.

Still like the bed idea, though. :)


weed fiend
Been thinking about tricking out one of these. Looks like it's made for growing weed. With a bit of modification you could flower, veg, clone and dry... all in one box. Nice section up top for all the heat causing electronics.

Might have to reinforce the shelves to keep em from bowing. The back is prolly cardboard so I'd mount the fan to the cab ceiling. That way it can be pushed fully against the wall.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
a word of caution.

a word of caution.

I would say 600-1000 watts would be ok if you want to use a 4x4 tent, with double the recommended smell control and fan silencers. I wouldn't be pumping more though. make sure you have really good light sealing too or you wont be able to sleep. However if you do go with that you need a cool tube hood.

400 watts would be perfect for a little cab grow, and much easier, but you still want some sort of cool tube with any hps, even a 150 watt.

that 2000 watt apartment grow I did, I think they suspected shit, they did "random appliance inventory logging." Basically they used it as an excuse to search everyone's apartment around mine to see who it was stinking up the place. They game me like 24 hours notice, but by the time I got the note it was like 15 hours notice. Luckily I was on day 53 of a 56 day cycle. I had to harvest, brake down my whole grow, and hide everything effectively. I boxed everything, then air sealed all the nugs and hid them still wet (dried them later). After all that, my closets were full and I still had a 4 foot tall by 2 foot wide carbon filter to hide. I had no where to put that shit, so I ended up pulling out all my cloths and hiding it in a pile of cloths.

I got away with it but that is when I decided to move. I had a month left there so I sold my mom plants and my gear just in case. a week before I left they came back with zero notice to search the place, but I had nothing left but like 7 grams of personal shit.

This was no med state either. That grow woulda landed me like 20 years. You can imagine that was a nerve wrecking couple of days.


anything more than 400 watts and temperature is most likely going to be a concern, espically for a cab grow... if this guy is worried about 150 watts, i cant imagine how he feels about having to run an a/c for 8-10 hours a day!


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I really like the bed idea. I met sketch one up just for the fun of it. You could build vegging and cloning areas, plus a place to keep all nutes and supplies out of sight. Hide the extraction in the headboard piece. Basically just rectangles and some sort of frame.

Another thing you could do if you have the cash is buy a large aquarium tank on a pedestal. There's a dude around here with a hard to pronounce name starting with a G that built an aquarium stealth cab with a couple of 150's (I think). The sound of the aquarium helps to hide the fan noise and explains the humming sounds.

I saw a suitable (with a little added plywood for the back, interior paint and caulking) unit at a petstore today for about ~$650. Might get lucky and find something used on craigslist, or you could build your own. (Big ass aquariums are HEAVY, so plan on building something solid.) You'd have a 55 gallon (I think) aquarium on top of a cabinet with interior dimensions big enough for a 250w.

You'd have to do a no veg sog or short veg scrog in it to make the most of its capabilities and maximize your harvest, but it'd be doable.

Still like the bed idea, though. :)

sketch up the bed please, that would be cool and you seen to be pretty good with sketch-up, i'm still learning...

i'm the guy with the hard to pronounce name. just call me GP, that'll do... here's some pics of my old cab with the two 150's. has a built in EXHAUST BOX, where the hot smelly exhaust is treated with ozone and pushed out of the cabinet across a layer of carbon.

link to the thread is in my sig. it started out all crowded inside, but i ended up with bare bulbs only and many fewer fans, read the thread...




and yes, the fish tank, pumps, water and gravel weigh over 500 lbs, so much support was built into it...

h^2 O

sketch up the bed please, that would be cool and you seen to be pretty good with sketch-up, i'm still learning...

i'm the guy with the hard to pronounce name. just call me GP, that'll do... here's some pics of my old cab with the two 150's. has a built in EXHAUST BOX, where the hot smelly exhaust is treated with ozone and pushed out of the cabinet across a layer of carbon.

link to the thread is in my sig. it started out all crowded inside, but i ended up with bare bulbs only and many fewer fans, read the thread...




and yes, the fish tank, pumps, water and gravel weigh over 500 lbs, so much support was built into it...
how big are the plants though? They look 6 inches tall. Is still do it. How much bud does it turn out?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
how big are the plants though? They look 6 inches tall. Is still do it. How much bud does it turn out?

4 plants, vegged under 80 watts of flouros for a month until 8 inches tall (which is touching the screen). moved into this cab and scrogged from day 1 of flowering. buds are 4 to 6 inches tall all across the screen like a little pine forest :D

i was able to yield 5 to 6 ozs every 60 days.


EDIT: the plants are a total of about 14-15" tall... scrogged nightly until stretch stopped...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Oh shit that's bad ass dude. Just what i need. Way to grow man.

read the VERY STEALTH link in my sig. Most of the shit pictured here was not necessary.

I ended up with bare bulbs, ballast remotely located in the exhaust box, went to passive intake and exhaust (one fan controlling air flow: neg pressure in grow chamber, positive pressure in the exhaust box...

wish i had a picture of the stripped down efficient cab, but i don't...

Fish tank and cabinet total expense was right around $1100... :eek:

paid for itself as soon as i harvested :D


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Stealth Bed Idea

Stealth Bed Idea

Oops. Somehow I double posted. See below.
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Sorcerer's Apprentice
Stealth Bed Idea

Stealth Bed Idea




This is a queen sized bed. You could use it without a box springs. You could even make it a waterbed, if you wanted.

The 3x3 area would be a good one for up to 400w. The smaller areas could be for veg, moms, clones and drying/storage.

Nice added bonus about this bed is that the mattress will end up being the perfect height if you want to lay a woman down on the bed and "consummate" standing up. (You could also bend her over the bed and she'd be very comfortable.)

(My own real bed, though without the stealth grow component is a similar height and has the same functionality.)