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full time daddy
@00420 naw man, i rarely ever drink the stuff...it'd be nice if that's all it was, it'd be an easy thing to correct...migraines are common on my mom's side of the family, they are very common with her mom's branch of the family, i had been getting mine off and on since before energy drinks as we know it existed, so it's been happening since i was a wee lad and it seems to run in the family

! it's hard to only allow your self a 1/2 toke or 2 and not just keep on puffin'

my migrane and headache specialist says caffine causes headaches...
are u a doctor too? might want to get the truth.....

as for smoke frog, try some sativa, welcome to ic.
any sort of hAZE. indica is the downer.

frog try not to just eliminate energy drink's, what about soda coffee junk food's anything with suger/caffeine or maybe some other combo that you do everyday but really dont realize..... maybe the fam is dealing with the same cocktail of goodies that make the head pound?..... just try'n to help out homie my fam has the throbber's as well for me it was soda/cigg's when i quit both they went away....& yes i know how hard it is to just puff 1/2 to none asthma is a real hit in my life some time's i can't blaze for a week

DIGITALHIPPY i agree with your doc to a point... i think it's more then just caffine but that can be a key ingredient of a migrane, i also agree that caffine helps if not mixed with other ingredient that are helping the head pounder why else would there be 65mg of it in excedrin?
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New member
actually buddy, YOU shuld get the truth, caffine is like weed, it can differ on effects from person to person.
Try eating a MASSIVE "half sheet" brownie made out of the most Paranoiac Master Kush you can get.

If you're as worried as you sound, you will fuQQin die! Not only just because it'll be your first time, BUT IT AINT GONNA STOP FOR HOURS!



lol whatever you do, DONT grow the Bubba Kush !
its simply a DEVASTATING strain that will knock you into a powerful, spinning and pulsating psychedelic realm of pure bliss.
and trust me...
youll be lucky if you can make it all the way up to the couch and sit there at all if you make this your first strain.


Active member
my migrane and headache specialist says caffine causes headaches...
are u a doctor too? might want to get the truth.....

as for smoke frog, try some sativa, welcome to ic.
any sort of hAZE. indica is the downer.


never said i'm a doctor, but i have talked to them as well and disagreed with what your doctor told you

believe me, i have tried, thanks for the advice but it's not advice that benefits me, seriously, a strong indica does the trick amazingly well

i've been living with the migraines off and on since i was a small child, way before any coffee and other badness, my mom made us eat very well as kids and we weren't allowed much bad food at all

again, it runs in the family *i'm a broken record here lol*
@digitalhappy: i never said i was a doctor :-/ caffeine has worked for my headaches in the past, i just don't like that it makes me wired.

@Rig1968: i agree, everything works differently for everybody! we're human, after all.

@Love: I'm growing Bubba but i won't be smoking it. i have some Blue Dream waiting for me :)

we'll see what happensssss! ;-)


Active member
frog try not to just eliminate energy drink's, what about soda coffee junk food's anything with suger/caffeine or maybe some other combo that you do everyday but really dont realize..... maybe the fam is dealing with the same cocktail of goodies that make the head pound?..... just try'n to help out homie my fam has the throbber's as well for me it was soda/cigg's when i quit both they went away....& yes i know how hard it is to just puff 1/2 to none asthma is a real hit in my life some time's i can't blaze for a week

DIGITALHIPPY i agree with your doc to a point... i think it's more then just caffine but that can be a key ingredient of a migrane, i also agree that caffine helps if not mixed with other ingredient that are helping the head pounder why else would there be 65mg of it in excedrin?

@00420 thanks, i appreciate the concern man, i don't drink sodas, i don't smoke cigs, again man, this has been happening since i was a very young kid and we were not allowed many sweets and sodas or anything like that, my mom got them since she was a young child, her mom as well, so on and so forth...c'est la vie, there is a wonderful herb that i have found time and time again makes a world of difference =) thank god for awesome herbs!

actually buddy, YOU shuld get the truth, caffine is like weed, it can differ on effects from person to person.

word up, just like cannabis effects different people in different ways, no 1 person's biology is exactly the same as another's

i'm no doctor though, so at the end of the day, what do i know? ;)


@Love: I'm growing Bubba but i won't be smoking it. i have some Blue Dream waiting for me :)
we'll see what happensssss! ;-)

good choice brother! Bubba is incredible but not what youre looking for. Blue Dream sounds like an excellent choice for you!:jump: its a wonderful smoke, and works WONDERS for my migraines also! it offers a fairly clear head, with a lot of uplift and euphoria, but still has a fairly dazy / dreamy / side to it. ive seen certain lightweights smoke some of my blue dream and go into a physically active, yet non-responsive trance like state of consciousness. definitely a great choice for your first experience!
please, let us know how it goes for you:ying:
Awesome!! glad to hear i picked the right one! now i just gotta figure out when i'm going to smoke it. i have so much work to do this weekend and i don't want it to effect my schedule.
stupid question, how long will the high last??

p.s. I'm a girl :tiphat: haha


lol, my apologies:tiphat:

depends on too many factors: how much you smoke, body weight, metabolism, pretty much everything.. but i would guess that if its your first experience its going to affect you to some extent for the entire day.
no worries!

oyyy, that's gunna suck. or maybe not!
i'm very petite but i'm only planning on taking like two hits cuz everyone keeps saying i should start of slow cuz it'll take a while to hit me.



It will make you tired and sluggish the next day after your first few times. Just takes about an extra hour to get up. The initial peak high your first time will probably be over after 4 hours - up to 6 maybe. I remember tripping out and going on all sorts of adventures just being RIPPED when I started (circa age 15).
wait, 6 hours??!! dayyyuum. will i be coherent during this time? meaning will i still be able to write research papers and stuff?? or am i just gunna want to lay around all day?


I'd recommend stocking up on munchies and definitely not driving. Get about 4-5 times more food than you would need for a movie. I remember being in this video game like trance-- almost what I would call a trip of sorts. I also remember a silence inducing creeping effect growing all over my body. The next few hours are spent laughing my ass off running around in the woods. You can type papers after your first time getting high, but you might want to wait a while for those Shakespeare-type of works to come out once you get used to the herb.

But if you only take two good hits it will be over in like 3 hours. You will seem really zombied out the rest of the day your first time though so avoid authority figures.


weird, haven't read through this thread, so this may have been suggested, and you may not like the idea of this, but taking mushrooms, even in small doses, relieves cluster headaches, not just for the duration of the trip, but like a month or more after the trip.

Either way, you should try toking up sometime, it can be really great, a little scary the first time, for me anyway. You should be outside in a good setting when you do. Maybe even wait till your done with school.

I meet some dude in the dampkring grow shop who grew but didn't smoke, but I am sure he's smoked before.
shrooms are a good suggestion although i'm not sure i'm ready for that.

dude, you guys are scaring me a little! haha that sounds like a CRAP LOAD of food, does it have to be munchies or can i make a healthy meal? do you ONLY crave munchies when you're high??


full time daddy
i crave FOOD....... when smoking

it dont matter if it's a salad or a candy bar....... .......... mmmmm nacho'S.....


Active member
@zoe just take one tiny little puff, then wait 10 minutes are so, if that is just fine then don't take anymore, if it isn't then take one more tiny little puff

you don't want to get super stoned to the point that you get paranoid or can't function well for a bit, that's no fun

you should make sure you have some munchies, 4-5 x a movie's worth of munchies seems super excessive to me, but hey, it'd be better to have plenty than to not have enough i suppose ;)

you asked about what kind of munchies, ANYTHING! anything you like that is. i love to cook a bomb dinner for my wife after a little smoke, my baked salmon kicks ass and the avocado and greens and snap peas doused with fresh lime juice salad is off the hook

it doesn't have to be junk food, i'd advise highly against empty calorie crap in any situation, of course it is nice to indulge in a bomb cheesecake or some ben n jerry's ice cream on occasion *droool...chocolaaaaate!!* bacon chocolate actually is a favorite not good for ya' munchie of mine, i can usually only eat a few pieces though, but man is it rich! *craving it just thinking about it!*

whatever you decide upon, have fun and be safe!
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